View Poll Results: is roid rage fact or fiction?

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  • yes its real

    112 48.91%
  • no its not

    83 36.24%
  • not sure

    34 14.85%
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Thread: roid rage

  1. #41
    Mike Guest
    It's both - like gator said

    It is an excuse for some, and psychosematic for others and valid for others.

    Trust me - wait till I am on cycle and some newbie asks:

    "Hey i just got something called parabolan - I KNOW it's real cause this guy in the gym says it is - so how do i take it? I was thinking I would take an injection every 10 days and cycle it with clambutteroil??"

    THEN you will see that i get more aggressive on juice MUCH more irritable and less tolerant/patient.

  2. #42
    Mugs Guest
    I said no. Personaly, when I am on, I am happier and leff likley to jump down someones throat. I have had many discussions with my doctor and he states that there is NO documentation in the medical jornal that proves anything. I agree with mike and gator. If you are a fuck head like some of the users are.... you will be more of a fuck head because the juice says "you can" It gives an excuse and mentaly you know you are stronger/bigger than you were last month. I think ego plays a big part in this. Test for example should give you a sense of well being....

  3. #43
    Mike Guest
    yes Mugs is right - test does make you feel better - rage is an excuse for most, but I do believe it does exist - but it will never be something that can be studied or documented - think about it - rage or aggressiveness or not measureable things - how do you study steroids' effects on them?

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I have to admit, i am sort of a f**k head. But i am now in my third week of my bukling, and i think i am the" happy steriod guy".
    I f there ever was such a thing. I am very tollerant, but i am trying extra hard to make sure that i am positive at all times.
    I don't believe in being sold out on the roid rage idea. Even though tolerences are lower, anyone on AS needs to keep there COOL.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2001


    Just finished my first cycle and did not get any rage, that pissed me off.

  6. #46
    Took dbol when I was 18 was wakeing up in the morning pissed off and wanting to just kick someone or things ass got me in a lot of trouble quit then and did not use untill I was older and ready..

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by Johnny_Utah79
    Just finished my first cycle and did not get any rage, that pissed me off.
    best answer yet
    What happens here, stays here

  8. #48
    this is the reason Test and me do not get along. Get moody as hell. Never had many problems with winny or EQ and Deca. Rather stick to that the D-ball, Test, Anadrol.

  9. #49
    Sorry rather not stick to D-ball, test and anadrol

  10. #50
    OK my .02, testosterone is the male hormone that makes men men right?? Now when you neuter a dog and take away it's nat test they mellow out, don't run ect. Now obviously if you increase testosterone in your body you will become more aggressive. I don't give a flyin fukk what anyone says, it is a hormone & when they are imbalanced they cause behavior changes in our body's & minds. Now if your a d!ck to begin with it ain't gonna help. If you know that at the moment you feel your blood pressure spike over something dumb it's cause of the xtra test. You all feel it when you get angry when your on, but it's all about self control. IT'S ALL IN YOUR MIND! If you can't control yourself & your anger, then AS is not for you. To make things even more interesting add some alcohol to an A-hole juicer & see what you get...not pretty. But roid rage is very real, in your mind...but no one else has to know that you wanna disembowel them....right??

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    TRy Halo and you will see a big difference in your mood. It makes you want to beat the shit out of everyone you see. Even though it doesnt mean to do it, it is a mighty impulse but you have to control it.

  12. #52
    Join Date
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    the vast wasteland
    i think the juice excacerbates an existing mood thats already there. if your a rager off, you're gonna be a rager on too , just worse probably. lets face it your attitudes say much about you as a person and the gear just intensifies this. im pretty mellow whether off or or on..................

    peace bb79

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Y'all Ain't Gonna Believe This, But . . .

    Originally posted by Mike
    yes Mugs is right - test does make you feel better - rage is an excuse for most, but I do believe it does exist - but it will never be something that can be studied or documented - think about it - rage or aggressiveness or not measureable things - how do you study steroids' effects on them?
    The question of roid rage has been around for years, so it would make sense that it actually has been addressed from a clinical perspective.

    So just for the hell of it, I did a PubMed search (at and - I kid you not - found two publication references to studies that have addressed this question:

    1: Breuer ME, McGinnis MY, Lumia AR, Possidente BP. Related Articles
    Aggression in male rats receiving anabolic androgenic steroids: effects of social and environmental provocation.
    Horm Behav. 2001 Nov;40(3):409-18.
    PMID: 11673914 [PubMed - in process]

    2: Tricker R, Casaburi R, Storer TW, Clevenger B, Berman N, Shirazi A, Bhasin S. Related Articles
    The effects of supraphysiological doses of testosterone on angry behavior in healthy eugonadal men--a clinical research center study.
    J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1996 Oct;81(10):3754-8.
    PMID: 8855834 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    I haven't read the articles, but chances are that they include references or citations to other articles or previous studies. Also, the search term I used was "roid rage," and chances are that there are additional studies that would be picked up using alternative keyword phrases.

    Some people will do anything for research funding . . .

  14. #54
    Mike Guest
    Yup - I have actually read those studies - I work for a pharm. company who produces drugs for HIV/AIDS victims so the test supps for wasting is studied a lot - including sides like "roid rage" and yes they have studied it - but I dont believe it's really something that will ever be accurately studied - who is to say whether it is psychosematic or real? how do you measure or define "rage"? But I stand on my original thought.....roid rage is real to an extent....

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I need to edit my prior post on the"rage" The past 3 days in a row have been bad. I am totally impatiant, it is not in my head. It is happening without trying. It is some what frighting, and i am imbaressed cause of the temper problem.

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    people that lose there cool.........then try to blame it on roids. my 2 cents is that its all bull-shit. either your cool or not .......roids have nothing to do about it.

  17. #57
    its real, learing to control your anger is key

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    real, yand no

    If your male hormones are rising, so your male behaviour does.

    In my case:

    I'm more edgie, more agressieve, more libido.

    It is so that, (if I'am driving) Ican becaume very irritated more easily, and there have been situations, that it was hard for me to stay in control.

    Is this rage, you tell me.

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: real, yand no

    Originally posted by dino2
    Is this rage, you tell me.
    ROID RAGE!!!

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by The original jason
    ...Everyone has anger inside and different peope deal with things in different ways I hate violence but when im on the juice sometimes I feel myself being more angry and wanting to say things to people who tread in my personal space whereas sometimes when im straight I would let it pass. Im far from a bully and dont fight if I dont have to infact cant remember the last time but it definately increases anger in me...
    Could'nt agree more... I think you would have to be in denial or be very misinformed to think that the juice does not increase agression! The question is... can you deal with it? It seems fairly cut and dry to me... If you're an alcoholic, you should never drink! If you're a "rageoholic" you should never do steroids! JMO

  21. #61
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I think roid rage is real, but depending how you harness that energy it can be a good thing.

  22. #62
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Well ?

    I am a bit of a "Clicksta" as one of my friends puts it. I tend to have a small threshhold. But it depends on how I am feeling. When I am feeling centred I tend to let things that annoy me go.

    RRage? Well I think juice helps with aggression. Why the fuck do you lift so much more when on it? Dosn't mean it is an excuse to kill you wife, or gfriend. Plus I think some people think, I AM ON GEAR, so they think themself into RR type attitude.

    Who ever it was that stated alcohol and gear is not a good combo, I must agree. It has in the past(when I was a bit younger and dumber)(whilst on a few amps of sus/week) been tempting whilst pissed to test out my strenght. BUT THIS TIME ON HUMANS.

    So you are out and some guys are being fuck wits and you decide to give shit to them. Cause you know you are going to come off better,lol(that might not be the truth but it certainly feels that way in your head). And so on and so on. And no I never got my ass kicked (just incase you were wondering)

    Now does juice aid in aggression, YES.
    Is that an excuse to loose your head, NO
    If anything we should be EXTRA CALM, as we need to break the mold of - STERIODS PRODUCE RIOD RAGE! Cause we don't need that!

    We all should aim to - BE LARGE AND IN CHARGE (and that includes being in charge of our anger)

    Now I am still trying to practace what I preach, I am not immune to anger outburst(when off).

    Hope that thing about starting fight when I was younger DIDN'T make me look bad!


  23. #63
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Hell I didn't understand how hormones can really make you &&%^&^ crazy, until I started juicing.
    Hell, look at women they blame everything on PMS, why can't we blame this on gear? hee just kidding ladies.
    Hell it is scientific, hormones can do all kinda strange chit to ya.. My vote is: HELL YES..

  24. #64
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I agree with what people say that if you have a short fuse as won't help but if generally your a passive person it might not affect you. i have heard that you just don't have very much patience when on as. I don't know because i have yet to take my first cycle so this is just my opinion.

  25. #65
    Join Date
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    New York
    I havent taken a cycle yet either so i cant give my personal experieces. But i think it comes down to are you happy ? Are you happy with what is going on around u (family work school etc) To be honest i havent been able to find a job for a while im doing decent in school but ive been broke and havent been goin out a lot and im young missing out on some good tiems casue i get get a decent job and it pisses me off and i find myself snaping at people mostly good friends and family. I feel terrible about it and i do try to fight it but i knwo the reason why im acting like a dickhead is cause im stressed and not happy with my current situation. Now if you happy with your girl job family and whatever else then there is no reason to be edgy and snap on people. I think it comes down to that and im kinda worried that the edgy dickhead attiture i grew from being unhappy with my current siutation will continue while im sterodis i really hope it doesnt. Thats my cents

  26. #66
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Great post BK...I've wondered this for a while now.

    As for me, I'm generally mild tepered (probably do to THC intake ). I'm on my 7th week of my Sust/EQ/Winny cycle. I haven't had a "roid rage" incident as of yet, but I definitely have an increase aggression and attitude. I believe, at least in my case, that when I have to stop smoking weed here in a few days (due to internship this summer) my aggression will rise dramatically. I feel sure of this...

    I was at the bar with my g/f and a few other friends lat night. I had a few beer and shots in me. I told my g/f how I was feeling that night. I described my feeling as "feeling like I could rip the top of the bar"...LOL...and I wasn't bullshitin' her either. I was just standing there talking to her, waiting for somebody to disrespect her or me in any way so I could vent my rage.

    Now, before I get flamed, let me say that I realize this is an immature attitude. I normally don't "sit around" and wait for someone to piss me off. I'm just being honest as to how I felt. I dred quitting weed while I'm still running my cycle...


    Big Rush

  27. #67
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by Sicilian30
    Hell I didn't understand how hormones can really make you &&%^&^ crazy, until I started juicing.
    Hell, look at women they blame everything on PMS, why can't we blame this on gear?
    LOL... Great analogy bro!


  28. #68
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Fortress of Soltitude,North Pole
    Never had one, but I've always been a very mellow individual.Even when on gear I can rationalize with some of my other friends who have "Rages", but have never had them personallynor would I ever want to. I have witnessed hundreds in gyms,clubs,in the passenger seat,beaches,.......e.t.c.. Seems to be the "trendy: thing to do for some of the teenie-AS-misusers. I think it's kinda pathetic.:/:
    Last edited by Kid Shred; 04-27-2002 at 01:45 AM.

  29. #69
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Mostly its an excuse. A groan man can control his temper...especially when he's on gear. There are times when its tempting to wig out on someone, but again...maturity should kick in. Unless you're 18 and have something to prove.
    By the way isn't this an old thread from a while back. Just curious.

  30. #70
    Join Date
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    Southside Jamaican Queens
    Im not sure myself...i mean i have seen studies with test enanthate at 400mg/wk reporting no change in mood, temper etc..but i myself felt a little more edgy when i dunno..prolly all depends on the person

  31. #71
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    I don't believe that it's an excuse. My experience with people when they are on is that they get more irritable and are bothered easier by the little things.

  32. #72
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    G child that is right on, I am a bit edgy, like being really stressed sometimes, and go off with a short fuse, but nothing like just breaking chit or beating things...
    For example, if I set something down, and it falls, I set it down again, and it falls, I am a mad Mofo. Little stuff like that, sets me off...

  33. #73
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Sicilian, I have the same prob. with little shit like that...

  34. #74
    Join Date
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    There is no place like ho
    Must be a Lowseyanna thing eh Big????

  35. #75
    Join Date
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    Pasadena, Texas
    ik believe its real but it doesnt excuse us from from trying extra hard to let go of petty BS that happens.

    im on fina and i feel the 'a$$holeness' now and then and i try to give extra tolerence when i feel my 'tude comming on.

  36. #76
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    imho i think its something that propoganda spitting anti steroids groups and the news made up to give anabolics a bad name because they really dont know shit about them, generally proven we mock what we dont understand..

  37. #77
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    don't know if it's rage i feel, but sometimes i do feel a little over agression so i just go at it with my speed bag in the cellar.when driving it's totally different when we're stopped at red light and other person isn't paying attention and doesn't go when it's green , or when someone is tailgating me. (that really pisses me off) the wiper fluid on my truck shoots out like a friggin hose hits the windshield, and shoots over the truck. so, i hit them on a couple of times, and look in the rear view at the car behind me all drenched with the wiper fluid. they ease up a bit, and as soon as i see there wipers go on i laugh my @ss off.

  38. #78
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I've never raged. It seems to me that people with anger/temper problems just make them worse with juice

  39. #79
    Join Date
    May 2002

    roid rage!

    roid rage isn't an outright 'AS' issue. in context, human nature, the will of an individual and persistance and more so striving for excellence are rightly responsible. AS is rather a scape goat for many an individuals imaturity and the attempt to avoid self character assasination.

    the exception might be andarol 50 as it's potent! not everyone uses this steroid for excessive periods? realistically and for good reasons, i believe most people aren't so commited to cycling AND-50. that is once they've researched the side effects of this oral!

    roid rage either derives from obsessive wanting behaviour and or mental instability. so introduce mental health to the list. mental health is also an issue entering adulthood. AS abuse, may impact the delicate balance of homeostasis. however, we must consider the cosmetic make up of an individual's character. in short were all different.

    if one is mature enough to use AS therapy, with sensible goals, you will see realistic returns from the chores and endeavours of bodybuilding!interestingly, if one notices symptoms first hand, on the spot management is essential. please take deep short breaths and please avoid grid lock at all costs! red.

  40. #80
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    it really depends on the person. so it is false in my opinion. I only noticed a slight impatience when I sued fina for the first time,but being highly aware I was on fina it passed and now I feel that I am the same.

    Except one time I got real angry and felt my head get very hot. i could feel instant heat rising from my neck. but I did not do anything.

    like I tell people. It is like in the movie FIGHT CLUB.He did all that destruction but in the end he realized "The gun is min my hand"

    have control of your life, if you do not, do not use AS or any drug,not even alcohol.

    I work as a waiter on the midnight shift so if AS makes you more pissed off, I'd be fired right now.

    I am going to be on adding halo to my combo and you will know the true nswer. the fina/halo/test combo,supposedly the ultimate anti-anger mangaement stack.


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