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Thread: Insulin+hgh advice needed

  1. #1

    Insulin+hgh advice needed

    im having a hard time finding protocalls for this sort of cycles, every result ive found so far is with a lot of other drugs mixed together as well. ive read plenty on hgh alone and insulin alone, still have found very little/conflicting ideas on when used together.

    if you have a link or info on insulin used with hGH it would be very helpful.

    Reason for posting about this now is that ive finally found pharmaceutical growth hormone. i am self administering because of a degenerative disease in my cartilage (i can not opt for a life enhancing therapy including hGH/IGF/GHRH/PRP in my country). just looking for some info on what exactly is to be gained to use both at the same time, or i would just run them on their own with a pause between.

  2. #2
    come on, as if no one here has used those two together

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Why do you want to use insulin? What are your stats now? Did you search this board at all?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by OnTheSauce View Post
    Why do you want to use insulin? What are your stats now? Did you search this board at all?
    ive heard plenty of times that it has synergistic effect, stuff that enhances the effect of the hGH is interesting to me...

    i did use the search function for hGH+insulin, got little results

    stats: injured. lost bodyweight, unable to recover. multiple disc degeneration, cartilage degeneration in knees.
    former weightlifter on a national level, current record holder in my category...

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    In all honesty at 20 years old and your experience these 2 drugs shouldn't be used. Concentrate on training properly and making sure you understand how to eat correctly because without doubt these areas will need a lot of correction at your age, even though you may think they don't. HGH and slin are not for a 20yrs with your history and experience

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    In all honesty at 20 years old and your experience these 2 drugs shouldn't be used. Concentrate on training properly and making sure you understand how to eat correctly because without doubt these areas will need a lot of correction at your age, even though you may think they don't. HGH and slin are not for a 20yrs with your history and experience
    i dont think you are getting the point, i suffer every day from chronic pain and it has been like this for two years now. This is not something that the body can repair, not a matter of time - it can not be fixed by it self at all! It will get worse and only that is certain, still disc degeneration can be stopped with growth hormone if actions are taken at early stages.

    I dont care about the food, it doesnt matter to me where the calories come from because i am not thinking about how i look. If i were able to train as i used to i would think more about it but it doesn't matter now. Physical therapy is everything i do now, core exercises to prevent further injuries, still able to get injured while doing that...

    Aside from age, my history and experience should make me a more than acceptably "qualified" illegal substance user on this board (lol)

    its sorta a matter of if id like to risk some endochrine health for changing the fact that i can only postpone going to a wheelchair to having the chance of not going to it at all

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Even more reason why you shouldn't touch hgh and slin at your age.... You ask and you got my opinion up to you if you disregard it. I am not here to argue the point your choice but your going to be in a worse state if you use hgh and slin at 20yrs IMHO.

    best if luck

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Even more reason why you shouldn't touch hgh and slin at your age.... You ask and you got my opinion up to you if you disregard it. I am not here to argue the point your choice but your going to be in a worse state if you use hgh and slin at 20yrs IMHO.

    best if luck
    not trying to be a nag now but what bad could come from the GH, do you have any links to researches on GH suppression in the body? i havent found anything on that so far, if you have something ive missed then it would be great to see that. i might reconsider if you have something scientific on this

    in regards of the insulin, i would be monitored and lead by a qualified person to deal with the possibly fatal side effect. And as with the GH i have not found much on the long term risk (aside from possible insulin resistance increase) that would make it a worse substance for a younger person to use. but i have found plenty on the opposite, older people face bigger risks when using it!

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