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Thread: Need Help!!!

  1. #1

    Need Help!!!

    ok first off this is my third cycle I know im not suppose to be taking this many things already im 19 and im on the cutting stack off buysteroids .com and I have been taking the recommended doses off the bottle ( is what I did with the previous cycles and had great results) im on day 3 right now and I've have been getting crazy cramps I drink more then 1 gallon a day and when I try to do cardio after my workout and my legs cramp up so hard I cant even bend my legs and I end up walking like a penguin to the bathroom to chug like 4 bottles of water. I also get this during this during workout just not as bad. I don't know what the problem is maybe someone with knowledge can tell me what maybe is the problem I also take the black bottle that is called Pituitary Growth Hormone . also I have to note that I just came back to lifting after not lifting for about 3 weeks due to moving into a new place and partying and bullshit and im starting to get my life back together . help is appreciated
    also im not getting my musle pumps as before like I use to? mabe my body is just getting back to it and the orals will kick in soon ? or im just a bitch right now idk
    sorry for the fail grammar or spelling and wall of text ..... first post
    will take eny criticism thanks !

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    There is no way you should be taking steroids at 19yrs old and shutting down your natural testosterone but if you have bought steroid alternatives from the site above you will be fine they are not steroids and just supplements.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    disregard this i have no comment

  4. #4
    Were you aware, when you bought them, that they contained no real steroids?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Hey, if they are working , that's a good thing.

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