Hey guys,
I've been training for 10 years. And I'm ready to venture into the "dark side". I was a 230 lb 30% BF overweight guy until I pulled myself together. I did it without any aid of additional help/supplements.
Is this a good base for me to start my first cycle?... Does it look like I've maxed my natty potential?
Age : 29
Height : 6'0
Current BF - 14-15%??
Weight : 190 lbs
Training experience : 10 years
Please feel free to critique.
Can someone guesstimate my body fat percentage. I'm very vascular, however, I'm guessing my body fat is around 14-15%?? Should I cut more before I begin?? ... I'm starting in 3 months anyways, so I guess that would be enough time to get inside the desired bf range (10-12%) to begin a cycle?
Appreciate any help. Thanks.