First off a few stats.
42 years old
250 lbs
6'4 height
-ConCret Creatine Optimum Amino tabs plus assorted high doses of Multi Vitamins.
Lifting off and on for 20 years.
Last 3 years have been 4 days weekly minimum.
I look like I lift weights---but I don't have 'THAT' look. Does that make sense?
Goals : fat loss and increased muscle. What else is there?
I've been on TRT for about 5 months and this is my first ever cycle.
TRT-200 mg Test Cyp weekly divided into 2 injections// HCG divided into 2 injections// Anastrazole @ one half tab every other day.
HOWEVER--for the last 2 weeks I've upped my Test to 500 mg /week divided into 2 injections.
Recent blood Test} {@200mg work showed TESTOSTERONE FREE TOTAL WITH SHBG :700 and my TOTAL ESTROGENS :87
Not the MOST accurate Estrogen test was given by the lab as it does NOT show my Estradiol (E2..but I will be re-testing next week with a private lab.
Yes. I'm aware of the risks involved with Tren.
Yes I'm aware of how POTENTIALLY dangerous this compound is.
Yes I'm as aware as I could be.
I made the decision for Tren but if the sides become unbearable I will 100% discontinue use ASAP. This is a LOW DOSE of Tren.
Today was my first injection.
Tren A--30 mg. YES...only 30. I will be injecting every other day @ 30mg for the first 4 doses--if all goes well--I may leave it there OR go to 50. If 30 yields anything--I'll leave it there.
Test Cyp-250 mg.
A few questions...
--I understand the Test should be lower than the Tren. But if I'm only on 200mg of Tren A weekly MAXIMUM--should I just keep my original TRT Test Cypionate dose of 200mg/week?
--How much HCG should I be on?
--How much Anastrazole should I be on?
I understand that controlling the E2 levels are the key for normal sexual function. I also understand that Prami or Caber should be used from day 1.
I'm holding off on the Prami for now.