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Thread: ANYone heard of Macrotest ?

  1. #1

    Question ANYone heard of Macrotest ?

    My friend has a bottle of Macrotest but i cant seem to find any info anywhere on this particular steroid. It seems to be aratest to me with the 200mg enanthate and 50mg prop per ml. It even saise aratest 2500 in real small letters righ under the name Macrotest. Id appreciate any feedback if anyone has more info on this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    friendswood Tx
    I just got a bottle of it iam not schure if its real of fake? under the Macrotest it says aratest and it has 200mg and 50mg and its exp date is 05? I dont no if we got the real stuf or not? when did u get yours? and what does the bottle look like and have u used ant yet?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    mine says the exact same stuff whataguyuno

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Aratest is a relative new comer to the Mexican vet test market. In a 10 ml bottle, with a mixture of 200 mg enanthate and 50 mg propionate, it provides a great alternative to higher priced compounds. It is very similar to sustanon, but users have reported that it's even better. It contains both a fast acting testosterone(propinate), and a slower acting one(enanthate), which makes the two a very good combination.

    This is a very good steroid for beginners and experienced steroid users. This steroid alone can easily add 10-25lbs of mass to a first time user. With the testosterone enanthate in this product, a user can expect to have some water retention. Stacking aratest along with deca durabolin, and dianabol, will make one of the best mass/strength building cycles available today. A user should also have nolvadex on hand, especially at higher dosages.

    The current bottle has a black flip top. There is a picture in the pictures section as well.

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