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Thread: Returning member.. here to help you guys out if you need my help.

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Standing Above Weakness
    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    Hey while waiting for doc to reply, have you read this:

    Pleurisy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Under "Causes", I would imagine yours is idiopathic.

    What did your doctors find anyway, nothing?
    Pleurisy.. I've heard of this before but had no idea what it was. Doctors have never mentioned this to me before but this is very interesting.. thanks AD - appreciate it. I'm definitely going to bring this up to the next doc I see.

    correct, doctors findings have always been 'nothing'. One even called me paranoid. A few years ago, I wore a heart monitor for a week and they said they saw nothing abnormal.
    Last edited by Igifuno; 11-15-2013 at 05:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Pleurisy.. I've heard of this before but had no idea what it was. Doctors have never mentioned this to me before but this is very interesting.. thanks AD - appreciate it. I'm definitely going to bring this up to the next doc I see.

    correct, doctors findins have always been 'nothing'. One even called me paranoid. A few years ago, I wore a heart monitor for a week and they said they saw nothing abnormal.
    but Igi, all i did was give you a name. it doesn't mean that its something you need to fix. my own personal view about medicine is, if its not life threatening (in your case, a heart attack), and if the symptoms go away with simple medications (in your case, just emptying your lungs), then i would just leave it alone. chasing it further with more investigations will just make your dr rich. doesn't make you better at all. but thats just me

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Standing Above Weakness
    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    but Igi, all i did was give you a name. it doesn't mean that its something you need to fix. my own personal view about medicine is, if its not life threatening (in your case, a heart attack), and if the symptoms go away with simple medications (in your case, just emptying your lungs), then i would just leave it alone. chasing it further with more investigations will just make your dr rich. doesn't make you better at all. but thats just me
    its the long term I'm worried about. I've been convinced for years that I will die of a heat attack or some kind or heart failure. Maybe I am paranoid but the chest pains are not in my head. I just want to know that I'm going to live long, and this sh*t has been on my mind for years.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    but Igi, all i did was give you a name. it doesn't mean that its something you need to fix. my own personal view about medicine is, if its not life threatening (in your case, a heart attack), and if the symptoms go away with simple medications (in your case, just emptying your lungs), then i would just leave it alone. chasing it further with more investigations will just make your dr rich. doesn't make you better at all. but thats just me
    shhhhh… you're cutting down my income bro loll

    Pleuritis is pretty serious, luckily he doesn't have this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by docdoc View Post
    shhhhh… you're cutting down my income bro loll

    Pleuritis is pretty serious, luckily he doesn't have this.
    wow, a panic attack?! i wouldn't have guessed!

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