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Thread: How to tell and old man to go away!

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I have one at my gym. A little creepy with the girls also. He just doesnt stop.

    I just politely tell him I gotta lift. Have a good day

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by DPTUK View Post

    Every day it's the same old routine.

    ....he proceeds to follow me around and copy everything I do and ask 20 questions and get in my way and starts wanking me in between sets!

    I have told him hundreds of times, gym time is for working out and talk time is after.

    He doesn't get the hint. I think he is senile.

    I can't exactly be rude to him and tell him to F off cos he is an old man and I just don't have it in me to do that but also am sick of trying to sneak around to avoid him!

    Last week I ended up doing cardio instead of weights because I figured once he leaves I can go train. It's gotten ridiculous!

    Solutions please!
    Changed to what you really wanted to say :}

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    In my house
    He probably just wants a shower buddy, quit being so self centered and go take a nice hot shower with him.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I see absolutely nothing wrong in being firm, and extremely clear, that you do not like talking while working out but would be happy to converse afterwards. I really do not get the whole being rude to get your point across idea?!? There are enough assholes in the world already, we do not need another one!


    "I stay mostly by myself, but it's OK, they know me here"
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  5. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    There in every gym. I get that a lot being a trainer and getting close to
    their age bracket, yikes!, so it's hard to be rude because they may be a potential client. Just tell him your new training requires continuous focus and not much rest and have to talk to you after the workout. Chances are you won't see him then and if you do, "I have to get back to work". Then shake his hand and say i'll see you later. That won't make him feel like your blowing him off. Funny how those types of interactions you may be dealing with daily can wear on ya.

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