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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #8161
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Come on we will load you up on NPP and you'll be fine !!!
    Nope, never again or decline. Ive done too much in the past when I was younger which caused a fair bit of damage. I'll leave that to you mate

  2. #8162
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300

    I always keep good strict form with pulldowns and try and crunch my back up on the contraction, I go as heavy as possible without transferring the stimulation onto my biceps or lower back swinging the weight down.

    Hand spacing is normally just over shoulder width but as strange as it sounds close grip is far better than wide grip for width development, the stretch is greater of the two points of the lats and contraction is better with close grip. I switch it up often and change many hand placing because the back is huge and many different muscles so a variation is needed for full back development IMHO
    ^^^^ this

    Lat pull downs are a great example of mind/muscle connection IMO. You can feel the full stretch and range of motion. It like you feel every fiber working.

  3. #8163
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300

    Nope, never again or decline. Ive done too much in the past when I was younger which caused a fair bit of damage. I'll leave that to you mate
    I won't do em either anymore. Just smith inclines at various angles. It's doin the job for me

  4. #8164
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    Wow thanks...I never knew this about grip placement. I always go as wide as I can but now I think I'm going to change that up a bit
    Think about that and what Marcus said. Basically if you go too wide you lose range of motion. Less motion = less muscle worked. Makes sense, right? Variety is key with back.
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  5. #8165
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    going to add in a few super sets in this week, i like the idea of the close grip bench followed by skull crushers, or maybe vice versa... heavy, 4-5 reps each set

    do you guys plan each workout? or just go with what you feel like doing at the time? i guess sometimes it would depend how busy the gym is and what equipment is available at the time... unless you have a gym in your basement or..
    Pretty much that. I know what part I'll be working that day but I decide what movements I'm going to do when I get there. There are.days when I'll go in intending to work say shoulders, but once I start warming up I decide to work my traps and triceps. I guess I could say I loosely plan, subject to change at a moments notice

  6. #8166
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Sounds like you have your head on right chad. Good plan of attack as you move forward into the next chapter.

    As for the demons, stay close to us here for support. Many of us battle with them as well.
    Not i. Them demons know better than to fvck with me! Bwahahahaha-ha.

  7. #8167
    marcus300's Avatar
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    My arms are still sore

  8. #8168
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fcastle357 View Post
    Hey guys just checking in. Finished my third week of pct. Feel good but that drive to jump on is already back. It's hard to be off and watch others be on. I won't cycle again until march most likely. The drive to lift is as strong as ever but when you don't have those androgens flowing through you it's a mental fvck fest. I know how to eat and lift to grow but it's just not the same. Slow and steady sucks but in the long term for me and my goals it's ok. Every one here is looking good except for java man.
    Hey! I said I'm working on it!

    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    The drive to go back on cycle lol its horrible isn't it. The old devil and angel chatting away on your shoulders drives us insane
    I'm at 8 weeks, going into 9, PCT ended a while ago. It is horrible, but necessary.

    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    I know what you mean bro believe me....ITS NOT THE SAME lol but its well worth the wait. We gonna make it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fcastle357 View Post
    It's awful. Planning out my next cycle three times a day..... Justifying an earlier start date six times a day. Telling myself I'm getting weaker and smaller while everyone else is becoming a monster. Ahhhghhggghh
    Lmao. I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that

  9. #8169
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    Warm ups/streches/rotator cuffs

    DB Press
    85sx6, drop 75'sx4

    Side Lateral Raises
    40x6, drop 35sx6

    Reverse fly Rear Delt
    220x6, drop 200x4

    Traps... shrugs. Pulled a trap muscle, nothing serious. Immediately went to work on it with the roller and I'll take tomorrow of and be fine Tuesday. Jinxed myself I think .. I mentioned something about pulling a muscle on here yesterday.

    Ate big today.. just had some spinach, brussel sprouts, and a HUGE peice of lasagne.. gonna wash it down with a protien shake in a few.

  10. #8170
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    You look huge ig. Good work.

  11. #8171
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    Thanks man.. appreciate it Working hard and owe a lot of progress to everyone here for the insight on new training techniques I've been implementing. Great motivation and great community we've fostered here in this thread!

  12. #8172
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post

    Warm ups/streches/rotator cuffs

    DB Press
    85sx6, drop 75'sx4

    Side Lateral Raises
    40x6, drop 35sx6

    Reverse fly Rear Delt
    220x6, drop 200x4

    Traps... shrugs. Pulled a trap muscle, nothing serious. Immediately went to work on it with the roller and I'll take tomorrow of and be fine Tuesday. Jinxed myself I think .. I mentioned something about pulling a muscle on here yesterday.

    Ate big today.. just had some spinach, brussel sprouts, and a HUGE peice of lasagne.. gonna wash it down with a protien shake in a few.
    Damn bro ..hate to hear that about your trap....had to be painful

  13. #8173
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    My arms are still sore
    So are my legs a bit. From Wednesday.
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  14. #8174
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    Damn bro ..hate to hear that about your trap....had to be painful
    Not too bad actually, I felt it coming and racked the DBs, but it was too late. I've torn it a hell of a lot worse than today. I've been icing it and keeping it moving all day and I'll be fine day after tomorrow.

  15. #8175
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Not too bad actually, I felt it coming and racked the DBs, but it was too late. I've torn it a hell of a lot worse than today. I've been icing it and keeping it moving all day and I'll be fine day after tomorrow.
    How many more weeks on cycle do you have IG?

  16. #8176
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    about 6 weeks left.. 1/2 way done. Looking forward to wrapping it up. This will be my last ride with tren.

    Excited about getting the bp down and getting bloodwork post pct.

    Will begin looking into my next cycle soon, but I think it may be a while. I would like to run anadrol (never have) but am concerned about bp. Not sure if its just the tren or if drol would have the same effect. Primobolan is on the list of maybes.. but still have some more research ahead.

  17. #8177
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    about 6 weeks left.. 1/2 way done. Looking forward to wrapping it up. This will be my last ride with tren.

    Excited about getting the bp down and getting bloodwork post pct.

    Will begin looking into my next cycle soon, but I think it may be a while. I would like to run anadrol (never have) but am concerned about bp. Not sure if its just the tren or if drol would have the same effect. Primobolan is on the list of maybes.. but still have some more research ahead.
    Sounds really good man. You got a lot of gains still to come.

  18. #8178
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    I think about going back on cycle every day...

  19. #8179
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    I know you do

    You'll be there again before you know it.

  20. #8180
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Not too bad actually, I felt it coming and racked the DBs, but it was too late. I've torn it a hell of a lot worse than today. I've been icing it and keeping it moving all day and I'll be fine day after tomorrow.
    Your looking huge igi,

  21. #8181
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    Tmrw would be back n tris :-(

    Just a few more days and I can train

  22. #8182
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    Are all of us 'huge' to the average person? Not talking about marcus, kel, haz, or anyone else who's 230+ and really lean... that's huge even to the above average lifter lol.

    I'm asking because I saw a lot of people over TG whom I haven't seen in a year. Even people I've seen within the past 6 mos. though. Several during the course of last week commented on how 'huge' I am. I do not consider myself even that big. Definitely not huge, but I am a gym rat and they are not. I realize there is a perspective difference there but they see big people on the street I'm sure. I don't see myself as one.

    Is anyone familiar with what I'm talking about here or do I have a self image issue?
    Last edited by Java Man; 12-01-2013 at 11:50 PM.

  23. #8183
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Tmrw would be back n tris :-(

    Just a few more days and I can train
    Better safe than sorry though dude. I'm glad youre being a good boy.

  24. #8184
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    Are all of us 'huge' to the average person? Not talking about marcus, kel, haz, or anyone else who's 230+ and really lean... that's huge even to the above average lifter lol.

    I'm asking because I saw a lot of people over TG whom I haven't seen in a year. Even people I've seen within the past 6 mos. though. Several during the course of last week commented on how 'huge' I am. I do not consider myself even that big. Definitely not huge, but I am a gym rat and they are not. I realize there is a perspective difference there but they see big people on the street I'm sure. I don't see myself as one.

    Is anyone familiar with what I'm talking about here or do I have a self image issue?

    Yes I think we are all big to the normal but I wouldn't say you have to be 230+ . I know some guys who are under 200 who look better than most 250 plus guys. But hell yes we are big lol

  25. #8185
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    Bench press 3 sets 5/5/5
    Incline dumbbell fly 1 set 6 reps with 1rp 1drop
    Incline dumbbell press 1 set 5 reps with 1 rp 1 drop
    Hammer strength decline press 4 sets 15/12/8/7 (same weight and rest 30 seconds between set)
    Barbell curl 1 set 6 reps with 1 rp 1 drop
    Incline dumbbell curl 1 set 6 reps with 1 rp 1 drop
    Preacher curl machine 4 sets 15/10/8/6 (same weight and rest 30 seconds between set)
    Standing claves raises 2 sets 10 reps with 10 partial reps.
    Seated calves raises 1 set 8 reps with 2 rp.

    40 minutes done. Fast workout though.

  26. #8186
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    decline db press
    3 warm up, 1 working
    88x10 88x2

    incline db press
    1 working
    75x4 62x2 44x3

    flat bench db flys
    1 working
    35x6 35x3

    close grip bench press
    1 working
    132x6 132x3

    rope pull downs supersetted with straight bar pull downs
    1 feel set, 1 working set
    66x5 92x4

    10 minutes cardio on elliptical

    total gym time 35 mins

  27. #8187
    Warm up
    Incline db
    Flys cables
    90x8 ds 70x8
    I rarely do bies, hit 2 workouts just messing around with them. Tried Incline curls dident like them.

  28. #8188
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Yes I think we are all big to the normal but I wouldn't say you have to be 230+ . I know some guys who are under 200 who look better than most 250 plus guys. But hell yes we are big lol
    Ok. I'll never see myself that way though. I hear you about weight. I was thinking in terms of 6 foot ish. I know some guys who look huge at under 200 also.

  29. #8189
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post

    decline db press
    3 warm up, 1 working
    88x10 88x2

    incline db press
    1 working
    75x4 62x2 44x3

    flat bench db flys
    1 working
    35x6 35x3

    close grip bench press
    1 working
    132x6 132x3

    rope pull downs supersetted with straight bar pull downs
    1 feel set, 1 working set
    66x5 92x4

    10 minutes cardio on elliptical

    total gym time 35 mins
    You need to her your gym to increase those DB kron. I can see the near future:
    decline db press
    3 warm up, 1 working
    88x60 88x20

  30. #8190
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    You need to her your gym to increase those DB kron. I can see the near future:
    decline db press
    3 warm up, 1 working
    88x60 88x20
    lol yea gonna have to pre-exhaust with inclines and maybe flys, or just use the bb next week..

  31. #8191
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    Quote Originally Posted by satisfaction1822 View Post
    Warm up
    Incline db
    Flys cables
    90x8 ds 70x8
    I rarely do bies, hit 2 workouts just messing around with them. Tried Incline curls dident like them.
    What didn't you like? If they're done strictly and correctly, this is one of the best mass builders available for biceps IMO. I'm assuming this was the first time you ever tried incline db curls? Sorry if not and this sounds condescending. Not my intention

    If done incorrectly (most people don't do these right) the movement doesn't feel comfortable. Painful even. In extreme cases where too much weight is used and bad form, one can injure their rotator cuff. Most people I see doing these use way too much weight. Try it with 10lbs just to get the feel and see what you think. Keep your back flat against the bench. The only muscle being recruited coming up is the biceps. Squeeze it into a ball at the top for a moment. The palm of each hand should point to the bench/body at the bottom. Turn the wrist inward (pinky finger towards your body) as you bring the weight up so that the palm faces towards your shoulder at the top of the movement.

  32. #8192
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    light deadlifts, 3 sets (lower back issues, so I don't do heavy DL usually)

    Deep Hacks (all the way down to the stops)
    1x20 135
    1x6 225, 1min rest
    1x4 225
    Half reps to failure

    Leg Press, also deep, knees to chest.
    1x15 495
    1x8 675, rp, 2 more
    1x2 765
    Half reps, quarter reps, then calves on the toe catch to failure meaning I can't keep my legs extended anymore.

    I thought my intestines would explode out of my gut on that last one but going that deep hits my outer upper quads like nothing else.

    Ham curl, lying
    1 warm up, 1x15, drop, 1x10, drop, 1x8, drop, 1x6
    Burn out to failure at the end

    I'm pooped and it's well after midnight so done. I should have done another ham movement but I did deads earlier so I'm good. Legs will be hurting, they already are actually. Short and sweet!


  33. #8193
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Your looking huge igi,
    Thank you!

  34. #8194
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man
    Legs light deadlifts, 3 sets (lower back issues, so I don't do heavy DL usually) Deep Hacks (all the way down to the stops) 1x20 135 1x6 225, 1min rest 1x4 225 Half reps to failure Leg Press, also deep, knees to chest. 1x15 495 1x8 675, rp, 2 more 1x2 765 Half reps, quarter reps, then calves on the toe catch to failure meaning I can't keep my legs extended anymore. I thought my intestines would explode out of my gut on that last one but going that deep hits my outer upper quads like nothing else. Ham curl, lying 1 warm up, 1x15, drop, 1x10, drop, 1x8, drop, 1x6 Burn out to failure at the end I'm pooped and it's well after midnight so done. I should have done another ham movement but I did deads earlier so I'm good. Legs will be hurting, they already are actually. Short and sweet! 35Min.
    Java with the deads on leg day, how are you doing them? Are you doing more stiff leg and all the way down for hams/glutes?

  35. #8195
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Java with the deads on leg day, how are you doing them? Are you doing more stiff leg and all the way down for hams/glutes?
    Yes hams/glutes, and I squeeze my ass cheeks at the top if you must know...

    Stiff legged. I should have put that in the description earlier.

  36. #8196
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man
    Yes hams/glutes, and I squeeze my ass cheeks at the top if you must know... Stiff legged. I should have put that in the description earlier.
    Right. I've never done them for legs but only for back (not stiff leg).

  37. #8197
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    Just curious, have any of you guys/ladies ever tweaked your spinal erectors from doing deads? I did something my back didn't like a couple of weeks ago and ended up hitting the Dr. office. Both muscles were knotted up/ spasming. They hit me with a. couple of shots, NSAIDS, etc.
    I've been away from lifting for too long and am pushing 50 years old so that may be it.
    I've since been following Kelkels advice about working abs prior to back workout and it really helps. Just thought I'd throw the question out for feedback/suggestions.
    Not attempting to butt into y'alls thread, but figured this would be one of the better threads to post in....
    Last edited by almostgone; 12-02-2013 at 07:34 AM. Reason: my typing blows....
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  38. #8198
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    Just to throw in the comedy factor, this started about 4 days after doing deads. I couldn't get out of bed as usual, so I managed to grab the clothes hamper and use it to help myself stand up. Of course by the time I got up to the den, the d@mn clothes hamper folded up, my f@t @ss hit the ground, and I immediately had approx. 450# of English mastiff staring down at me.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  39. #8199
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone
    Just curious, have any of you guys/ladies ever tweaked your spinal erectors from doing deads? I did something my back didn't like a couple of weeks ago and ended up hitting the Dr. office. Both muscles were knotted up/ spasming. They hit me with a. couple of shots, NSAIDS, etc. I've been away from lifting for too long and am pushing 50 years old so that may be it. I've since been following Kelkels advice about working abs prior to back workout and it really helps. Just thought I'd throw the question out for feedback/suggestions. Not attempting to butt into y'alls thread, but figured this would be one of the better threads to post in....
    I absolutely have tweaked my back from doing dads/squats. I've herniated disc and pulled muscles several times throughout the years, some resulting in doctors visits.

    I actually just tweaked my neck yesterday, and although it's not too bad it was more stiff and I thought it would be this morning. Focus on form, and making sure I'm only putting weight on the bar that I can handle has kept me from any recent major injury.

    Doing late back stretches as you stated warming up/working Abs prior to back exercises is probably a smart thing to do.

    AG, you're not butting into anything brother, this thread is for all of us and we would love to see more of you here.

  40. #8200
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone
    Just to throw in the comedy factor, this started about 4 days after doing deads. I couldn't get out of bed as usual, so I managed to grab the clothes hamper and use it to help myself stand up. Of course by the time I got up to the den, the d@mn clothes hamper folded up, my f@t @ss hit the ground, and I immediately had approx. 450# of English mastiff staring down at me.
    There is definitely a comedy factor when you throw your back out, isn't there? I have stories of me crawling out of my car up the steps into my house, crawling upstairs, falling down, etc. It ain't pretty when you hurt your

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