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Thread: First hgh cycle question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    First hgh cycle question

    I'm planning on running my first HGH cycle aiming for February, what Im wondering is I know I start out at 2IU a day for 4 weeks thn bump up by .5 a day till at desired dosage, so my question is I was planning on doing 6 months would I want to run it longer since it'll take 12 weeks to build up to 6IU's

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

  3. #3
    Last edited by DPTUK; 12-15-2013 at 12:20 PM.

  4. #4
    You can start at 3iu/ed and increase by 1iu every week or so. If you go to 4iu/ed and you don't get CTS in a few days go up another 1iu. Keep increasing until you get CTS. Then drop down 1iu and stay there for a week before you increase by 1iu. Should take you 4wks to 6wks to get to 8iu/ed.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02
    You can start at 3iu/ed and increase by 1iu every week or so. If you go to 4iu/ed and you don't get CTS in a few days go up another 1iu. Keep increasing until you get CTS. Then drop down 1iu and stay there for a week before you increase by 1iu. Should take you 4wks to 6wks to get to 8iu/ed.
    Thanks, so you think I should do 8iu a day instead of 6?

  6. #6
    It depends on your goal. I take 5iu/ed because I'm looking to maintain muscle tone and keep belly fat down. HGH which releases igf-1 is the only substance that will grow new muscle tissue. AAS will increase the size and strength of existing muscle. 8iu/ed will grow muscle tissue at a greater rate (everything is slow with HGH so this statement should be take with a grain of salt) than 6iu/ed. If you're competing, take 8iu/ed. If you're a recreational body builder go with 5iu/ed. The other thing about HGH is that it helps keep AAS cycle gains.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02
    It depends on your goal. I take 5iu/ed because I'm looking to maintain muscle tone and keep belly fat down. HGH which releases igf-1 is the only substance that will grow new muscle tissue. AAS will increase the size and strength of existing muscle. 8iu/ed will grow muscle tissue at a greater rate (everything is slow with HGH so this statement should be take with a grain of salt) than 6iu/ed. If you're competing, take 8iu/ed. If you're a recreational body builder go with 5iu/ed. The other thing about HGH is that it helps keep AAS cycle gains.
    Ok thanks, I'm looking to compete but want to get up to 250ish first. And I want to keep a small waist right now it's 32, I don't want the 'horse gut'. I will run a test/tren cycle while doing the hgh cycle. I plan on 6 months but once I find a reliable source with good product I'll prob
    Go longer. A

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    For me ill be using 4-5iu ed from the get go and up or lower 1 iu over first 4-5 weeks if needed. for me, Ill be using 5iu, 5on/2off for 5-6 months on my next run.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Juced_porkchop
    For me ill be using 4-5iu ed from the get go and up or lower 1 iu over first 4-5 weeks if needed. for me, Ill be using 5iu, 5on/2off for 5-6 months on my next run.
    Have you ran it before? I plan kn 5on/2off also

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by allskill87 View Post
    Have you ran it before? I plan kn 5on/2off also
    yes , but i havent used hgh in quite a few years, there was/is such a flood of crappy or out right bunk hgh or faked brands i said screw it for years, and been using igf1 mostly, and it works well, but hgh is not the same, it just has more effect i feel.

    I feel giving the body even just 1-2 days break from hgh while on it is beneficial, no i have no real science to that , just how i feel, and also it saves cost a bit. cant wait!

    Ill prob start a small log or something here since its been soo long since iv had good hgh.
    Im working on 2 places right now and doing my research although i already feel secure about the place, always good to dig a bit deeper.... so it will prob be Rips and/or Kefies ( REAL ones).
    im hoping to start it in the new year so i have it during my winter bulking but also right into summer, will help with fatloss, look and mass. I hope everything goes smoothly!
    will know for sure in the next 1-2 weeks when i will be able to start it.. excited !
    been sooo damn long! I may toss in 2-3 days every weeks ( workout days prob) of igf1 LR3 or Des for a few weeks at a time since i have a couple bottles anyway. I have never ran hgh and igf1 along side it before, am a bit curious.

    ill be on 800mg test ew and 150mg deca ew while bulking, then in late spring/summer will be just my hrt ( about 200mg ew) and i will toss in a 6 week run of anavar 50-80mg ed, in there with it some place, near summer likely, hopign to do this while on my 5iu hgh 5/2 . then ill just stick to my hrt over the summer months and enjoy myself and try not to eat to crappy :-P But man ohh man Do i LOVE my beach fry's! :-P

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    hey if you think I can help with with something pm me, i know my peptide and aas cycles, thats for sure! mind you there is always something to learn, I am no know it all, but i think i am well versed ;-)

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