I thought you guys would enjoy seeing how a SLIN only cycle worked.
I really wasn't watching my diet much and not getting enough protein but it was effective and fun.
WARNING: Do at your own risk. I have done this for years but always keep a soda within reach.
Cycle length: 3 weeks
Starting weight: 196 with top two abs visible
Ending weight: 199 with same leanness
DC training protocol (3 days per week)
Week 1: 6IU Humalog Post workout
Post workout shake: 25G of Waxy Maize in 16oz. Gatorade, 70G of Pea Protein, 5G creatine mono (important!)
Totals: 70G protein, about 50G of carbs
Dinner about an hour later
Week 2: 8IU Humalog, no other changes
Week 3: 8IU Humalog, no other changes
Net weight gain: 3#
It's been 2 weeks and the gains are still there.
NOTE: There is no reason to take SLIN anytime other than post workout. You might disagree but every pro I've known says the same thing. But, hey, do what you want.