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Thread: My first cycle, advice please =)

  1. #1

    My first cycle, advice please =)

    Hi guys and gals,

    I'm almost 26 years old and am 6'0 Feet/183cm, weigh 94 Kg/207 Lb, and have around 10%-15% BF. Have been weight lift training for 6-7 years now and my diet is in check.

    I started first experimenting with peptides like GHRP 6+Mod GRF 1-29 for injuries. Later I took some BPC 157, supposedly its a variation of TB 500, for injuries as well (ruptured ligaments in elbow and ruptured ACL in knee); and did an Anavar (Oxandralone) only cycle for 6 weeks to lean out a bit.

    Now I want to start a Test only cycle (Test P is what I can get my hands atm, but I am thinking doing Test E instead if I am able to get any). I also understand that Test is Test and it differs by how long it stays in the bloodstream.

    This is my planned cycle,

    Week 1-8 Test P 100ml every other day
    Week 1-8 (ive read loads on this and Im not quite sure about dosage) Aromasin 25mg every 3 days, that is if I have any gyno side effects
    Week 9-13 Just Nolvadex should be fine(?) - 40/20/20/20 mg

    What do you think?

    P.S. My intentions are to get stronger, lean out a bit, and get a little size; but mostly strength.

    Sorry if I missed something and I'm open to critique and any credible advice. Tell me if you need any more info. Cheers.
    Last edited by Studenator; 01-12-2014 at 04:46 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Dagoba System
    You left out whatever compound is to control estrogen, you just say 25mg e3d

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    I would recommend an AI during cycle. Arimidex if possible.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    8 weeks isn't really long enough, you would just be shorting yourself. Test p 100mg eod - weeks 1-10 Ai (aromasin 25mg eod or arimidex 0.25mg eod) weeks 1-10 Hcg - 250iu 2x week - weeks 1-10 Nolvadex 40/20/20/20 ed Weeks 11-15 Clomid 75/50/50/50 ed weeks 11-15

    Also if you can get test e then run 250mg x2 per week and keep everything else the same

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Dagoba System
    Quote Originally Posted by newguy92 View Post
    8 weeks isn't really long enough, you would just be shorting yourself.
    Test p 100mg eod - weeks 1-10
    Ai (aromasin 25mg eod or arimidex 0.25mg eod) weeks 1-10
    Hcg - 250iu 2x week - weeks 1-10
    Nolvadex 40/20/20/20 ed Weeks 11-15
    Clomid 75/50/50/50 ed weeks 11-15
    Technically, 8 weeks should suffice but ten would be ok from what I've seen....also, he'd want to run the hcg up to start of pct

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Mid west
    Hey bro,

    Check out the PCT thread, it has some good info in there. I would throw some clomid into your pct. But first, what is the purpose of your cycle, is it to bulk or cut? If it is bulking I would leave out the var. If you ran a var only cycle without any problems then props to you. Var shuts down most people and with out test can have some unpleasant side effects. As far as a first cycle I would run prop at 50 mg per day or 100 mg eod, or test e 250 mg twice a week. However, make sure you read up a bit on AAS and the sticky's regarding putting together a successful cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    it needs some work, im guessing you meant aromasin as your AI since you said 25mg...

    PCT is wrong, need HCG throughout cycle
    Id do test prop at 150 EOD

    And technically this isn't your first cycle you realize this right?

  8. #8
    Yeah, meant Aromasin for my AI.

    newguy92 - you're telling me to run Nolva with my cycle? Ive read that you run it in your PCT.

    Do I really need to run HCG with my cycle?

    And a part from the Var only cycle that I ran for 6 weeks (50mg ED), yes this is my first proper AAS cycle. I am saying this because I had no sides whatsoever with Var as its super mild.

    king6 II - I dont think you read my post right, I am only planning to cycle whats in BOLD lettering. I also said my purpose for running this cycle is to mainly get strength and a little size, and due to my diet and exercise I should get more cut as well(?) I mean I can see my abs already, cant imagine it would get worse after Test...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    week 1-8 test p 150mg EOD
    week 1-8 aromasin 25mg EOD
    week 1-8 HCG 250iu 2x weekly
    week 9-12 PCT

    nolva 40/20/20/20
    clomid 100/50/50/50

    your welcome

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Matrix
    Quote Originally Posted by Studenator View Post
    Hi guys and gals,

    I'm almost 26 years old and am 6'0 Feet/183cm, weigh 94 Kg/207 Lb, and have around 10%-15% BF. Have been weight lift training for 6-7 years now and my diet is in check.

    I started first experimenting with peptides like GHRP 6+Mod GRF 1-29 for injuries. Later I took some BPC 157, supposedly its a variation of TB 500, for injuries as well (ruptured ligaments in elbow and ruptured ACL in knee); and did an Anavar (Oxandralone) only cycle for 6 weeks to lean out a bit.

    Now I want to start a Test only cycle (Test P is what I can get my hands atm, but I am thinking doing Test E instead if I am able to get any). I also understand that Test is Test and it differs by how long it stays in the bloodstream.

    This is my planned cycle,

    Week 1-8 Test P 150mg every other day
    Week 1-8 HCG 250 IU every 3 days
    Week 1-8 Aromasin 25mg every 3 days, don't wait to see if you get 'gyno side effects' just take it.
    Week 9-13 Clomid 50/50/25/25mg
    Week 9-13 Nolvadex- 40/40/20/20 mg

    What do you think? .
    I think that's what I would do. Edited above.
    8 weeks if fine with prop. You'd want to go 12 with test e though.

  11. #11
    So I got some AIs/SERMS.

    Did some light research and I see that the HCG is for your Testes (so they dont get smaller?)

    Although this would be good to get cause no one wants small balls, but I'm guessing it's not absolutely necessary as your Testes start to grow back after your done with your cycle?

    Also, I got Arimidex/Anastrozole, should I take 0.25 or 0.5 mg a day?

    Thanks for all the info by the way!
    Last edited by Studenator; 01-12-2014 at 11:11 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Studenator
    So I got some AIs/SERMS. Did some light research and I see that the HCG is for your Testes (so they dont get smaller?) Although this would be good to get cause no one wants small balls, but I'm guessing it's not absolutely necessary as your Testes start to grow back after your done with your cycle? Also, I got Arimidex/Anastrozole, should I take 0.25 or 0.5 mg a day? Thanks for all the info by the way!
    Pretty sure it's not just for size it's for production as well.

  13. #13
    Well yeah thats a given. Less sperm = smaller balls.

    Im not trying to impregnate anyone, I would be more worried that they look small.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Jesus. I just gave a coke bottle to a tribesman.

    Ever see the movie 'The Gods must be crazy'?

    Don't use steroids. Youre far too immature and uneducated based on those statements abut HCG alone. HCG is an LH mimic. It will.keep your HPTA feedback loop functioning to prevent testicular shutdown throughout a cycle of aas. This makes pct nice and easy because the only part of the loop youll need to re-start on cessation of it is the production of endogenous LH. That's where the clomid and tamox start doing their work.

    This is not complicated because you have been given exactly the plan you need to make gains and keep those gains after you go off cycle. Otherwise, it is far more complicated than you know. Which is, I thought because I'm a logical person, why you asked for help in the first place. I guess not. Like all arrogant fools who think they already know everything, you must have just wanted to be board famous by having a post to call your own.

    Fine. To each their own. Don't come back looking for help on restarting your HPTA feedback loop after yours won't restart and you need advice on a good trt doc. You will have lost your steroid induced gains by then, too.
    So with that said, good luck. And I mean that.
    Last edited by Java Man; 01-12-2014 at 02:54 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    where the army moves me
    looks good as far as im concerned. and yes Id use the nolva during cycle if you notice the slightest nipple sensitivity. once you get the lumps your best bet is letro, however this is harsh on the body so only use it if you need it. id use the aromasin for pct. the dose of 100 eod will be sufficient for your goals as long as you train your ass off and eat right. yes test does have dose dependent results but easy come easy go!!! work for your results and youll be less likely to slack on pct cuz your don't give up on shit you truly earn. but if I could offer one bit of advice... since this is your first "real" cycle as you put it. I would not use any estrogen control until you see a need, let me explain. some people are more prone to certain sides than others like gyno for example( so if you do this don't start till you have letro on hand). but if your not one of those people and you only get a mild bloat you can keep that in check with certain herbs supps meds and a low sodium diet. The estrogen is a big help in growth, blood profile, and most of all in your case strength. The water like creatine will reduce the angle of the working muscle thus adding leverage and strength. Just my two cents. good luck and best wishes.

  16. #16
    Thanks for the info, which I have already read...

    Im the arrogant fool? You're the arrogant fool for thinking I dont know anything or thinking Im an arrogant fool from reading one post...

    Haha wanted to be board famous by having a post to call my own? How about I quit my account now to prove to you that I dont give one iota about getting posts on here, I came for help.

    What my problem is that I've read loads of posts by numerous people that are supposed to be 'experienced' and do not know which to follow, that is why I came here. If there was one single 'bible' to be followed for AAS then I wouldnt need your help at all...

    Nonetheless thank you for all the info, maybe next try being more supportive and less of a 'arrogant fool' who thinks just because he's experienced in AAS he must have the right to insult other people.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    The Matrix
    Nevermind.. See below please.
    Last edited by Java Man; 01-13-2014 at 03:32 AM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    I came on pretty strong earlier with that arrogant fool crap. Sorry. It's not you in particular. I see the same comments a lot and it makes me angry sometimes how misinformed people are. Education is the key to enlightenment, not rants. I didn't know what I know now at some point in time and I should keep that in mind or keep my mouth shut if I'm in that kind of mood. Sorry.

    Something you said showed you don't know much about hcg or it's importance in keeping testicular function going during a cycle. Why you should keep it functional and not let it shut down is another subject that you can research yourself if there is any doubt. Actually I recommend you do that anyways. The more you know about what is actually going on within the most complex machine known and the only one you'll ever occupy, the better off you'll be in the future.

    This one, done recently by austinite, is a compilation of just about every link to anything an AAS user needs to know:
    Last edited by Java Man; 01-13-2014 at 03:34 AM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    If I were you, I would definitely plan out your PCT and get everything you need beforehand. You mentioned this is your first cycle and youre gonna use prop? All power to you brother, it can definitely be done; but as a first-timer, you gonna be good with all those injections? Me personally, I waited til my second time to use prop and I loved it but all the injections got to be a pain in the ass, and the calves, and the shoulders and thighs lol. Not really any pain at all in ass and thighs but shoulders and calves definitely felt something there. And obviously, make sure you got enough pins. Syringes can be reused, but I would never stick a used needle in me.

    You say you can get your hands on can look up the info on here im sure...and theres nothing wrong at all about a 10 weeker with enanthate 2x a week and weeks 1-4 taking the prop. This is obviously just one mans opinion here and many other guys here might agree or tell you different. But definitely, as a beginner, do your homework and then do it again. Good luck to you brother. Feel free to post any other questions and post mid-cycle as well.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Studenator View Post
    Thanks for the info, which I have already read...

    Im the arrogant fool? You're the arrogant fool for thinking I dont know anything or thinking Im an arrogant fool from reading one post...

    Haha wanted to be board famous by having a post to call my own? How about I quit my account now to prove to you that I dont give one iota about getting posts on here, I came for help.

    What my problem is that I've read loads of posts by numerous people that are supposed to be 'experienced' and do not know which to follow, that is why I came here. If there was one single 'bible' to be followed for AAS then I wouldnt need your help at all...

    Nonetheless thank you for all the info, maybe next try being more supportive and less of a 'arrogant fool' who thinks just because he's experienced in AAS he must have the right to insult other people.
    Believe it or not he's protecting you from decades of regret. From reading your posts yes you can tell very quickly you have not researched enough to accept the risks of AAS.

    For example, if you don't run HCG during your cycle you run a very real and high risk that your testicles will never return to baseline function. That means for the rest of your life you will at best have low-normal natural testosterone production. There are many posts on this forum with people freaking out after labs 4 years after their last cycle show low testosterone production.

    Want a family? AAS have been shown to not only lower your sperm count because of low testosterone production but also affects the quality of your sperm in addition to increased genetic abnormalities within the sperm.

    So please do more research before you risk your body. Also consider the obvious that buying all this stuff is illegal and should you get caught you will have that on your record for the rest of your life. Lastly, how do you know the stuff you have is legit? For example, how do you know the precious ball saving HCG is real? Well, you would run urine pregnancy tests on yourself but how would you even know to do that without extensive research?

    Just trying to help and honestly protect your health. While people say yes I accept the risks of steroids because I want the benefits, it's important to not rush and actually completely understand and realize the risks.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Studenator View Post
    So I got some AIs/SERMS.

    Did some light research and I see that the HCG is for your Testes (so they dont get smaller?)

    Although this would be good to get cause no one wants small balls, but I'm guessing it's not absolutely necessary as your Testes start to grow back after your done with your cycle?

    Also, I got Arimidex/Anastrozole, should I take 0.25 or 0.5 mg a day?

    Thanks for all the info by the way!
    Be shure to get bloods before cycle starts for a baseline..............then around week 4 or 5 get bloods again and adjust your AI accordingly

  22. #22
    *Been traveling and didnt have time to reply.

    I hear you Java Man, and understand.

    I was only asking how important HCG is because I've read from other users that they have only included it in their PCT.

    I am ordering Pharma grade HCG any day now... I have Nolva and Clomid for my PCT, and I have Arimidex for during the cycle.

    I was back home for the xmas break, and where Im from test isnt illegal and you can by it from a pharmacy. Its Russian Test Prop.

    I have started my cycle and Im waiting to get my HCG and run it like Java Man said above...

    100mg of Test Prop EOD (I thinking about bumping this up to 150 if I dont see wanted results by week 3-4)
    0.5 mg of Arimidex EOD

    Both for 8 weeks, and then doing PCT like Java Man wrote above.

    Injections dont hurt, well the first one did, but nothing I cant bare. A part from the HCG I think Im following proper protocol, as soon as I get HCG Ill be on it.

    Guys I can answer each and every question you have if need be, but currently busy with education, sport, and work, so dont have time to write a blog.

    I appreciate the help and obviously the concern, I have read quite a bit about AAS when I was trying to sort my injuries out and have also talked to experienced users (not in detail about my cycle though).

    Thanks for all the info and help again; you can tell me to have another (about 100 times ive thought about this) think about AAS, but at the end of the day Im still going through with my cycle. Also I am not being very vigilant in explaining my current situation and what not, so dont take my lack of answers or confirmation on things as a sign of ignorance.

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