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Thread: 3rd cycle in time to cut

  1. #1

    3rd cycle in time to cut

    Hey guys. Just wanted some quick advice on a cutting cycle im planning in a few months.

    First off i am 6'5 240 and this would be my third run. I took my last cycle of only Test E back in Sept. Finished up mid to late Dec, did my PCT, and im just letting my body reset before i jump back into it. It was a simple ladder stack that looked like this:

    Weeks 1-4 500 per week injecting every 3rd day
    Weeks 5-6 1000 per week injecting every 3rd day
    Weeks 7-10 500 per week injecting every 3rd day

    I had amazing results from this for being the only thing i ran. But we all know that Test alone isn't magic. I was consuming close to 7000 calories per day and about close to 2 gallons of water. With this cycle i was taking standard multi, pre workout, kre-alkalyne, fish oils, and BCAA's. At the Week 5 mark i started to take Letro to help with the jump in Test levels. The only side i noticed from the jump was an increase in acne on my chest but even that wasn't too bad.

    The bottom line is i grew about 35 pounds in the 4 months. I did the right PCT with T-mox and Letro at the end and im giving my body the time it needs to recoup before i start up again in mid-march.

    My question for you guys is for a cutting cycle. I know that I could just run Test again, change up the dosage, and alter my diet and caloric intake and i would cut up. But im looking for something a little more. Ive run Clen a few times and im taking it now to pre cut my body before i go into this next cycle. I was considering a cycle that is just Test E and Winny. I know i will need something for the joint pain but im not sure what yet. The dosages i came up with were centered around the fact that my body responds to test extremely well with very few sides.

    What are your thoughts on the dosage for winny and Test?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    how much of that 35lbs was fat

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    And where did you get "ladder stack" from

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    6'5 and only 205lbs after a cycle already?

    Why are you intending to cycle again in March? Time off should be time on+pct. So you shouldn't be starting til early a May.

    Did you run an AI and HCG on cycle?

    What was your PCT?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    ^^what they said plus......

    6'5 and only 205lbs after one cycle?!?!

    Why are you intending to cycle again in March? Time off should be time on+pct. So you shouldn't be starting til early a May.

    Did you run an AI and HCG on cycle?

    What was your PCT?

    You're aware of the dangers of cycling under the age of 25?

  6. #6
    Of the 35 pounds ive lost 10 since being off. I have managed to retain about 90% of the strength i had when on and noticed a huge difference in how
    trim i am starting to get. I believe the 10 was alot of water weight and some fat. The ladder was something i researched. I asked a paramedic friend about it and he
    agreed that it wouldn't be detrimental to try. I liked it alot and noticed a big difference in the middle weeks there.

  7. #7
    In response to Back in Black, I actually grew another inch in the last year. My very first cycle was half ass and i was just testing out how well i did with needles. i took 50 twice a week for 8 weeks. Did a small pct to go through the motions.

    I waited about a year to take my second cycle which i mentioned above. On cycle i was taking Letrozol for my AI and no HCG. My PCT was Temoxifen with Letro for about 6 weeks. I started off with higher doses of both then tapered it into almost nothing.

    And i am aware of the dangers. I have done a ton of research on alot of different anabolics, im not looking to take Deca, Dbol or Mast. I am undecided about Tren only because of the sides. Winny and Test seem to be the best option right now. Just looking for a different opinion from some vets who have done it before.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Junkman553
    In response to Back in Black, I actually grew another inch in the last year. My very first cycle was half ass and i was just testing out how well i did with needles. i took 50 twice a week for 8 weeks. Did a small pct to go through the motions. I waited about a year to take my second cycle which i mentioned above. On cycle i was taking Letrozol for my AI and no HCG. My PCT was Temoxifen with Letro for about 6 weeks. I started off with higher doses of both then tapered it into almost nothing. And i am aware of the dangers. I have done a ton of research on alot of different anabolics, im not looking to take Deca, Dbol or Mast. I am undecided about Tren only because of the sides. Winny and Test seem to be the best option right now. Just looking for a different opinion from some vets who have done it before.
    What's your current bf%? And why are you ruling out masteron?

  9. #9
    My BMI is 28.5 and my BF % is currently at 12%.

    I guess at this point im just being cautious. I know the Test works. Im open to masteron, but i wanna stay away from other stuff until i can no longer see good results from the basics.

    My target weight is probably 225 completely trimmed by summer time. Then take a few months off and start bulking again this fall.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Junkman553 View Post
    My BMI is 28.5 and my BF % is currently at 12%.

    I guess at this point im just being cautious. I know the Test works. Im open to masteron, but i wanna stay away from other stuff until i can no longer see good results from the basics.

    My target weight is probably 225 completely trimmed by summer time. Then take a few months off and start bulking again this fall.
    Whats your current weight?

  11. #11
    currently 245

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    12% bf at 245 ? you should already be trimmed?. you could do a cut on just test with reduced calories if you wanted to stick with one compound.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Junkman553
    My BMI is 28.5 and my BF % is currently at 12%. I guess at this point im just being cautious. I know the Test works. Im open to masteron, but i wanna stay away from other stuff until i can no longer see good results from the basics. My target weight is probably 225 completely trimmed by summer time. Then take a few months off and start bulking again this fall.
    I've rather run masteron than winstrol. I'd probably do 12 weeks of test e at 500mg/wk, masteron e at 500mg/week or mast prop at 150 eod for 12 weeks and maybe the last 6 weeks of anavar 50mg ed. But again, diet is every everything. These are the right compounds but make sure your diet is in check

  14. #14
    I will definitely consider it.. Fortunately i already have my full pct prepped because i bought double last time around.
    Last edited by Junkman553; 01-15-2014 at 04:45 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Need to edit that post. No discussion of sources. Forum rules.

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