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Let's see...a few rambling points about AWOL George.
More jobs have been lost under his presidency than THE LAST 12 PRESIDENCIES COMBINED. - and in only 3 years. Nice!
He's relaxing clean air and clean water bills as we speak with new Energy Bill - that's good right, because clean air and water don't do anyone any good. Let's drill ANWR, privatize National Forests, and make more nukes while we're at it - what a great f****ing idea, George.
He'd love nothing more than to rip up every tree and pollute every stream in the world just to get at that sweet sweet crude. Pushing to drill for natural gas in a pristine area in Rocky Mountains for.....get ready.....3 days worth of natural gas. That's right, the US Geological Survey has researched the area several times and estimates that there is only 3 days worth of natural gas there at the most. Genius!
RENEWABLE ENERGY NOW!!! There will come a day when the earth's oil, coal, and timber supplies will be all but depleated. Our rivers, streams, and ocean will be polluted and completely "fished". Then what? Where will we go? Do we just pack up and leave? The US is ADDICTED to OIL. IMO, if we weren't so hooked on oil, the Twin Towers would still be standing. We wouldn't have to defend Israel and we wouldn't have such a strong military presence in Saudi Arabia and other middle eastern countries. We need to switch to renewable and clean energy sources.
GWB is a big energy/big corporation WHORE and there is absolutely no way to dispute this. He's mortgaging our future to line the pockets of his buddies (see Halliburton, Bechtel, Enron) while we fight amongst ourselves or tape our windows shut with duct tape because Bill O'Reilly says to.
AWOL George demands we support our troops and then slashes their benefits in the same breath.
I've asked this question before, I'll ask again: Can anyone name ONE thing that has improved under GWB? Just one?????
Environment? Education? Health care? National security? Foreign Relations? Unemployment? Social Security? Trade deficit? Economy???
I love it how when someone brings up the 2000 election and how GWB stole it, some Conservatives just roll their eyes and say "Get over it, that was so long ago". But then, if you mention Bill Clinton, they get all pissed off and talk about how awful he was. Total hypocrisy.
I'm not a Clinton fan, I just look at things REASONABLY and not skewed by ideologies that don't amount to sh*t at the end of the day. IMO, things were MUCH better under Clinton.
I hate GWB with every ounce of my being and will do everything I can to support his dumb ass being kicked back to Texas.
No more lies, George!