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Thread: Pictures and BF questions

  1. #1

    Pictures and BF questions

    Just looking to getting a some opinions on recent pictures/body fat questions.

    So I have been working out for about 5 years now, but never as serious as in the last year. I've made some great progress I think. I have never weighed over 185, this is my heaviest weight ever. Even when I was leaner, I never had a 6 pack, or abs per say. I can see my indents(i guess obliques?) and when I walk/breath I can actually see my top 4 of my abs. Looking down I don't really, but when I look in the mirror waking up or after a few hours of eating I do. I'm not sure I could use my abs as a lean test, but I can see my waist line.

    I am actually running a cycle right now, 500 mgs of test C 2x weekly, with 60 mgs of VAR ED. I am 9 weeks in as of today, so I have 2-3 weeks left. I will continue my TRT dose of 150 MG weekly once I am off cycle as well.

    I have went from around 190'ish to 208 in these pics(currently about 210.) In these pics, they are after training legs. I have already ate 2 meals and 2 shakes within about the 6 hours I've been awake and god knows how much water. My main question is is my trainer lying to me based on what you guys see/think. My trainer did the calpihers, 5 points and plugged in my weight, age etc. He has 13.8% BF?

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  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Id say 13.8 is way to low.

    In no way being a jerk but you are 17-19 ish. ( thats not bad you sure did pack on the muscle though)

    Its tough to tell being flexd

    hey may not be lieng... calipers suck... they can be manipulated
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 02-03-2014 at 01:44 PM.

  4. #4
    definitely higher maybe 17-18. but who cares it's winter. keep getting big

  5. #5
    Ok yea I was thinking like 17%, so 18% doesn't sound to bad I guess.

    I wasn't sure how water weight and calipers worked, cause I know when I weigh in at like 213 half way through the day I feel more bloated then when I wake up at like 206. I plan on cutting at the start of March. My cycle ends on 2/13, then back to a cruise and cut starts 3/1.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I would say closer to 20+ imo. However, doesn't matter we all start somewhere. So continue to eat right and put in the time. Good luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion
    Not trying to be a dick at all, but I think you started your cycle with bodyfat to high. Next time you decide to cycle, prime your body beforehand and you'll be amazed at the results. Marcus has on thread explaining "the prime".

  8. #8
    Yea I glanced over the prime article, I will look at it once again.

    I am actually really amazed at the results, but maybe its just the TRT I am surprised with. Gained about 25 lbs in the last 4 months, from 183'ish to 208'ish(in the AM weigh ins.) Think my problem was going on a meal plan based on someone doing a bit more drugs than I am doing, which lead me to put on some additional BF %. That is why I think I am holding 8-10 lbs of water, possibly more. Hoping with my TRT dose I should actually help maintain a lot of my gains, and then depending on some additional testing being done by my Dr, we may be adding in GH as well.

    I only have about another 2 weeks of bulking, 2 weeks of slightly over maintenance before I try and slim down. My strength is gone up, and with this being my first really cycle, I knew it would have issues. If you wait to try everything until its perfect you'll never go through it either though. Better known for next time.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion
    Quote Originally Posted by wizarddeath View Post
    Yea I glanced over the prime article, I will look at it once again.

    I am actually really amazed at the results, but maybe its just the TRT I am surprised with. Gained about 25 lbs in the last 4 months, from 183'ish to 208'ish(in the AM weigh ins.) Think my problem was going on a meal plan based on someone doing a bit more drugs than I am doing, which lead me to put on some additional BF %. That is why I think I am holding 8-10 lbs of water, possibly more. Hoping with my TRT dose I should actually help maintain a lot of my gains, and then depending on some additional testing being done by my Dr, we may be adding in GH as well.

    I only have about another 2 weeks of bulking, 2 weeks of slightly over maintenance before I try and slim down. My strength is gone up, and with this being my first really cycle, I knew it would have issues. If you wait to try everything until its perfect you'll never go through it either though. Better known for next time.
    Yeah once you drop down to a hrt dose of test the water should come off. Dropping carbs will also help this as well. Adding 25 lbs. is no small task so good work. Now clean it up and carve down to see how much muscle you put on.

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