Looking forward to that man. I've been kind of MIA lately so I may have missed it, but are you on cycle now?Originally Posted by Sfla80
Looking forward to that man. I've been kind of MIA lately so I may have missed it, but are you on cycle now?Originally Posted by Sfla80
Back this morning
Close grip pulldowns
BB bent over rowing
1 arm db rows
Hammer strength underhand pulldowns
Low pulley
All done with 2 feel sets and one working set with rest pause,
stretched inbetween sets and also took 1min rest,
really pulled my back out on the stretching and shifted some serious weight,
lower back was ok and held up fine,
Lmao ur a beast manOriginally Posted by marcus300
Ok guys this is my cycle.
I have test e , tren a and winny on hand. Im still up in the air on adding the tren. Just not sure yet. I have done 3 legit cycles. Test only, test/dbol, and test/winny.
Long time ago, think '09, was given a free vial of sust and one vial deca. Took it not knowing about sites like this and no research. Guy was a fire fighter, and a friend so I trusted him. After I kept asking him so many questions, he told me just to come here and ask. That's where I figured out I was doing everything wrong. lol. Stopped and pct.
So plan is:
1-12 wks test 600mg/wk (dosed at 300mg)
10-14 wks winny 75-100mg a day
1-13.5 wks HCG 250/mg twice a week.
1-14 L-dex .25mg EOD.....last cycle I ended up doing .25 ED cause of sensitivity, but will wait until it happens again.
If I add the tren will be week 4 when test is built up. then it would look like this.
4-12 test 300mg a week
4-11 tren a 75mg EOD
Ill also add caber .5mg twice a week.
Im be on my 4th pin of test e tomorrow.
Posting pics after this from my phone
Forgot Stats
33...34 in april
holding around 190-191 consistently
bf pushing 16%? see pics below....and legs posted other day.
Last edited by Sfla80; 02-12-2014 at 04:09 PM.
Keep doing what your doing. Basic, heavy and HIT style. It takes time to build thickness but you definitely have the right frame for it. Broad shoulders too. Self-analyze weaknesses and focus your training where it needs to be, not where you want it to be. I say it here all the time but balance is key. And proper balance/symmetry will prevail over a larger, unbalanced physique.
I'll add you hear Marcus reference knowing many smaller bodybuilders that appear so much larger than their actual body weight. What gives that illusion? Symmetry and balance.
Last edited by kelkel; 02-12-2014 at 04:16 PM.
Not too bad man. I think some deadlifts will help your back some. Get some good working sets of wide grip pulls and always stretch the lats. Posing is an art and the backbis the hardest thing to pose. I've been practiceing over a year now and still haven't mastered it yet. Keep lifting heavy and at your height and frame you will grow like crazy. I wish I was around that height lol
Looking good Sfla, nice shape and quality muscle. You have the shape and good muscle size all you need to do now is build the thickness in certain areas which will create a whole different look. Work on your back thickness and the feel of the contraction, the width is good but add thickness in the back and you will create an illusion what will make you look double the size.
Don't be scared to eat, many are but trust me don't be scared of eating and packing on that size. Ive talked about it before how you can control the bf while eating like ten men so don't hold back due to thinking you may get fat. If you train with HIT and really explode those tough muscle fibers what I talk about the muscle will build thick, dense and the muscle bellies will bulge so it doesn't matter if your carrying a touch of extra bf go with it until you have the desire size then slowly reduce the fat to reveal the super human size.
You have great bi, delt chest tie-ins which is going to make you look like you have been carved out of stone, just add more size and concentrate on thickness, thickness is the key
well done
Thanks Haz, hope all is well with the new job and the knee
Thanks, ive been working on thickness for a few years now
Thank you
Means a lot coming from a big ripped fuker like you, thanks
lol holy hell Marcus that mad me laugh. I will have to get a rear double bicep up for you. Thanks
Thank you Igi, gives me more power of thought to train like a mad man
Thanks every one
Biceps, triceps and forearms
DB seated curls
preacher curls
hammer curls
wrist curls
lying db extension
dip machine
All done with rest pause and really did some damage.
DB seated curls explained - started with 2 warm up sets of high reps of around 20 reps each, I could feel the blood start to push through my biceps and start filling them up on just the warm up sets. Felt strong on the warm ups and no elbow or shoulder pain so the green light was on to do some serious damage.
Started my working set with a set of heavy bells which popped my veins out of my arms as soon as I picked them up, I started to curl and tense at the top and it felt good and light, I looked down just to check I had the right weighted bells and they were so I thought fuk it and carried on until I reach 10 reps each side. I dropped the bells and thought that was light so I decided to do 2 working sets due to me feeling stronger than normal
I went up in weight and massaged and stretch my biceps ready for this rest pause working set.
I picked them up and they felt heavy, they were pulling on my delts so I locked into position and started to curl those fukers up. I was thinking to myself these are going to make you grow bigger, all I was doing is watching myself curl in the mirror and thinking do not stop take these to my limit. The bells started to go slower and my arms were burning and extremely pumped. I was on my 5th rep each side and they struggled to get to the top and the pian was immense, I went for one last rep but couldn't get it to the top so I slowly lowered the weight for the negative and dropped the bells. I sat bent over thinking of something what really fuks with my head, I was thinking of stuff from my past while I was breathing and counting, I still had hold of the bells and on the count of 15 deep breaths I picked them up again and started to curl, fuk me they were heavy but I was fully under control of them and curling in strict form, bang 1 rep out 2 rep out and on the 3rd I couldn't reach the top and my arms were in bits, they started to really hurt with the pump, so I dropped them and counted again to 15 and picked them up again. Another 3 reps with the last one failing to the top. My arms felt huge and the blood was so painful I could hardly put the bells back on the rack. I had to massage them with my fist to try and release some of the blood.
I wont go into the rest of the workout but it was to the same extreme force as the above exercise
I don't feel like shoveling lolOriginally Posted by Igifuno
I still haven't started. Lol. My dog was like - you a$$hole, shovel this sh*t how am I supposed to sh*t out here!?
This first week of HIT has been tough - more mentally than physically. I'm having a little trouble getting the reps right. Sometimes I think I'll fail at 7 or 8 and I end up banging out 12 without failing. Other times, I am tempted to get sloppy on form. Did chest and biceps today and felt like I could have done more until about an hour after the workout. I was eating and started feeling totally spent. Muscles felt really full and drained of energy. Now that I have a better idea of what weight will work, I think next week will kick ass.
The good news is it sounds like you're doing it right, Tase. It can take a few weeks to get the hang of the technique and your body will verify by how it feels. Keep at it and you'll find your groove.Originally Posted by DontTaseMeBro
Did everyone get snowed in? Lol
It takes time to judge what you can lift, that's what the feel sets are for to help you get the right weight so you can attack it in the right rep range. It also depends on what your doing if its straight to failure without using any of the beyond failure methods then you can aim to anything up to 12 rep at failure. I don't advice you to use any drops, rest pause or forced and negatives yet until you have totally mastered going to failure.
It is a true mental battle and its something you have to overcome with your inner self to push to failure and I mean true failure, keep at it and your body will respond because it will have no alternative but to grow bigger. Take your time to get your mind set right pre the working set, this is the time to prepare yourself for war and total muscle breakdown. Well done
Thanks, Marcus. I've done a few forced reps out of necessity and a couple of negatives because I felt like I should, but that's about it. A good example of the frustrating side happened today. I substituted pec deck for flys hoping to really go to failure without sacrificing form. I got my warm up and feel set and figured I could do 110 for 8 or 9 slow and perfect reps. At 6, I knew I would would blow way past 12, so I went to 120 - still too easy after a couple of reps. Finally jumped to 130 and failed at 11 total reps (then got a negative). I should have started at 140 and failed at 7 or 8. At least I'll know where to start next time.
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