you look pretty lean brother maybe even 8
Shit , that would be sick.. Im not even trying to cut lol I duno what is going on with my body lately.
I wish I could say that. I dunno what is going on, I woke up and had an 8-pack. lol
Lookin' like <10% from here.
I'm envious of that midsection.
Pics is very hard to tell. Looking hard though
Great set of abs there! What's crazy is your upper body (pec to delt) area doesn't quite look 8% bf from the pic, but your ab seperation sure the hell does. Ok out with it all natty or are you genetically enhanced?
Lol , I did a cycle about a year ago. As of right now and since that last cycle, yes back to natty. Still take supplements and what not, but no juice. Really just became consistant with my food and its paid off huge
I'd defo say around 8-9% that's super lean man. Looking good (no homo)
Thanks guys, and in all honesty probably going to stay natty. Did the one cycle and it was fun and all but found it to be a pain in the ass near the end of it. Not looking to be a body builder anyways, much rather be healthy and just in shape.
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