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Thread: Am I ready physically to take the plunge?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Am I ready physically to take the plunge?

    I'm 23 years old/195lbs/5foot9 been dieting/lifting for 3 years and always have been natural but plan on enhancing quite soon. I'm currently injured (right knee) so I can't deadlift or squat. I planning on doing everything I can to heal my injury hopefully before my 24th birthday. If all goes well train natural for another year or so and begin my first cycle at 25-26ish. I intend to gain another 25 pounds within these next two years before I even start to enhance which I know is possible as I was about 210 before the injury with not that much difference in bf%(lost alot of size in legs). So about 220lbs 5,9 at around 15% bf before I start my first cycle. Do you guys think I've waited long enough, in your opinion have I reached or am close enough to my full natural potential? Or is it worth it to wait until I'm closer to 30? Any feedback or advice is appreciated thanks Also what would you say my bf is now around 15% right?

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Hi mate,

    You are looking good, how strong are you? I am 59 and started at age 50, competed natural till 50. I have some mates, pro-bodybuilders. Ex My Australia Mr Universe. I watched them as they went from your age to about 30. I cannot see you legs!

    I think waiting at least 2 more years is a good idea, you are nowhere near your potential naturally. When you are a natural monster by all means lets become the hulk.

    Kindest regards and good luck, train harder, longer, eat more and sleep well. You have a gift so use it.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    You are a great example of what young dedicated enthusiasts can accomplish. You asked if you were physically ready to take the plunge, and I would say yes. But, you still have a lot of test in your system naturally and should wait as you suggested. You have the potential to be amazing and to be an example and inspiration to many. Stay on your path, work hard and we will all know who you are someday. It is nice to meet you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Oki-Des View Post
    You are a great example of what young dedicated enthusiasts can accomplish. You asked if you were physically ready to take the plunge, and I would say yes. But, you still have a lot of test in your system naturally and should wait as you suggested. You have the potential to be amazing and to be an example and inspiration to many. Stay on your path, work hard and we will all know who you are someday. It is nice to meet you.

    wow, I dont get many compliments so I really appreciate that. I'm going to continue to work hard as this is what I love to do.
    Last edited by Mezz; 03-02-2014 at 12:19 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by John Andrew View Post
    Hi mate,

    You are looking good, how strong are you? I am 59 and started at age 50, competed natural till 50. I have some mates, pro-bodybuilders. Ex My Australia Mr Universe. I watched them as they went from your age to about 30. I cannot see you legs!

    I think waiting at least 2 more years is a good idea, you are nowhere near your potential naturally. When you are a natural monster by all means lets become the hulk.

    Kindest regards and good luck, train harder, longer, eat more and sleep well. You have a gift so use it.


    Because of my injury I haven't been able to train legs in almost 9 months so they shrunk quite a bit so I am ashamed of how they look at the moment. I do believe they were my best quality before the injury, or at least my quads and hams were, calfs needs work. My strength level is average I'd say for my weight, I "was" squatting 365lbs for sets of 10, my bench is 250lbs for sets of 8, but I don't really max out. I guess being strong is subjective as most people's definition of strong is different, I'll admit I don't focus on strength as much as I do working the muscle. I can't wait to be able to do legs again, I am doing everything I can to strengthen my knee as it is killing me not to be able to workout lower body. Thank you for your kind words.

  6. #6
    I would hit it as hard as possible until your 25 and then reevaluate your body and your goals. You have a great base for being natural and your back has very good detail. I would say your bodyfat .might be alittle less. Your back is pretty lean. Remember just because your 25 doesnt mean you have to start. Keep up the hard work!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    You are looking good bro.But you can get bigger natty.But Imop hit it at 25 just make sure your knee is ready.I am sure at the end of your cycle you will look like a beast.Good luck!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    You are looking good bro.But you can get bigger natty.But Imop hit it at 25 just make sure your knee is ready.I am sure at the end of your cycle you will look like a beast.Good luck!
    Thanks a lot buddy appreciate the feedback & the support!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by michael30 View Post
    I would hit it as hard as possible until your 25 and then reevaluate your body and your goals. You have a great base for being natural and your back has very good detail. I would say your bodyfat .might be alittle less. Your back is pretty lean. Remember just because your 25 doesnt mean you have to start. Keep up the hard work!
    This is great advice, thank you I appreciate it.

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