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Thread: How to; Low Sodium

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side

    How to; Low Sodium

    I reworked my diet to the point of where it looks most clean. Low- med fat, same on carb & cal with high protein

    All is well, no real issues throughout my recomp until now. I'm on my last 5-10 pounds to shed which still isn't the direct issue. But, I'm holding water - I don't want to rely on diuretics to shed it either.

    One of my primary sources of protein & calories is egg protein. Which contains a fairly large amount of sodium. What can be the replacement? I eat minimal red meat due to cost along with fish. My protein sources are chicken, egg whites & powder.

    What can change here? My current sodium intake is right about 2k mg per day < I'd love to see it drop.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Your body will naturally shed the water once the inflammation starts to subside, if it ever does... Gluten and Sugar are going to keep the inflammation up among a few other foods too however not as bad as these 2.. Take a look at your diet and research inflammatory foods to find out what you need to delete from your diet..

    P.S. Your bods NEEDS sodium...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Perhaps some additional potassium and magnesium for electrolyte balance?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    What is a good sodium number to shoot for? I never worried about it much, but water retention is a little bit of a bitch.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Cat Island
    IMO sodium is almost impossible to avoid as it is basically in everything.

    1500-2300mg is an acceptable amount.

    Water retention as I understand it is a function of the kidneys concentration gradient, of which sodium plays a part but its not the only ion, hormones, medication, hydration, etc all play apart in how the body retains/eliminates excess water.

    Perhaps your body is retaining water for some reason you have yet to determine? Idk but if like you said you are already watching the sodium then how can this still be your target culprit?

    But if you need to shed water quick you can do what some fighters do and soak in hot water, 10min in 10-15min out and repeat......


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