Quote Originally Posted by Derekjpapa View Post
sorry to hear that man,scary shit -(not comparing case just example and not saying it was gear but ) years ago I had a friend started training with who was only seriously lifting for 6 mns took gear anadrol test tren (not my idea) started getting stronger. Fast forward 2 months now he is strapping wrist to bars bench a lot more and is mentally stronger.. Going all out. He ended up messing up his spine lift so bad where he went thru therapy then surgery-he could not work never mind hasn't touched a weight since he Mobile an all but can't play sports ect.... It is tough and easy stuff to abuse . Wish your the best
Wow that's terrible bro... you know what this is where the meaning "learn from other people mistakes" comes in place.... but then again i have no idea how it feels to be on gear. I hear the feeling can be addicting and it can mess with your head... How are some of your experiences with test bro if i can ask?