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Thread: Same test , very different results !

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Same test , very different results !

    Same Test , way different results .
    I'm 44 ....I would consider myself a steroid veteran , but I haven't done a cycle ( or even worked out that hard ) in about four years ... Young guys still come to me for workout advice / healthy eating tips / steroid conversations .... It's a thrill that they still come see me ..;-))...

    So here goes: a friend came to me after his 30 th birthday , ready to take the plunge into the dark side . I've known this guy about eight years . We have talked openly about steroids and I can assure you be is a newbie ... He is 5'8" 210lbs low body fat , for all practical purposes a big guy . I was 5'9" 175 .... Yes I know - way too small .... But whatever ...we decided to cycle together . Here's what I came up with :

    For him ( 5'8" 210 to start )
    500 mg test E x 5 weeks
    50 mg Dbol / daily x 5 weeks
    Switch to test prop 300 mg x 3 weeks
    Then straight off to pct

    For me ( 5'9" measly 175 lbs )
    350 mg test prop x 8 weeks
    50 mg Dbol / daily x 4 weeks

    Same Dbol from same package ... Enough for him to do 5 weeks , me to do four .... Same brand on all the test ... For all practical purposes , everything was the same .

    I hit the high of 207 .... From 175 ....32 lbs ! Some water , but pretty clean .... ( cycle over now and I stayed 192 this morning !) but he only gained at his highest 8 pounds . My first thought is that his gear was no good , but we were on the SAME gear . The Dbol alone should have put 10 pounds of water on his ass .... His pct was miserable . Which to me means his gear was good . But , can anybody give me a reason for this disparity ? He has a bachelors in nutrition , so he knows how to eat ....

    This really has me stumped ... Anybody ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    The bigger you are the harder it is to put muscle.

    You were way smaller.

    Plus you had he muscle memory on your side.

    And keep in mind your cycle was pretty light.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    I get the muscle memory , and the size thing . But 8 pounds from 50 mg Dbol daily for 5 weeks ?!?!

    I thought 500 mg test E weekly was a good beginner dosage . Be ause of his already beastly muscle mass , did I under dose him ? I wanted to keep his first cycle at two components . Chose Dbol and test because they are awesome .

    He said ," never again " on cycling . I really feel bad .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    If he kept 8lbs he faired out pretty good, a lot of people think u gain massive amounts of muscle on a cycle but in return u have to figure, water and fat along with your weight gain
    U are lucky to come out of a cycle gaining 4-5lbs of muscle bro

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    I replied in your other thread, but basically it comes down to 8 wks of prop is waaaaay better then 5wks of e and 3 of prop

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    that Test-E was a waist. I see results after 8th week of Test-E so I cycle Test-E for about 14-16 weeks never shorter else I won't peak my gains.

    Also for the dianabols 6 weeks is a minimum or you'll end up full of water which will go away pretty fast when stopping. On every cycle I gain about 5-8Kgs of Muscle(which I keep) even when Im cutting I gain more muscle than he did. Ofcorse using Tren and Test.

    Where did he inject?.

    my firsy Cycle was 400mg test and I gained 35lbs(Muscle+Fat+Water) which totaled to 22lbs after PCT.

    That really got me started to looking BIG!
    Cycle time was too Short IMHO! Waist of Gear. Also your body might react faster to the effects of the Roids than his body.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Here is the deal plain and simple, because I can relate to your friend. He has maxed his gentic potential natty so any weight gain is hard, but more than likely muscle, so all in all 8lbs of muscle is a dream cycle. i would be lucky if i gained 4lbs.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    By the way Im 5'8" 218, my gentic natty is 198 at 12%bf

  9. #9
    yeah, Test E for 5 weeks??? wtf. 16 is primetime for me.

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