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Thread: 3rd cycle advice

  1. #1

    3rd cycle advice

    Im 23 years old 180 7% bf been training 5 years seriously and im about to run my 3rd cycle:

    1-6 Fina 50mg EOD
    1-10 Cyp 200mg W
    1-10 Deca 200mg W
    2 weeks after last inj. start PCT:
    Clomid 300/100/50

    I know these are low doses but let me know what you think/ what you think my gains would be. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    1-10 Cyp 500mg W
    1-10 Deca 400mg W
    3-10 Fina 75mg ED
    1-13 Nolva 10mg ED
    1-13 L-dex .25 ED
    PCT start 3 weeks after last cyp/deca injection........ run PCT for 30 days with nolva/clomid.........

    Also have anti-prolactins on hand...... progestrogen gyno is rare but you double your chances with the deca and fina........... you could use EQ instead of deca

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    1-10 Cyp 500mg W
    1-10 Deca 400mg W
    3-10 Fina 75mg ED
    1-13 Nolva 10mg ED
    1-13 L-dex .25 ED
    PCT start 3 weeks after last cyp/deca injection........ run PCT for 30 days with nolva/clomid.........

    Also have anti-prolactins on hand...... progestrogen gyno is rare but you double your chances with the deca and fina........... you could use EQ instead of deca
    I want to take reasonably low doses... I was thinking of upping the test to 400mg and leaving the deca @ 200 I gain alot on low dose cycles... also why so high on the fina doses.. I was thinking along the lines of 75mg EOD for 6 weeks. thanks for the advice Mud.. hope to here more input

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by tinyandres
    I want to take reasonably low doses... I was thinking of upping the test to 400mg and leaving the deca @ 200 I gain alot on low dose cycles... also why so high on the fina doses.. I was thinking along the lines of 75mg EOD for 6 weeks. thanks for the advice Mud.. hope to here more input
    You can run the test @ 400mg and I would go with 300mg on the deca JMO....
    The fina at 75mg EOD you will see nothing and should just save your money and all those injections.... IMO minimum 75mg ED fina to see results

  5. #5
    For a 180lb guy (with 2 cycles under his belt), I'd say 500mgs of test and EITHER fina or Deca will do the trick. No need for both.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by usualsuspect
    For a 180lb guy (with 2 cycles under his belt), I'd say 500mgs of test and EITHER fina or Deca will do the trick. No need for both.
    If I were to pick one it would be fina.............. great at bulking or cutting......... all around good drug

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    You can run the test @ 400mg and I would go with 300mg on the deca JMO....
    The fina at 75mg EOD you will see nothing and should just save your money and all those injections.... IMO minimum 75mg ED fina to see results
    bro I am currently converting a finaplix-h cart into inj and have 2000mg. I would have to convert another cart to run it @ 75mg ED? couldnt I run it @ 100mg EOD or 50mg ED? also I already have the deca and will up the dosage on cyp to 400mg with proper anti-e's and PCT.

    so over all my cycle would be...
    1-10 Cyp 400mg W
    1-10 Deca 200mg W
    3-10 Fina 50mg ED or 100 EOD

    thanks again for your quick advice hoping to hear more

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by tinyandres
    I want to take reasonably low doses... I was thinking of upping the test to 400mg and leaving the deca @ 200 I gain alot on low dose cycles... also why so high on the fina doses.. I was thinking along the lines of 75mg EOD for 6 weeks. thanks for the advice Mud.. hope to here more input
    The lower test dosage you can get away with, the better IMO. I'm running 300mgs of test prop right now with good results and basically no sides. If your body responds well to lower dosages consider yourself lucky and use it to your advantage.
    Last edited by usualsuspect; 11-20-2003 at 06:17 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Question Mud,why not run the cyp a week longer?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    Question Mud,why not run the cyp a week longer?
    Cyp and Deca half-lives are the same pretty much.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by tinyandres
    bro I am currently converting a finaplix-h cart into inj and have 2000mg. I would have to convert another cart to run it @ 75mg ED? couldnt I run it @ 100mg EOD or 50mg ED? also I already have the deca and will up the dosage on cyp to 400mg with proper anti-e's and PCT.

    so over all my cycle would be...
    1-10 Cyp 400mg W
    1-10 Deca 200mg W
    3-10 Fina 50mg ED or 100 EOD

    thanks again for your quick advice hoping to hear more
    Do what you want.............. I tell you what I know from my experiances..... if you don't want to take the advice fine...... but like I said fina needs to be ran at 75mg ED to see good results IMO.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    Do what you want.............. I tell you what I know from my experiances..... if you don't want to take the advice fine...... but like I said fina needs to be ran at 75mg ED to see good results IMO.
    Listen.. Im not going against your advice, I know you know what you are talking about and I thank you for the help youre giving me... Im taking everything into consideration. I was just asking if I can get the right doses off one finaplix-h cart converted and if 100mg eod would be sufficient. again I respond well to low doses as all my cycles have been. thanks again bro. hoping to get more advice/info

  13. #13
    yeah whats the point of asking for advice when you basically already have your mind made up.

    Nevertheless, some good advice there Mud

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by usualsuspect
    yeah whats the point of asking for advice when you basically already have your mind made up.

    Nevertheless, some good advice there Mud
    I dont have my mind made up.. Im considering all advice. sorry if I look like im not taking everyones advice... I am

  15. #15

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