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Thread: Iodine vs. Alcohol for solution sterilization?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    The DOJO

    Iodine vs. Alcohol for solution sterilization?

    Hi all,

    I was wondering about using Iodine instead of alcohol to keep solutions sterile.
    A benefit would be no pain in the injection (Iodine is not painful)

    The Question is, would the Iodine damage the peptides?
    Is this feasible?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I find moving the dirt/debris around by alcohol swab sufficient for sterilization purposes surrounding peptide experimentation, no need for iodine imho

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    I find moving the dirt/debris around by alcohol swab sufficient for sterilization purposes surrounding peptide experimentation, no need for iodine imho
    Hey Vette, good to see you sir!

    and now back to OP.....

    I tried acquiring iodine not too long ago. Walmart doesn't carry, and neither did ?? (Rite Aid??). Not sure why, and the pharmacist didn't know why either. It can be toxic under the right conditions, but then again, so can rubbing alcohol.

    If iodine is applied topically, then it will not damage the peptide. However, it's messy, and the small amount of alcohol drawn in from an injection is more than offset by the hassle of having to "clean up" the iodine mess.

    One trick I do with the alcohol. I have small glass atomizers that I fill with alcohol and spray on topically. Quick, no waste from the wrapper of the alcohol swab, and very convenient.

    Just stuff to think about............

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Hey Vette, good to see you sir!

    and now back to OP.....

    I tried acquiring iodine not too long ago. Walmart doesn't carry, and neither did ?? (Rite Aid??). Not sure why, and the pharmacist didn't know why either. It can be toxic under the right conditions, but then again, so can rubbing alcohol.

    If iodine is applied topically, then it will not damage the peptide. However, it's messy, and the small amount of alcohol drawn in from an injection is more than offset by the hassle of having to "clean up" the iodine mess.

    One trick I do with the alcohol. I have small glass atomizers that I fill with alcohol and spray on topically. Quick, no waste from the wrapper of the alcohol swab, and very convenient.

    Just stuff to think about............
    Thank you very much Vette and Rokman,
    I think you might have misunderstood my question though.
    I did not mean topically. I meant to add it to the solution itself inside the vial to keep it sterile instead of alcohol.
    You know how alcohol causes injection pain.
    Iodine does not cause any type of pain and is a better disinfectant than alcohol.
    For example, adding Iodine to sterile water instead of alcohol that is used in BAC water.
    My main concern is would the iodine do anything to damage peptides, GH, etc?

  5. #5
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    I am assuming it is safe to inject iodine because it is sold in little tablets that can be added to water bottles when going camping/hiking and drinking from a river, lake, etc.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by phwSSJ View Post
    Thank you very much Vette and Rokman,
    I think you might have misunderstood my question though.
    I did not mean topically. I meant to add it to the solution itself inside the vial to keep it sterile instead of alcohol.
    You know how alcohol causes injection pain.
    Iodine does not cause any type of pain and is a better disinfectant than alcohol.
    For example, adding Iodine to sterile water instead of alcohol that is used in BAC water.
    My main concern is would the iodine do anything to damage peptides, GH, etc?
    I think your main concern should be the effects of injecting iodine into your body. this is the first time I've ever heard of this. I've never seen any in the medical community employ this technique either.

    So where did you come up with this idea?

    Quote Originally Posted by phwSSJ View Post
    I am assuming it is safe to inject iodine because it is sold in little tablets that can be added to water bottles when going camping/hiking and drinking from a river, lake, etc.
    big difference between ingesting small amounts orally, and injecting them.

    so what happens when you google "injecting iodine"?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I think your main concern should be the effects of injecting iodine into your body. this is the first time I've ever heard of this. I've never seen any in the medical community employ this technique either.

    So where did you come up with this idea?

    big difference between ingesting small amounts orally, and injecting them.

    so what happens when you google "injecting iodine"?
    I came up with the idea, by way of logic.
    Alcohol applied to an open wound burns and hurts pretty bad. Same with injecting it in a steroid oil or (less) in bac water.
    Iodine, on the other hand, when applied to an open wound, does not have any effect as far as sensation.
    My logic is that if it is safe to apply it to an open wound, then why would it not be safe to inject it (in small amount probably less than one would use to sterilize a wound)?

  8. #8
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    I googled and found this in ten seconds. please do your own research, as this could be wrong. but then again....

    'If you were to somehow inject iodine into the blood stream, there could be serious results. Iodine can tightly bond metal ions (such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, etc...) in your blood which are crucial for you heart and nervous system to function appropriately. With all the metals bound up in iodine complexes, they can't help the heart muscles and neurons to conduct electrical signals or contract to form a coherent heartbeat. This can lead to cardiac arrest or a multitude of neurological disorders. Iodine is also quite a potent irritant (ever had iodine tincture applied to a cut? Smarts, doesn't it?), and thus the interior of your blood vessels will become several inflammed, perhaps closing bloodflow to certain parts of the body. So, in short, injecting a great deal of iodine is pretty dangerous"

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I googled and found this in ten seconds. please do your own research, as this could be wrong. but then again....

    'If you were to somehow inject iodine into the blood stream, there could be serious results. Iodine can tightly bond metal ions (such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, etc...) in your blood which are crucial for you heart and nervous system to function appropriately. With all the metals bound up in iodine complexes, they can't help the heart muscles and neurons to conduct electrical signals or contract to form a coherent heartbeat. This can lead to cardiac arrest or a multitude of neurological disorders. Iodine is also quite a potent irritant (ever had iodine tincture applied to a cut? Smarts, doesn't it?), and thus the interior of your blood vessels will become several inflammed, perhaps closing bloodflow to certain parts of the body. So, in short, injecting a great deal of iodine is pretty dangerous"
    Hey listen smart guy, you got that off yahoo answers.......since when is that reliable? That "couple seconds" of "research" made you look stupid.
    You also said:
    "I think your main concern should be the effects of injecting iodine into your body. this is the first time I've ever heard of this. I've never seen any in the medical community employ this technique either."

    Iodine is actually used in CT scans as "contrast" (injected through an IV into the blood) for better imaging results.
    What "medical community" are you talking about?

    Sorry, Im not going to have some arrogant ignoramus try to talk down to me telling me to do my own research.

    Yahoo answers, medical did you become a "VET"?

    Iodine is used in hospitals for surgical sterilization.

    "(ever had iodine tincture applied to a cut? Smarts, doesn't it?)" Have you ever used iodine before? do you even know what it is?
    What you wrote and the info you got off of yahoo answers makes no sense what so ever and has no basis.
    You should be demoted!

    I am asking a legitimate question.
    If anyone with some self respect has an intelligent informed answer, I would appreciate it.

  10. #10
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    I didn't say what I said was research. I said...

    "I googled and found this in ten seconds. please do your own research, as this could be wrong. but then again...."

    Yes, I did get it that way. And I also said I could be wrong and to check it out for yourself. I opened the door to the possibility there was a chance it was right as well.

    Never claimed to be smart. I do ask a lot of questions.

    When I asked you where you got the idea from you said....

    "I came up with the idea, by way of logic.
    Alcohol applied to an open wound burns and hurts pretty bad. Same with injecting it in a steroid oil or (less) in bac water.
    Iodine, on the other hand, when applied to an open wound, does not have any effect as far as sensation.
    My logic is that if it is safe to apply it to an open wound, then why would it not be safe to inject it (in small amount probably less than one would use to sterilize a wound)?"

    so if you had better information, then why didn't you come clean and just tell me?

    I answer thousands of questions regularly, and you want to rip into me over some stupid shit like this? I never professed to try to pass the work off as my own, and I also conceded it could be wrong.

    So take a chill pill and relax.

    Life's too short to stress over this BS


  11. #11
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    I know part of this one.....

    as far as interaction with peptides..that is what labrats are for..I have no idea.

    As far as iodine per injection it is a VERY common medical process called ICCM. It is considered moderately dangerous because 1 in 170,000 will immediately die due to severe allergic reaction (brings on cardiac arrest or very low blood pressure). Moderate reaction happens 1 in 1000 which is puffy face some breathing difficulity. 1 in 2500 has severe reactions which include cardiac arrest.

    SO if you are not the one in 2500 after an ICCM you know your sensitivity to IV Iodine.

    Oh and also Iodine is not used on skin..that is Betaiodine compound. Pure Iodine is fairly hard to come up with (stuff you buy at the store is Betaiodine)
    Last edited by Chicagotarsier; 05-08-2014 at 03:12 AM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by phwSSJ View Post
    Hey listen smart guy, you got that off yahoo answers.......since when is that reliable? That "couple seconds" of "research" made you look stupid.
    You also said:
    "I think your main concern should be the effects of injecting iodine into your body. this is the first time I've ever heard of this. I've never seen any in the medical community employ this technique either."

    Iodine is actually used in CT scans as "contrast" (injected through an IV into the blood) for better imaging results.
    What "medical community" are you talking about?

    Sorry, Im not going to have some arrogant ignoramus try to talk down to me telling me to do my own research.

    Yahoo answers, medical did you become a "VET"?

    Iodine is used in hospitals for surgical sterilization.

    "(ever had iodine tincture applied to a cut? Smarts, doesn't it?)" Have you ever used iodine before? do you even know what it is?
    What you wrote and the info you got off of yahoo answers makes no sense what so ever and has no basis.
    You should be demoted!

    I am asking a legitimate question.
    If anyone with some self respect has an intelligent informed answer, I would appreciate it.
    The only stupid one here is you. Read everything you said and see how stupid YOU sound. In fact, take a quick look at your post history, you have no business messing with anything. You should be playing with wooden alphabet blocks, nothing else.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

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