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Thread: Week 5 1st cycle test e & eq no results so far... ??

  1. #1

    Week 5 1st cycle test e & eq no results so far... ??

    Next monday is week 5 on my 1st cycle running 350mg test e and 350mg eq / week (250mg/ml).

    - weights up 1.5kg

    - im not running any a.i just nolva on hand for gyno
    (Nolva for pct too)
    - strength hasnt changed nothing noticeable

    - pumps are getting a little bit more intense

    - hunger through the roof somedays feels like i could eat forever.

    - training, feels like i could train forever. Thinking about adding more sets to each exercise, no point training like i was when natty i guess if i feel recovered enough
    -overall physical appearance not much difference if any.

    -should i up test e to 500mg and eq to 400mg / week or just wait ?

  2. #2
    Im injecting in glutes left on mon afternoon and right on thursday afternoon going back and forth if that makes any difference

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    350mg test a week is low and your cycle is a mess!!!
    -no ai
    -no hcg
    -pct no clomid
    -Dosages wrong

    Not well planned out what do you expect

    What's your stats

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    ^^^^^ agreed. You should notice more gains by week 7 or so. Start using an ai. Cycle needs adjustment. Also post more stats for better response.

  5. #5
    Im runnin a low cycle because i was advised that only running more on your irst will mean youll need more on my 2nd cycle.

    Im running no ai because who i bought it off said i would be fine with such a low dose i wouldnt need, i can get arimidex tho if any experienced people advise? So far iv had no side effects except sex drive gone up.

    No hcg because i cant get round my ways.

    Nolva for pct is fine. Clomid is not 100% neccesary. Iv read and heard many have ran successful pct with just nolva.

    Please explain how they are "wrong dosages" interested..?

    Thankyou for all replys

  6. #6
    Age 20
    Height 176cm
    Weight 82.5kg in morning nothing in me straight from bed to scales.
    Bench press 120kg for 3 reps (tested 2weeks ago)
    Squat unknown
    Deadlift 120kg for 8 reps (raw) no assistance (tested 2.5weeks ago)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    See there is your first problem

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

  9. #9
    Heard it all made a decision and im sticking by it, the guy i bought the steroids off sugested id be fine without an ai because of such a low dose and if gyno pops up i can use nolva..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Never ever ever listen to your dealer. You come here for advice but ignore it? Why ask in the first place?

    Want to know why you aren't gaining? Because your diet isn't up to scratch.
    Last edited by Back In Black; 05-04-2014 at 02:54 AM.

  11. #11
    Nolva is not a stand alone PCT....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    [QUOTE="manky chops;......the guy i bought the steroids off sugested .....

    That very rare occasion when your supplier is a qualified Endocrinologist dabbling in sport science is it?

    Well, That's how it comes across as you seem to treasure his stupid advice like a supreme decree from Kim jong Un to his subjects!

  13. #13
    Im not ignoring advice i want to get arimidex but it will be atleast two weeks before i can afford some... :/

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by manky chops View Post
    Im not ignoring advice i want to get arimidex but it will be atleast two weeks before i can afford some... :/
    Never start a cycle without having everything.

    How can you afford food if you can't afford your gear?

    You should really stop this foolishness before you hurt yourself.

  15. #15
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You will lose all gains ( that's if you get any) after the cycle because you have cycled tgo young and have zero foundation and your diet wont and will not support any new muscle tissue. So shutting down your natural test before its fully developed as been a waste of time and could cause you health issue for the rest of your life.

    Ignore my comments if your like but they are 100% right.
    Last edited by marcus300; 05-04-2014 at 03:55 AM.

  16. #16
    Arimidex is $240 new zealand dollars here.. Thats not cheap... I was advised i would be okay which so far i am. So its hard to beleive some random on the internet compared to someone in reallfe if you get what i mean.. No offense. Irs not foolishness many have run without ai just to see how they react thts not to say they dont have it on hand..

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Ive never heard of a dealer of any kind (even a car dealer) telling a customer they should not buy what they are selling, even if they dont have what the person needs. Do you think he would tell you, Hey dont by my gear because I dont have a proper AI.

    Most dealers/sources wont sell and AI because there is not much profit in it compared to gear. Sorry but you are making all the classic newbie mistakes. Either listen to these guys now or you will have no choice but to listen to them when you have other issues.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Seriously, why even ask questions here?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by manky chops View Post
    Heard it all made a decision and im sticking by it, the guy i bought the steroids off sugested id be fine without an ai because of such a low dose and if gyno pops up i can use nolva..
    Of course he told u that... He's a DEALER! ur cycle is a f**king mess... Just get off and start ur half ass pct... Ur going to screw urself up bad...

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    You lost me at 20 dumbass.

    Enjoy your titties and flaccid horn for the next 50 years. Don't forget to thank your dealer for the sound advice - I'm sure he has your best interests in mind.

  21. #21
    Instead of getting all angry and being negative .. Could be positive and advise no ones perfect. Getting arimidex this thursday will be running at .25 eod and adjust if needed. Thanks for all replys. Im listening. And making moves from what feedback iv had from the veterans whos posted on this.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    If you can get clomid also for pct....would be best if you stoped the cycle got clomid and ran clomid with nolva for 4 weeks. Hard work > gear, this has to be learned. You can get much much stronger natural by training natty for atleast afew more years it will make you into a beast in the long run. You have to learn to trust the vets on these forums the guys will not give you b/s info we are all bodybuilders trying to help a brother out, we all want to get bigger and stronger its just there is a smart way to do it and there is a dumb way (im not calling any1 dumb)*. A cycle could be ran smart or not smart which would at first seem like a good idea and make u look bigger make it seem like your taking a step forward but in the long run it will pull you back from achieving your goals of getting bigger and make you take 2 steps back. Live and learn, learn how to listen....some learn this earlier some take the hard route. Which path will you take? Good luck bro.

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