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Thread: Igf 1 lr3 with sermorelin

  1. #1

    Igf 1 lr3 with sermorelin

    I am taking 200mcg of Sermorelin at night.
    I was thinking about adding 40mcg bilaterally of IGf 1 lr3 pre workout for a more immediate effect until the sermorelin has a chance to build up. I would also take 1ml of Sustanon once a week.
    Is this a good stack or is stacking the sermorelin and Igf a waste?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Hey Drake42, how is your TRT (Sustanon) + GHRH (Sermorelin) treating you? IGF Lr3 is a systemic polypeptide hormone, no need to inject bilaterally - adding IGF-1 would not necessarily be a waste (in most cases it's a waste for a variety of other reasons...)

  3. #3
    it is going very well. I started the GHRH 45 days before the Sustanon to give it time to work. I am having a great gains and am starting to really tighten up. I decided not use the IGF. I wanted to know if the GHRH was working on its own first. One of the first things I noticed is that I sleep well and the dreams are pretty intense

  4. #4
    human project's Avatar
    human project is offline Knowledgeable Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Sep 2011
    United States
    I've been interested in getting back into some peps.... Ill follow your posts on this bc I'm interested in your stack.. Subscribed

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