I am looking for something very mild, low on the sides, 5-7lbs net. What do you think 50mg eod will do for a well trained in shape brother?
I am looking for something very mild, low on the sides, 5-7lbs net. What do you think 50mg eod will do for a well trained in shape brother?
i think that can be gotten without any juice,.... Im not at all saying not to use ,..... just 5-7 pounds isnt much at all..... IMO seems like a waste of prop ........you can try just bumpimg up your calories a little more, not much just a little more than you are at now.... you will gain weight at a slow rate and it wont come on fast as fat,.... (anavar is very low on sides also)
What is your stats? Training experence? Cycle ecperence?
lets see...... 50mg every other day ..... 4 x 50mg .... your talking about talking 200mg of test a week ...well your body already produces approx 250mg a week without anything.... so 200mg a week is only going to shut down your natural test levels and not do much if anything for you....... and the more i think about it,..... it would actually be 200mg one week, then the next week it would be 150mg ....because your doing it E.O.D. that means 4 days a week the first week, then 3 days a week the next, then 4 days and so on ,. and so on.. you see what im sayig here?
I sees what your saying. I have been training for years and am at the end of my rope. I have juice many time b 4 with gains but lots of sides including ZITS. I am finally clear of zits but i want a bit more out of my body.
30 waiste
31 yrs
lots of hair upstairs
eat very clean
heres a pic, pls excuse the gitch
Last edited by Duckmanfoochew; 11-20-2003 at 09:52 PM. Reason: added pic
im not really sure what your asking exactly now ,...... but i do understand that you wish to have little to no sides,..... we all wish this,(sides are part of the risk in using , but if prepared ahead of time you can prevent alot of them too)...... as far as wanting more from your body,.... well i think we all want that aswell...... so,... like i said, i think that only 50mg E.O.D. maybe isnt the best route to go..... maybe throw some more test in and work with the sides if any start showing, have everything ahead of time to catch it early if needed.....there are many options of how to go about adding test to your cycle , anything from anavar to d-bol ,....more injectable test, or even both ....lol....... it all really depends on if your looking to cut, get bigger or whatever.......good luck.....
i have done a prop only cycle 50mg EOD and got some good results....gained about 10lbs....wierd huh?
yeah, i just started a prop(100mg eod) and EQ cycle and already added about 3 solid pound in the first week, i don't think you''l need AS for just 5-7 pounds. just eat clean, lift hard and use some creatine and you''l definately get those 5-7 pounds.
I think I can make those gains naturaly too, but there is no feeling like training on some gear. It gets you into an entirely different frame of mind with respect to training, eating, and living your day to day life.
The more I think Anavar, EQ, low dose Prop, are options if I do decide to go with the gear.
you would probly want to run 300-350 atleast and i would assume you are focusing on lean gains only. With your diet in check and a short cycle 5 -10 pounds would be pretty easy with prop. seen some pretty sick things around here with prop
Last edited by ENraged; 11-21-2003 at 08:55 AM.
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