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Thread: post cycle therapy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    post cycle therapy

    I am coming to the end of an Winstrol/ Fina cycle and I am wondering what the proper way to come off this cycle is? I have purchased HCG and Clomid, and was wondering if this was all I needed? and how to properly adminster the two.

    The specifics:
    152 mg/mL Fina and 50 mg/mL winstrol ---- 7 week cycle

    What do i do with the HCG and clomid?

  2. #2
    you`ve been a member here since 2001 and you dont know what to do with HCG and clomid?......... what have you been doing for almost 3 years on here.....not being mean but now isnt the time to ask if there is anything else you need or to learn how to use these,... have everything in place PRIOR to starting the cycle!!!!...... including educating yourself on what your taking and why....BEFORE you take anything learn about it first please .i swear im not trying to just bitch at you im trying to honestly help you ......

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Well now that murph got his anger out at you i can at least tell to run the clomid at 300mg on day1 100mg on day 2-11 and 50mg on day 12-21....though i do agree with murph in that you should already know this.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by bigsd67
    Well now that murph got his anger out at you i can at least tell to run the clomid at 300mg on day1 100mg on day 2-11 and 50mg on day 12-21....though i do agree with murph in that you should already know this.
    .lol....sorry i got so carried away with the importance of learning first ,...i forgot to answer his question.(thanks bigsd67 for getting to him)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by murph
    .lol....sorry i got so carried away with the importance of learning first ,...i forgot to answer his question.(thanks bigsd67 for getting to him)
    Need one of my xanax murph?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    Need one of my xanax murph? 2 funny .. but hey ....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by tomcat
    I am coming to the end of an Winstrol/ Fina cycle and I am wondering what the proper way to come off this cycle is? I have purchased HCG and Clomid, and was wondering if this was all I needed? and how to properly adminster the two.

    The specifics:
    152 mg/mL Fina and 50 mg/mL winstrol ---- 7 week cycle

    What do i do with the HCG and clomid?
    ill even take this a step further...been here for 3 years and ran a testless cycle

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    i had everything in place murph, chill out. Sorry about the mis wording. I had every thing in place in the beginning. The question i have is that tren and win have the half life of a day, so hcg and clomid should start immediately, but you can't take hcg and clomid simultaneoulsy, so how do you properly administer both?

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