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Thread: Oral to injectable.

  1. #1

    Oral to injectable.

    Hey guys I'm not new to steroids but have been taking the oral ones. I am wanting to switch over to the injectable roids. I'm not quite sure on how much I need for a cutting and bulking cycle. I am looking at doing a Dbol, anadrol, and test E stack. Right now I am taking 25mg of Dbol, 50mg of anadrol, and 100mg of tren 100 3xday. Any help on how much I would need to buy of each for a cycle. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    What are your stats and workout experience?

    First cycles are test only. You need to know how test effects your body throughout a cycle. This way when when you stack other compounds with it can get a true gauge or feeling for what they provide for you in terms of gains and sides. Almost all other feelings you establish on different steroids will be based on their interaction and synergy with test. Later you might explore how 2 or 3 compounds synergistically interact with one another. But you need an accurate baseline as it is probably the only compound that stacks well with virtually every steroid.

    It would be in your best interest to read the threads in the database below. They are all short and provide a crash course on all the the various aspects of steroids that you should know.

    Austinite's Educational Article Database

  3. #3
    I have been lifting for 12 years. I am 5'11" and weigh 190lbs. 10% body fat. Bench is 315 max, squat is 375 max. Thanks for the input I will read up on the other threads to get a better understanding. I'm not one of those idiots who jump into and then talk bad about roids because it screwed them up. Thanks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Happy to help bro. If you have anymore questions don't be afraid to post or shoot me a PM. Best of luck reaching your goals!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Justinschuring View Post
    Hey guys I'm not new to steroids but have been taking the oral ones. I am wanting to switch over to the injectable roids. I'm not quite sure on how much I need for a cutting and bulking cycle. I am looking at doing a Dbol, anadrol, and test E stack. Right now I am taking 25mg of Dbol, 50mg of anadrol, and 100mg of tren 100 3xday. Any help on how much I would need to buy of each for a cycle. Thanks.

    Are you taking all those amounts 3 x a day? Or just the oral tren 3 x a day? Either way your liver is hating you right now. I'd recommend you stop and pct. Then educate yourself properly, with the help of this board, before you cycle safely.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014
    I'm pretty sure he's talking about 'tren 100' the the vitamin not 'gp tren' the steroid. Tren 100 comes in 100 mg tabs gp tren comes in 250mg tabs

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2013
    No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by Justinschuring View Post
    Hey guys I'm not new to steroids but have been taking the oral ones. I am wanting to switch over to the injectable roids. I'm not quite sure on how much I need for a cutting and bulking cycle. I am looking at doing a Dbol, anadrol, and test E stack. Right now I am taking 25mg of Dbol, 50mg of anadrol, and 100mg of tren 100 3xday. Any help on how much I would need to buy of each for a cycle. Thanks.

    Are you seriously taking that much oral gear? That is fcking nuts and nobody should be doing that. Test only for an injectible cycle. I bet you are practically yellow from all that gear. Wow. You are gonna hurt yourself bad buddy if u don't stop.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    I'm pretty sure he's talking about 'tren 100' the the vitamin not 'gp tren' the steroid. Tren 100 comes in 100 mg tabs gp tren comes in 250mg tabs
    Well, let's hope so. Either way, I'm know you will agree, it's a terrible cycle and even 2 orals will do his liver no favours.

  9. #9
    Sorry I'm not WELL EDUCATED that's why I masking about this. How did I know I was going get replies from dicks. No my liver isn't killing me and I'm not yellow. I know what the sides are if it's to much.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Well, calling people dicks is bound to get you the help you want.

    Best of luck

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