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Thread: 24 and excited about my first cycle! Need help with tweaks.

  1. #1

    24 and excited about my first cycle! Need help with tweaks.

    Hey guys,

    I did my first injection today

    Here are my stats

    Age: 24
    Height: 5'10
    Weight in kgs: 86kgs
    BF: not to sure, but estimating 18%- 20%
    Training: Been training since 18. Best i ever got was 14% bf 2 yrs ago, then stopped training.
    Recent training: Been training for past 4 months. Everything is pretty good now.

    Cycle: 10ml Prop & 10 ml Tren ace total for first 4 weeks
    10ml of sus250 and 10ml of test e last 4-5 weeks.
    Injecting eod m,w,f

    Have n2guard as cycle support
    Have liquidex from same guys as n2guard
    Have raxol for gyno symptoms on hand
    Have HCGenerate to take 4 weeks before cycle ends. (cant get hcg but this is the best i could get)

    PCT is clomid and Novadex.
    I can't remember how much to take right now off the top of my head but i think it was
    clomid 100/50/50/50
    Novadex - cant remember (will check it up soon)

    TDEE: 3000 calories. I put myself in lightly active, but can you guys help me with this? I am on the computer most of the day at home and i go gym which goes for about 1 hr -1/2 hr a day 6 days a week. I do 5 sets by 12/10/8/6/6 and the reason i do this is because i have found the most results from it in terms of putting on muscle (really enjoying this). When i was doing 3 sets or so i wasn't seeing such a big result. I am not sure if i should be in the lightly active section or moderate.

    Anyway I want to cut down my bf, I have no idea what to expect in terms of BF goal because i have no idea what to expect from a cycle. Ideally i would like to get down to low teens.

    My diet is 45/40/15 (protein, carbs, fats) and I am trying to split it with 7 meals a day evenly split. Calories i am doing a deficit of 300 calories. so i will be eatting 2700 calories a day.

    Protein: 303.75g
    carbs: 270g of carbs
    fats: 45grams


    Will this diet also help me get more lean muscle? Or should I add a surplus of 300?
    Injecting my quads today i had a muscle spasm, felt like a tendon or something weird. I didn't pull the needle out but it was all the way in. Does the needle need to be all the way in (quads)? Do i need to pull it out and reinject it into a better spot?
    Do you suggest any changes?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    This is a terrible cycle. Stop immediately. Way too many problems going on. Very bad choice of everything. Seriously stop immediately and do your homework

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Quote Originally Posted by PistolPete33
    This is a terrible cycle. Stop immediately. Way too many problems going on. Very bad choice of everything. Seriously stop immediately and do your homework


    True, wtf kinda cycle is that? Read a bit man

  4. #4
    I have been reading a lot. but i dont understand what is wrong with it? Can you guys shed some light here.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by tappco View Post
    I have been reading a lot. but i dont understand what is wrong with it? Can you guys shed some light here.
    You have not reached any of your natural potentials yet.

    Testosterone Enanthate alone is enough to yield considerable gains, especially for your first ever cycle.

    Trenbolone Acetate is a very, very potent compound, few people ever use it on their first cycle and those who do, generally get more of the sides and less of the gains.

    Stick with Testosterone Enanthate only, along with hCG, something like this;

    Test E @ 250mg EOD
    hCG @ 250iu EOD
    Arimidex @ 0.25-0.5mg EOD

    PCT is;

    Clomid 70-75/50/50/50
    Nolvadex 40/20/20/20

    This is helpful! ^^

    Give yourself at least another night of research and development. This is something you do not want to rush.
    Last edited by Grandeur; 06-16-2014 at 05:27 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Grandeur View Post
    You have not reached any of your natural potentials yet.

    Testosterone Enanthate alone is enough to yield considerable gains, especially for your first ever cycle.

    Trenbolone Acetate is a very, very potent compound, few people ever use it on their first cycle and those who do, generally get more of the sides and less of the gains.

    Stick with Testosterone Enanthate only, along with hCG, something like this;

    Test E @ 250mg EOD
    hCG @ 250iu EOD
    Arimidex @ 0.25-0.5mg EOD

    PCT is;

    Clomid 70-75/50/50/50
    Nolvadex 40/20/20/20

    This is helpful! ^^

    Give yourself at least another night of research and development. This is something you do not want to rush.
    250mg every 3.5 days so 500mg/week TOTAL.

  7. #7
    kk got it. Thank you guys for the feedback.

    If I stop right now after 1 inject and just start doing Test e is that ok?
    Thank you!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Yes, you will be fine. Keep it at one compound and only 500mg/week TOTAL. This will allow you to monitor sides etc and you will know where they are coming from. Too many compounds and you have no idea what's causing them. Be safe and enjoy the ride. Please ask questions to educate yourself more. I'm not a vet by any means but I'm learning and have been here for a few years.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    one vial of test e is not a cycle bro why didn't you buy 2 or 3 instead of jumping on the tren train way before you are ready...if you where to do your cycle as planned you wouldn't even see any effects from the test e if you are going to start it after the prop and tren a cus it taks 4 to 5 weeks to see any effects and then you will run out so back its kind of pointless...that being said when you are ready you could use the sust and test e and treat them like they are the same and inject 2x a week and maybe see something from it...others may disagree but really test is test...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    You only have 1 bottle of test???? If that's the case abort this and wait until you're ready.

  11. #11
    My initial cycle was to be dbols and 500 mg of test e but the guy (who i have known for years and has been doing steriods and comps) recommended me this for my first. Said its enough to work but not enough to really injure me internally if at all with the right precautions. Guess its back to drawing board. thanks guys.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Don't listen to your gym friends. Listen to the vets on this forum. They are way more knowledgeable.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Keep reading through the first cycle thread man, ask Austinite anything you want, he will answer.

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