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Thread: Why do I keep getting mosquito bite like area at injection site?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Why do I keep getting mosquito bite like area at injection site?

    Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. Ive done hundreds of problem free injections. Currently using TB500 once a week. The first 6-8 sub q injections no problem. The last 2 have caused me to get a mosquito bite looking thing at the injection site. Injecting in my belly fat. It gets red and itchy as hell for a few days then goes away. This is the 2nd one in a row. TB500 is from site sponsor. So is all the gear to administer it. I'm doing this the same as I've always done all injections both IM or Sub Q. I alcohol swab the spot. Then the vials. Use one pin to draw, then new pin to inject. Then hold the spot with alcohol swab after needle comes out. Any ideas why this could be happing?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Are you injecting right after reconstituting? This happens to me with peptides if I don't roll the vial and mix it good enough. Just a histamine reaction, nothing to worry about. You certainly could take an antihistamine or apply one directly. I don't see why you would need to hold the spot with alcohol swab, maybe discontinue doing that see if it helps. But maybe the last 2 were a new vial and just drawn up soon after reconstituting.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Yeah I reconstitute then inject within a minute or two. I try to swirl it around a bit to make sure its all dissolved. I'll try not using the alcohol swab afterwards. I take zyrtec daily for allergies, not sure if that's what you mean by antihistamine? Its just confusing because I've done the same procedure for 2 years.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    K, possibly wait longer before you inject. roll the vial a bit, maybe stick in fridge for a bit and then roll it again before you draw and inject. This is pretty common for several different peptides. Just tends to happen when you inject soon after reconstitution. I know I've gotten it from ghrp2/ mod grf(1-29) combo before, with really high quality peptides. Unless for some reason this won't happen with tb500, and you accidentally got a different peptide, but I would honestly doubt it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    nvm ..

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