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Thread: Large red bulge 4 to 5 " below injection site. Anyone else?

  1. #1

    Angry Large red bulge 4 to 5 " below injection site. Anyone else?

    So I started taking a leaner mix a few months ago and 3 to 4 days after injection i'd get a large red, warm to the touch knot about 4" below injection site. I went to the doctor and he thought it may be cellulitis (told him I was in yard with bugs and rosebushes). Went on antibiotics and it slowly went away.

    took another injection , this time in buttocks while on antibiotics...same thing. (btw, my wife is a nurse who does all injections so sterility and technique are stellar)

    did some research and it seems other guys have had this trouble because with less oil, sometimes the oil gets absorbed up leaving the crystalline to irritate the muscle. Got with my guy and he gave me a much weaker mixture, same concentration as i'd done previously with no trouble.

    had the injection and...2 days later, 4" below injection site..same damn thing. Red, warm to touch, good size knot. I now have no idea wtf is up, other than perhaps i'm having an allergic reaction? maybe he changed the delivery type of oil etc. He's out of town so I can't ask, but will when he gets back.

    anyone else ever have this problem?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    at a minimum, I'd stop injecting......................

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    North America
    seen you touch on this subject in another post. Are you using 5/8" pins like that OP was in that thread? (I asked over there but you never did reply).

  4. #4
    For sure I am done, luckily I have enough Nolv and HCG to get off properly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    at a minimum, I'd stop injecting......................

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