hey guys i just competed this last weekend, i did great but i was on a lot of compounds, 700tren a week, 700 winstrol a week, 50mg prop eod, 80mcg clen a day, letrozole .25mg eod. My energy levels and libido now post contest are shot even though i'm on 100mg test prop eod with 50mg masteron eod, and using letro still .25mg eod. I think my receptors are shot as this has happened before, so i'm wondering if i can lower my dose to 50mg test prop eod with the .25mg letro for about 3-4 weeks and let my body recover..then after the 3 week period rise it back up to a good cruise dose of 100mg prop eod with 50mg mast eod (i notice as i go through prep my body adjusts every few months and i have to either up the dose or add in more compounds). I just want to have my energy back and am willing to suffer for a few weeks if i think it will help..suggestions?