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Thread: What to do?

  1. #1

    What to do?

    I've done light cycles years ago with no PCT and was fine. I've also done 1 deca cycle that shut me down hard. This time around I decided to go with a long tren-a test-p cycle (16 weeks) which would end right before my vacation. I made great gains. I was on week 14 when a death in the family occurred and I had to leave right away for week which then turned into 2 weeks with no workouts and then 1 more week of vacation. I've definitely lost size but I feel great. My balls seem normal, I've been having great sex and no PCT was done.

    My question is, now that I'm about to get back home 3 weeks off a short ester cycle should I start pct? Or just save it for my next bulk cycle.

  2. #2
    Oh ya I forgot to mention I wasn't doing hcg.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    Start pct ASAP wait 4 weeks after pct and get blood work.
    You are playing Russian roulette the way u are running cycles.
    I understand (am sorry for death) this time but no excuse not to plan an execute a proper cycle.

  4. #4
    Yes I have everything to do pct on hand but since I felt great I thought why bother.

    I did no PCT on cycles years ago when I was younger but i learned my lesson after having deca dick for what felt like an eternity, now I always do pct at the end of my cycles.

    I do plan on getting blood work done I just wasn't sure on when as I'm pretty curious to see what my results are without it but it's always better to be safe than sorry I guess.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Southeast USA
    Just noting ... you ask for advice, Derek provides, but you decide "why bother." If your mind is already made up, why ask?

  6. #6
    When did I say my mind was made up, I'm not even back from vacation just yet I just was asking because I need advice when I get back home tomorrow.

  7. #7
    I just wasn't sure if there was any benefits to taking pct so long after coming off a short ester cycle when I already feel great.

  8. #8
    You might be one of the very few that are genetic freaks that don't need PCT. I don't mean it disrespectfully. Some people don't need PCT or need very little. My advice would be to do your PCT. I wouldn't take a chance with something like my HPTA.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Gymjunkie, want some good advice? Stop messing around with steroids.

  10. #10
    Why stop because when I was young I didn't do pct? Well your an idiot if you think I'm one of the only people to skip pct, mind you I was in my mid 20's and young and dumb that was over 10 years ago, I've cycled with pct for years. Everyone wants to troll. I'm asking for advice not your opinion on whether or not to quit doing roids.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    Blood work tells the truth either way.

    end of thread.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by gymjunkie30 View Post
    Why stop because when I was young I didn't do pct? Well your an idiot if you think I'm one of the only people to skip pct, mind you I was in my mid 20's and young and dumb that was over 10 years ago, I've cycled with pct for years. Everyone wants to troll. I'm asking for advice not your opinion on whether or not to quit doing roids.

    You obviously didn't put too much though in your cycles. And even with running a PCT there is no guarantee that you're going to recover. What does your blood work say?

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