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Thread: Questions regarding the use of steroids for first time.

  1. #1

    Questions regarding the use of steroids for first time.

    I am 5'11, 207 pounds with a body fat percentage of roughly 16-18 percent. Now if i started using steroids, will i lose my body fat?(mainly my gut area, that im concerned with) I was thinking about cutting a little more before using, considering that you gain weight while using steroids (mainly muscle,from what ive read). also what are some side effects to using steroids? I want to try it for one cycle to see the gains i can achieve but will i be satisifed? Right now i eat under 2100 calories a day, as a cutting regiment. all my meals are relatively healthy, clean carbs, greens, and protein and i workout 5 days a week and im in good shape IMO. how should i proceed in using steroids if i consider doing it(injecting) for this short period of time?
    Last edited by jimmynguyen; 07-18-2014 at 12:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmynguyen
    I am 5'11, 207 pounds with a body fat percentage of roughly 16-18 percent. Now if i started using steroids, will i lose my body fat?(mainly my gut area, that im concerned with) I was thinking about cutting a little more before using, considering that you gain weight while using steroids (mainly muscle,from what ive read). also what are some side effects to using steroids? I want to try it for one cycle to see the gains i can achieve but will i be satisifed? Right now i eat under 2100 calories a day, as a cutting regiment. all my meals are relatively healthy, clean carbs, greens, and protein and i workout 5 days a week. how should i proceed in using steroids if i consider doing it for this short period of time?
    If your 21 its too early to begin down this road. A good diet and exercise is a better option. If you proceed not trying to be a dick but there is a lot of info you should read hear before being spoon fed the answers to your questions.

  3. #3
    i respect your answer man, so don't worry about it. im here to learn and listen from experiences of others before i even start using steroids. im gonna be 22 in december if that makes a difference. im on a good track right now, lifting almost everyday, consuming mainly whey protein, OPTI-men and pre workout(simple) and eating right. its just i would like to see more results so thats why i was thinking about steroids use but its not definite.

  4. #4
    Last edited by jimmynguyen; 07-18-2014 at 01:18 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    steroids are harsh on the hormonal system. plus it brings the risk of side effects, more so for those with hormonal systems still developing such as your self.

    I took the liberty of crunching out a simple nutrition plan based on your stats and assuming a moderate activity level. Since you should really never go below 1.5grams/protein per pound of LBM, I came up with a macro split of 45/35/20 with a 1000 calorie deficit below TDEE. This means you should not really go below 255 grams of protein per day. See below:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Capture.PNG 
Views:	188 
Size:	77.8 KB 
ID:	151960

    I understand your impatience with the process. it takes time, and that is something most newbs coming here seem to lack, the ability to allow a process to take the necessary time to provide results. If you want to accelerate this process, consider cardio, minimum 40 minutes a day, somewhere between 50% and 80% of your max heart rate. Your max heart rate is 220 - your age of 21 which is 199. if you were to do this every other day, you will see accelerated results. But please don't come here thinking you found a short cut and avoiding the necessary time by taking drugs. That is one helluva newb mistake.

    The first thing you really need to learn is your body, and how it reacts to a strict nutrition plan. Right now, you are still being schooled. Learn all the basics first. This is mandatory if you are serous about this lifestyle. I say you are still being schooled because at your age, you should be fairly lean, but you are not. You are 18% body fat, which tells me it wasn't too long ago you were still in the pizza and beer phase.

    it takes time mate!
    Good luck

  6. #6
    I appreciate the meal plan and I'll try it, my meal plan right now is usually 4 egg whites in the morning with a protein shake, then ill have a 4 oz of chicken and a cup of white rice and a cup of vegetables for lunch. usually i eat this meal 2 more times during the day. on top of that i have another protein shake after the gym. i have been lifting for a year and a half now.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    At your age there is still a TON you can achieve naturally... why not try that first?
    Learn more about diet and exercise, then if/when you hit a plateau down the road maybe try AAS. Can tell you right away eating white rice means you've got a lot you can learn still.
    Also most steroids will BLOAT you, not make you more cut.
    Good luck dude.

  8. #8
    thanks man.

  9. #9
    That spreadsheet is awesome! Where did you get that from?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    i made it. PM me and I will send you a copy for your own use.

    it has quite a bit on there.

    8 meal tabs and a summary tab what you see.
    glycemic value chart with a few thousand (?) food items on there
    plus a lot of other bells and whistles I think make it a handy tool.

  11. #11
    Cheers mate!
    I can't PM, but I sent you an email

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    to Loose and Streetfiber

    check your emails


  13. #13
    Roman I would love a copy also if it's cool?

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