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Thread: New BW, thoughts on asking to raise protocol??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    New BW, thoughts on asking to raise protocol??

    FT:108 (47-244)
    TT:383 (300-1080)
    E2 (non-sensitive): 32 (18-67)
    Hematocrit: 52.5

    Current prescribed protocol, 100mg/wk (split in 2 doses subq/3.5 days), 250iu's hcg injected w/ test. I'm actually taking 120mg/wk because it's easier to hit the .3mL line in the syringe. That being said, I do feel a little better than when I started TRT, but I've never felt great like others reported. I started with a total test of around 180. Should the doc be ok with trying to get my numbers higher, or would it be out of line to think I could be doing better??

    As for the E2, the doc ordered the sensitive (with my suggestion), but the lab couldn't find it in their system.

    I'm assuming that I'm borderline on the hematocrit level and probably need to donate???

    ETA: Blood was drawn Thursday morning, prior to my Thurs night injection
    Last edited by The_Crawfish; 07-28-2014 at 10:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Nor Cal
    your doc should be bumping your dose if he knows what he's doing, which by your protocol, seems like he does. your ft/tt numbers are obviously on the low side and you definitely need to donate.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Met with the doc today...will start .4cc 2x/wk for a total of 180mg/wk and retest in 6 weeks. Also gonna hit a private lab in town and get a sensitive E2. He suggested hitting the blood bank for the elevated hematocrit.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Nor Cal
    that dose should bring your numbers higher up on the ranges, but plan on donating often to keep the crit in check.

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