Im gonna eat like crazy today. Cant wait to go get pumped up this afternoon.
Im gonna eat like crazy today. Cant wait to go get pumped up this afternoon.
Had a decent session in the gym. Was pretty short and sweet. Hell of a pump in my biceps. I feel the test slowly kicking in. Starting to edge back into the little zone I get in on cycle. Have plans for adding tren and possibly gh later on.
I relate to that zone.. Feels like no peripheral vision.Originally Posted by Cuz
Got a few pages to catch up on guys i've been really busy moving house only had a few gym sessions. I will read up and post later guys it's a nightmare not having broadband get it back tomorrow.
seated db curls
3 warm up sets
1 working set to failure + 2 rest pause 15 seconds rest.....
Incline db curls
2 feel sets
1 working set to failure + 2 rest pause 15 secs
was going to do a concentration curls but my arms were done totally blasted, I put in a lot of intensity and also cut down my rest periods.
Hammer curls
3 working sets to failure, last set drops set
db wrist curls
3 sets to failure high reps except for last set went heavy
Lying db extention
2 feel sets
1 working + 2 rest pause 15 secs rest
close grip bench press
2 feel sets
1 working set to failure + 2 rest pause
one arm cable push downs
2 working set to failure plus 2 rest pause
home and had 7 whole eggs and oats
Looking big CB man.
You know what assuming makes you. Lol
Back and legs are priority. But with work and trying to get in the gym I am having to combine some body parts. Not optimal but better than not getting there. Back will be all by its lonesome in the morning. BB rows Seated rows Close grip pulldowns and Shrugs. I'm actually giddy about the session. I've reduced weight and taken my ego out of the equation. Slow deliberate movements. Strong painfully held contractions. Slow returns. Failure and drop.
Whats that a Rolex?
Looking good man.
looking good cape!
Did delts yesterday great session started with rc ex.
Standing front raises 1 working DD
Standing Side raises 1 working DD
Db shoulder press 1 working 1D
Shrugs on the smith machine 1 set till i could not do anymore for the burn. Then up the weight and same again then back down the weight. I i kid you not the burn was imense.
As for the front & side raises it was great i got the db ready on the bench. There was no rest in the between drops and they were right down to half and partial rep
Back day tomorrow.
I have some igf-1 lr3 lay in around I need to use. Ive read tons of info on reconstitution but run into alot of conflicting info. Will it last two-three weeks in bac water or will I have to use AA or NaCl ? 100mcg post workout will be the protocol. I just dont want it to go bad with bac water I know its ideal ph and I have bac water id have to order NaCl or make the AA. Thanks if anyone can help me with it
Shoulders & Tri's...
DB press...PR today on this
2 warm ups
1 work set, 3 drops
Seated side Lat raises...
1 feel set
2 work sets (halfs & quarters) 1 drop
Cable side Lat raises...
1 work set (halfs & quarters) rest/pause
Rear delts...
1 feel set
2 work sets (halfs & quarters)
Rest/pause till I was fried
Cable press downs...
2 feel sets
1 work set, 4 drops
BB close grip press...
1 feel set
1 work set, 2 drops
Single DB extensions...
1 feel set
1 work set 2 drops
About 50 minutes was brutal aswell, lol! Had nothing left what so ever.
I'm taking a pretty hard ass whooping with style training & I'm really diggin to say the least! I'm gettin better at going past failure but I find on certain lifts I haven't been able to dig quite deep enough so I'll do another drop to make sure I'm exhausted. I'm gettin better at it though, I can feel going past the pain on certain lifts...feels really good to train this way.
Since I'm new to this, I think I'm gonna go to the 5 day split like Marcus posted back on page 41. I feel that doing it in 4 days as I am now, I am not concentrating hard enough on the second body part. So for now I'm just gonna really concentrate on killing the one body part a day with nothing left to give at all...then once I get good at going fully past failure I'll try going to the 4 day split!
Its pointless and useless, ive spent thousands on this stuff and its all hype i'm sorry to say. There is no substitute for HGH and the results if any will all disappear after you stop taking it or they are from the other compounds being used. Its complete garbage and a total waste of a syringe. I've know a lot of pro's and serious BB's use this stuff and I don't know one who still use's it or recommends it.
Legs tonight this is going to be painful
Ok guy did back this morning
Seated rows 1 working DD
Close grip PD 1 working DD
Wide grip PD 1 working 1 D
Db rows 1 working 1D
1 set Tbar then some hyper ex
Just did 1 working and DD today as well as i forgot my note pad again lol because i would never remember what i did lol. Great session again guys.
Guys when doing close grip BP how far are your hands apart roughly ?
^^^Depends on ones geometry. The closer the better but be very careful you can injure yourself here easily. My thumbs are about 6 inches apart from each other pointed outward. Just my .02
Damn. Stayed away from q and a for a while. Have gone back the last couple of weeks. I think these idiots write a compound name on a piece of paper, put it in a bowl and draw 3-4 out and call it their first cycle. Wtf?
Rant over
I never venture into the q and a I think people who post random muck in there are there to just wind up people
Agreed.. I used to spend a lot of time over there. Now this is the only thread I come to.Originally Posted by DCI
I love the q and a. Good laugh every now and then
Well that was a fcking epic leg session.
Started with leg press heavy set deep and in hit range reps with dd
Then lunges did a serious session of pushing each other by never giving up was about 4 secs from gawking
Then to finish machines.
Protein shake with fast carbs, creatine, glutamine.
Now can't move lol
Today I did...NOTHING!
Rest day
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