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Thread: "Lean mass / cutting" cycle

  1. #1

    "Lean mass / cutting" cycle

    Age: 26y
    H&W: 190 cm, 105 kg (6 feet 3 inches, 230 lbs)
    training: 6-7 years
    BodyFat: 10 %

    First cycle: test enanthate 1-10 (500 mg / week)
    Second cycle: test enanthate 1-12 (600 mg / week)
    Third cycle: test prop 1-8 (135 mg EOD), anavar 1-8 (60-100 mg ED)


    My plan is:

    1-4 testosterone propionate 100 mg / EOD
    1-16 testosterone depo galenika (test E) 250 mg / WEEK
    1-16 eq/boldenone 625 mg / WEEK
    10-16 masterone propionate 150 mg / EOD //or// 75 mg / ED
    10-16 trenbolone acetate 100-150 mg / EOD //or// 50-75 mg / ED
    13-18 anavar 80 mg / ED

    HCG: 10-18 (500 iu / 2x week)

    PCT (19-22)
    clomid 50/50/25/25
    nolva 40/20/20/20

    - proviron on hand...

    FOOD: very, very clean food and no OFF meals!

    1-10 weeks: 300 g proteins, 250 g carbs (around a training and first post workout meal), 100 g healthy fatt. Training: 5-6x / week, cardio 2x per week.
    11-17 weeks: 400 g proteins, 50-100g carbs (before and after training), 100 g healthy fatt. Training: 5-6x / week, cardio: 4-5x per week.
    18 - last "finish" week: "protein diet" (500 g proteins, 0 g carbs + 0 g fatt - only vegetables)

    My ("long term") goals: lean muscle mass / little cutting - I do not need 25 lbs+ mass (muscle&water&fat), maybe 10 lbs (maximum 15 lbs) and i want to lower % BF (2 %). Athletic/fitness body (solid endurance): 240 lbs (6 feet 3 inches) with good shape....

    Would you add clen and T3 (i have 200 tablets clen & 100 tablets T3) ?

    Any opinion ?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    To many compounds for me bro. Just my .02. It's your body and you have to live with it.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the opinion.

    Maybe split the gear into 2 cycles ??

    Cycle #1

    1-8 -> TRENBOLONE ACETATE: 100-150 mg / EOD
    1-8 -> MASTERONE PROPIONATE: 100-150 mg / EOD

    + clen & T3 ??

    Cycle #2

    1-14 -> EQ/BOLDEONE: 700 mg / WEEK
    12-17 -> ANAVAR: 80 mg / ED

    Sorry for my bad english....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    agree, too many compounds, 5 compounds and your question is should you add 2 more? lol really?

    keep it simple.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013
    No source checks
    You do not need all that gear. Even with all that its gonna be hard to put on 10lbm and DROP 2% bodyfat. And with carbs so low you will be lucky to gain anything. Either bulk or cut you cant magically do both or most cant anyway.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    Too many compounds my friend. Either cut or bulk, pick one and stick to it. Either prop and tren or enanthate and var for cycle choices. Typically I would use the faster acting compounds on a cut bcuz I only cut for up to 8 weeks and I bulk for much longer and use the longer acting Esther's then but in a pinch have used longer Esther's for cutting. Point is to pick one and stick with it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    You mention in the first post that you're looking for "solid endurance" If you do any type of competitive sport that requires cardio endurance Tren is a poor choice. Myself and many members on here report a significant drop in cardio ability while on Tren.

    I like Tren, but save it for the offseason.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by smartbuy1988 View Post
    My plan is:

    1-4 testosterone propionate 100 mg / EOD
    1-16 testosterone depo galenika (test E) 250 mg / WEEK Test Depot is normally Test Cyp. Longer ester than Enth. 16 week cycle is normal.
    1-16 eq/boldenone 625 mg / WEEK EQ is normally used for bulking because it retains a lot of water
    10-16 masterone propionate 150 mg / EOD //or// 75 mg / ED Mast is used for cutting. Give nice hard look.
    10-16 trenbolone acetate 100-150 mg / EOD //or// 50-75 mg / ED Tren is pretty hard on your HPTA. Get ready to get shut down pretty hard. It is THE compound for giving hard and tight look.
    13-18 anavar 80 mg / ED With all the injectables you're taking this Anavar isn't going to add anything to the cycle. Just drop it.

    HCG: 10-18 (500 iu / 2x week) You are going to be shut down pretty hard. I would run HCG from week 1 or 2. Where's the AI?

    PCT (19-22) For all the stuff you're taking you need a stronger PCT. Clomid 100/100/50/50 Nolva 40/40/20/20
    clomid 50/50/25/25
    nolva 40/20/20/20

    Would you add clen and T3 (i have 200 tablets clen & 100 tablets T3) ?

    Any opinion ? My opinion is to run a bulk cycle and bulk. Then run a cut cycle. Running both in 1 cycle is hard on the body and the results are less than two separate cycles

    I've made my comments in line. I think you should take your gear and separate it into two different cycles. Do a bulk cycle and focus on bulking. Then do a cut cycle and get ripped. I wouldn't try to do both in 1 cycle. My .02

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Stop the EQ a week or two before you stop the test e. It stays in your system longer with the longer ester.

    I agree with everyone else about this being too many compounds. If this is your first time with tren, try a cycle with test and tren only (along with anciliaries). There's a chance you won't be able to tolerate the sides just from tren. There's no need to complicate things with EQ, mast, and var in your first tren cycle.

  10. #10
    Ok, thanks to all.

    cycle will be divided into two "parts"......

    Cycle #1 (cutting)

    1-8 -> TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE : 100-150 mg / EOD
    1-8 -> TRENBOLONE ACETATE: 100-150 mg / EOD
    1-8 -> MASTERONE PROPIONATE : 100-150 mg / EOD


    1-8 -> TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE : 100-150 mg / EOD
    1-8 -> TRENBOLONE ACETATE: 100-150 mg / EOD
    1-8 -> ANAVAR: 80 mg / ED

    Cycle #2 (lean mass)

    1-16 -> TESTOSTERONE ENANTHATE : 500 mg / WEEK
    1-15 -> EQ/BOLDEONE: 700 mg / WEEK
    12-18 -> ANAVAR : 80 mg / ED
    Last edited by smartbuy1988; 08-10-2014 at 03:30 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    I'd go with test / tren / var for the cutting cycle. That will give you amazing results with the right diet and training. Var and tren are the only AAS I've tried that made me noticeably leaner without cutting calories that much. I just can't handle tren personally.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by m314
    I'd go with test / tren / var for the cutting cycle. That will give you amazing results with the right diet and training. Var and tren are the only AAS I've tried that made me noticeably leaner without cutting calories that much. I just can't handle tren personally.
    If you cannot handle Tren then switch to NPP. It will blend almost the same with your Test and Var.

  13. #13
    Run bulk. tren eq and ur test

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