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Thread: Low E2 solution?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Lightbulb Low E2 solution?

    I am going into week 7 of a 500mg p/w test e cycle. I had been running ari at 0.5mg EOD due to sensitive nipples around week 2. I am also running HCG 500iu p/w. I definitely feel a loss of libido, however I am still able to get hard. I can still finish but I feel a big loss of sensation, to the point where there almost isn't any... Just this past week or two I have also started experiencing achey joints (cracking & popping, sore wrists, elbows after work outs, etc.). I have not gotten any acne yet and do not look very bloated. Are these signs that my estrogen levels are very low? I cannot get bloods easily since I live for Canada so I am looking for some quick advice from the veterans based on the above. I am 22 years old if it helps.

    Should I drop the AI for 'x' amount of time and then start on 0.25mg EOD to allow estro levels to rise a bit or should I just stick with my dosage schedule but only take 0.25mg?

    Help appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Most seem to recommend .25 adex eod. I think you probably crashed your e2 with .5.

    I Also recently crashed mine when I switched to pharma grade adex from compounded .25 adex. The advice I was given was to skip my AI for a week or so to allow e2 to come back up.

    I'm sure some vets will chime in.

  3. #3
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Now would be a good time for blood work. Low and High E2 share many of the same symptoms. Don't speculate, just get blood work done.

    Good luck.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  4. #4
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Now would be a good time for blood work. Low and High E2 share many of the same symptoms. Don't speculate, just get blood work done.

    Good luck.
    I am from Canada where you need a doctor's note in order to get bloods, and my family doc is booked steady until next week. I am quite sure it isn't high e2, as I have been running 0.5mg adex EOD consistently since the end of week 1. I look dry and have not been experiencing the typical symptoms associated with high estrogen levels. It is mainly achey joints and low libido that I have been noticing. In the mean time shall I drop the AI for a few days and see if anything picks up?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by raw bslaya

    I am from Canada where you need a doctor's note in order to get bloods, and my family doc is booked steady until next week. I am quite sure it isn't high e2, as I have been running 0.5mg adex EOD consistently since the end of week 1. I look dry and have not been experiencing the typical symptoms associated with high estrogen levels. It is mainly achey joints and low libido that I have been noticing. In the mean time shall I drop the AI for a few days and see if anything picks up?
    No you dont need a fam doc for blood. Go to walk in clinic, the doc there can prescribe u bloods

    As for now u can make armi default 0.25 EOD but dont drop it since speculating is not gd
    Last edited by EquilibriumZ; 08-18-2014 at 08:44 PM.

  6. #6
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You can get blood work just about anywhere man. Canada is not an exception. Check with the plethora of canadian members for a solution.

    Again, don't guess and don't make excuses. It's for your own good. Guessing games can bring on more harm than good.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  7. #7
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    How do you know it's low and not high estrogen. All the sides you described are high estrogen issues for sure. The only thing you said related to lower estrogen is the dry look and dude that's just your opinion. Don't parrot the phrase I've crashed my estrogen. What's your body fat %.
    What's your conversion ratio? Ignore the idea of dumping your ai for any length of time, it will only make things worse. Like you've been told get bloods done. On blasts I take 1 mg ai daily on cruise I take 1mg eod with a bf% around 10 or 11 year round and I've never crashed my estrogen. As a matter of fact it stays around 24 /25. My conversion ratio is just higher then some. Maybe cause I'm 52. Maybe who cares why but through blood work and years of doing this works great for me. But dude find a way to get your bloods done or like you've been told your just guessing at a 40 option issue.

  8. #8
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    Jun 2014
    I am supposed to take my AI tonight, what dose should I take until I get bloods?


    184 lbs
    <10% bf

  9. #9
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    Stay I your reg dose till you get bloods done or you will not know what is the cause of your issues right now. Don't change anything till you get bloods done just hurry and get them done so you can adjust from there. Real information not oh I think I'll try this. Stay on your doses like thru are get your bloods done see where your estrogen really is and them adjust from there.

  10. #10
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    Ugh this is so frustrating, my joints are literally aching and I'm not going to be able to get bloods for a day or two.

  11. #11
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    You'll be alright! You are tough enough to stick a needle in your body you can deal with alittle joint pain. Soak in a hot tub rub some ointment on them whatever you need just don't monkey with your dose till you get bloods or you will not get the accurate information you need and s couple of weeks from now you'll still be crying the blues. Find it fix it move on don't guess at the problem. When you get your bloods done write your protocol on the back for your own info. adjust to your new protocol and test again in a couple of wks even if you feel great after the adjustments. Then when you get those bloods back write on the back what your protocol is that achieved those results. I do that with every bloods I get even if the doses are the same as the one before. Only way to fix it the fastest and really fix it dude. Unless your psychic and then you wouldn't need to ask right !

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by tectime View Post
    You'll be alright! You are tough enough to stick a needle in your body you can deal with alittle joint pain. Soak in a hot tub rub some ointment on them whatever you need just don't monkey with your dose till you get bloods or you will not get the accurate information you need and s couple of weeks from now you'll still be crying the blues. Find it fix it move on don't guess at the problem. When you get your bloods done write your protocol on the back for your own info. adjust to your new protocol and test again in a couple of wks even if you feel great after the adjustments. Then when you get those bloods back write on the back what your protocol is that achieved those results. I do that with every bloods I get even if the doses are the same as the one before. Only way to fix it the fastest and really fix it dude. Unless your psychic and then you wouldn't need to ask right !
    Appreciate the advice man, I just took my dose. The joints were actually bothering me to the point where my elbow gave out on barbell bench press last week. I just picked up a Rehband elbow sleeve today and will be using it for chest and tris tomorrow, will see how it goes. In the meantime I'm loading up on the Aleve, cheers

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by raw bslaya

    Appreciate the advice man, I just took my dose. The joints were actually bothering me to the point where my elbow gave out on barbell bench press last week. I just picked up a Rehband elbow sleeve today and will be using it for chest and tris tomorrow, will see how it goes. In the meantime I'm loading up on the Aleve, cheers
    Kinda sounds like u are overworking.
    U add an extra day. U can still grow alot resting 2-3 times a week.. But ye i m from canada and u can get bloods from walkin clinic fast. The tricky part is getting him to write u a blood for hormones since u are young. But u can be straight up honest with ur doc and tell him u are juicing and u need the blood test result for esteogen and etc. my friend did that, i couldnt believe how easy he got it.. Lol

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