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Thread: first cycle ever and mma

  1. #1

    first cycle ever and mma

    So I've planned my first cycle as sustanon 250 1cc 4 times in first week and then go to testcyp 250 1cc 2xweekly for 6 weeks. I'll also be using Winny during 2nd week and beyond daily at 20mg. However I also have anastrozole but idk if. I need to use it during my cycle or during pct. Can it be used for both? The wife is considering just Winny at 5mg daily and a preworkout powder. We both do mma and are not limited to a certain weight class. Any opinions on the cycle? Any tips on what to do for pct?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by scytheofglory View Post
    So I've planned my first cycle as sustanon 250 1cc 4 times in first week and then go to testcyp 250 1cc 2xweekly for 6 weeks. I'll also be using Winny during 2nd week and beyond daily at 20mg. However I also have anastrozole but idk if. I need to use it during my cycle or during pct. Can it be used for both? The wife is considering just Winny at 5mg daily and a preworkout powder. We both do mma and are not limited to a certain weight class. Any opinions on the cycle? Any tips on what to do for pct?

  3. #3
    Awesome first run info. Everything was spot on with what I needed to know about the MUST know basics.

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