Originally Posted by
GGot FFina?
Please post up before pics and keep the photos coming. I would love to see how this disaster turns out. The biggest problem i see here is that you seem to have a know-it-all personality. That is going to get you nowhere quick. I dont understand the reason why you started this post exactly. You seem to want to learn nothing from the guys on here, who are obviously very knowledgeable, and have an answer for everything. Problem is, all the wrong answers. I too think the amounts, of test especially, your thinking about taking are extreme. The reason why your thinking about doing this amount is because of the horribly laid out diet. So im guessing in the past, you didnt see the results you wanted to see with the other cycles, so you are now thinking about upping the test that much higher, thinking this will fix it. Well, it wont. No amount of gear will fix this. Also, with the knowledge you are showing, is Slin really a good idea?? Biggest problem here is you are banking too much on gear. IMO, the results you will get are 85% diet. You think its the other way around, and 80% gear! My advice is to erase everything you have planned, and start from beginning, with the help people are trying to give you. But your know-it-all personality, is preventing you from hearing them, or learning anything new. In all my years training i have met many like you, and they get nowhere. Its also very hard for you to admit you dont know much, so its extremely hard to learn anything new. Until you agree, that you have no clue what your doing, you will continue to have to take extremely large doses of gear, to get the results some of us get with 1/10 of that amount, and a good diet. Good luck, and let us know when you finally want to learn something new.