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Thread: 2 failed post cycles, doctors were no help..

  1. #1

    2 failed post cycles, doctors were no help..

    Hey guys, need some advice, here is a bit of background on myself.
    23 years old, 6ft, 235 pounds, 17% bf. endomorph body type. 2 cycles completed. first went great, second one had issues. has been lifting for 9 years.

    Nov 2012: 600test and 500tren cycle 10 weeks longs, in 7th week of cycle had ED and very upset/moody, lost all sex drive completely, ended cycle right away

    Jan 2013: did proper PCT. 10 000iu HCG nolva clomid. recovery only for about 2-3 weeks and then was at same stage as before

    July 2013: re did PCT, another 10 000iu HCG (1000 EoD) nolva (20) clomid (50)
    finished that and was ok with sex drive on and off for a few weeks, then it was gone again, and since then I have had little to no luck with erections and no libido, I forget what it feels like to want to have sex, sex is now a stressor, not a stress relief.
    just got last weeks blood work back.

    the results are as follows:
    total test:7 pref range: 8-29
    bio available test:1.5 pref range: 3-9
    SHBG:26 pref range:13-70
    LH:2 pref range:1.5-9
    FSH:3 pref range:1.5-18
    Prolactin:12.5 pref range:2-17
    Estradoil:70 pref range: 50-200

    I went to my family doctor, he said he had no experience in this matter so he sent me to the Endo in the city. After looking at my bloodwork he said " most likely you will never have kids, you need TRT for life, start at 200/week see how that feels, try 300 if you desire" and sent me home.

    Im trying to stay away from TRT due to my young age, Id like to get going naturally again, just reclaim my sex drive and be able to enjoy sex again.

    any info would be helpful, thanks in advance.

  2. #2
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    must really suck to be your age and not want a sex life.

    you may have damaged your hpta system. something we warn against ALL THE TIME telling youngsters with developing hormone systems to wait.

    It's now a toss of the dice. You can continue with further attempts to jump start with additional PCT's. Or you can start old man's therapy and all the related bullshit that comes with it (TRT)

    Good luck!

  3. #3
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    Well you cycled to young. Lot of gear too. 500 tren first cycle? of luck bro. Sounds like trt patient to me.

  4. #4
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  5. #5
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Have a read:

    The imprtance in thee 2 studies referenced it that the results seemingly lasted long term, well past the duration of the studies mentioned.

  6. #6
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    What's that saying? Play hard, pay hard? Another fine example of why we recommend not to cycle before 25 and reasonably.

  7. #7
    Sorry to hear about your issue bro. No sense crying over spilled milk. You're at where you're at. The question is what's next? Before I go on TRT (you can do that anytime) I would do another PCT with Nolva 40/20/20/20 and Clomid 100/50/50/50 and skip the HCG. If your HPTA won't jump start, then welcome to the TRT consortium. It's not too bad, an injection a week and you too can be "normal". I've been on TRT for 6 years not and I love it.

  8. #8
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    What's with the HCG, did you take that during PCT wil nolva and clomid? You can't expect your HPTA to recover while pumping this much LH analog to your body during this crutial time.

    As scotch advised, do a proper PCT and give it some more time. Chances are things will improve.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by carbo View Post
    What's with the HCG, did you take that during PCT wil nolva and clomid? You can't expect your HPTA to recover while pumping this much LH analog to your body during this crutial time.

    As scotch advised, do a proper PCT and give it some more time. Chances are things will improve.
    I ran the HCG two weeks after my last shot during the cycle. ex) week 1-2 hcg; week 1-4 clomid/nolva so they over lapped.
    I figured running the HCG and bumping up my LH would make the clomid/nolvas job easier(my thought process)

    but it seems that running the HCG that close to the clomid/nolva actually would do more harm than good, correct?
    and if I re do the PCT, just do clomid/nolva and leave the HCG for the during cycle usage(just making sure I understand)

    thanks guys

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Sorry to hear about your issue bro. No sense crying over spilled milk. You're at where you're at. The question is what's next? Before I go on TRT (you can do that anytime) I would do another PCT with Nolva 40/20/20/20 and Clomid 100/50/50/50 and skip the HCG. If your HPTA won't jump start, then welcome to the TRT consortium. It's not too bad, an injection a week and you too can be "normal". I've been on TRT for 6 years not and I love it.

    starting last and final pct this week before becoming a TRT member, clomid 100/100/50/50/25 and nolva 40/40/20/20/20, have blood work going in to it, as well will have blood work done again 2 and 4 months after the last day of the pct. will post updates and results, similar to a log I suppose, perhaps it can be used to help others in the future. cheers

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by playhard00 View Post
    starting last and final pct this week before becoming a TRT member, clomid 100/100/50/50/25 and nolva 40/40/20/20/20, have blood work going in to it, as well will have blood work done again 2 and 4 months after the last day of the pct. will post updates and results, similar to a log I suppose, perhaps it can be used to help others in the future. cheers
    Look up the Power PCT I think it's called by dr. Scally. He's had success with this protocol for restarting HPTA function. Not saying it will work for sure but it's an option n

  12. #12
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    Look up the Power PCT I think it's called by dr. Scally. He's had success with this protocol for restarting HPTA function. Not saying it will work for sure but it's an option n

    X2. And is your nolva / clomid quality ancillaries?
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