24 years old
6ft 228lbs
Currently on
Sustanon 750mg a week
.5mg adex every day
Libido was great , and then all the sudden gone!
No more morning erection, difficulty maintaining erection, awful cumshots
So I got my blood work done, as follows -
Testosterone >1500 pg/ml (over max for test)
Estradiol 9.76 pg/ml (8-42)
Total estrogen 222 pg/ml (under 200 for males)
Prolactin 5.5 ng/ml (4-15)
SHBG 13 (10-57)
My doctor told me to bump up the arimidex, and
I questioned him bc of the low estradiol. He told me that its the total estrogen which is more important.
I dont think hes right. Can you guys help me out?
Advice is appreciated