hey guys, Just a quick question,
I have done a few cycles so I know the importance of using a larger gauge to withdraw and changing to a smaller to inject, BUT recently I got my hands on some cool looking new needles, these ones are a 25 gauge 1" but when the plunger hits the top of the needle AKA the liquid is all in, it springs the needle back into the chamber and its a INSTANT withdraw,
The only downside to these needles is you cannot change the gauge on them, so I would be Withdrawing with the same and injecting with the same, I take my injecting very seriously and I KNOW people use the same gauge to withdraw and inject, but is it a BAD way to do it? Does it blunt the needle that much?
I will take your advice very seriously, The needles were free so i don't mind chucking them, its just a question im curious on getting answered
CHeers boys