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Thread: Frequent Muscle Pulls

  1. #1

    Frequent Muscle Pulls

    Hello Guys,

    I would like your opinion about frequent muscle pulls.
    In automn-winter-spring season i play soccer and lift a little. In summer usualy i run less and lift more. I do that for many many years. I am 34.

    This year when i started preseason training everything was ok, i was feeling strong i was bulding endurance and speed.

    In my first game, around 30` minute i pull the hamstring. I take some days of, i then started training again, everything ok.

    In the next game i pull the left adductor. Off the game in the 15` minute, sime days off, everything ok.

    I take a week off the games and i continue to work out. I now have to say that my daily workout routine is:
    10` warm up
    10` ball control in high intensity
    10` sprints
    10` upper body strenght
    10` yoga stretching
    As you can see is a complete and variable exercise program.

    In the start of the pre game week, my first training went ok, second ok, in the third i pull the right aductor!!!!

    And i ask you pls!!
    What is happening to me?
    Maybe i miss magnesium or something else?
    What should i do guys?

    Thx in Advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    You can get blood work done that checks all your vitamins and minerals but one of the biggest things is STRETCH... I know you said you do stretch and yoga but concentrate more on the areas you know are giving you a problem.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Also, are you cooling down during the game and then getting back to sprinting? Cold muscles are more likely to be injured. It could be the case that you're warming up and then cooling down and then pushing too hard.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    i just know steroids will not help you....

  5. #5
    I am afraid that while i was off season i gave too much attention to the main leg muscles doing lunges and squats and leaved untrained smaller muscle groops like abductors and lower hamstrings.

    I will go on for blood work to check my levels, increase strenghting and flexibility in those areas and hope for the best.
    I just miss so much my form!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Hydration + Stretching is key for this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2014
    I had same prOblem, wasn't drinking enough water! Now I monitor my water and have been doing fine

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