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Thread: Puffy Nipples on test e cycle - with AI

  1. #1

    Puffy Nipples on test e cycle - with AI

    Currently on a 500mg/week Test E cycle. About to do 6th pin tomorrow (bi weekly pins).

    I've been running Arimidex throughout the cycle, from day 2 (0.25mg EOD). However in the last 4 days i have upped that to .5 EOD as my nipples have gotten really puffy over the past 2 weeks. Just to clarify, there are no hard lumps under either nipple. Ive heard gyro lumps are pretty damn obvious and i can't feel anything hard under there. And they don't hurt, and aren't itchy.

    If the puffy nipples are normal (even with an AI) then so be it. I have ralox and nova (ARR chems) that i could take but i don't know if i should just for puffy nipples.

    What i really want to know is, why are they puffy with an AI, and should i be concerned and start ralox?


  2. #2
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    Aug 2005
    They are puffy because of the conversion to Estrogen. It really is not much to worry about and is quite normal. Your Arimidex lowers the amount of estrogen in your body and if likely why your nipples are only puffy and not painful. It would not hurt to add Novadex, since you have some, for a few days and see if that makes the puffyness go away. Novadex doesn't prevent the buildup of estrogen in the body, it does prevent it from acting on certain receptors.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    this is ur first cycle?
    what are ur stats?
    u get pre cycle labs? (if yes what was ur E2?)
    u getting mid cycle labs?
    u sure theyre puffy and its not just u being paranoid?
    are u on TRT?

  4. #4
    Thanks. I heard a lot of people's get puffy on cycle. It's just a little disconcerting with the possibility of gyno looming overhead.

    Would the ralox be better? Just want to be on the safe side. I have already taken one dose (of ralox that is).

  5. #5
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    this is ur first cycle?
    what are ur stats?
    u get pre cycle labs? (if yes what was ur E2?)
    u getting mid cycle labs?
    u sure theyre puffy and its not just u being paranoid?
    are u on TRT?
    These are questions you should answer....

  6. #6
    First cycle.
    11-12% bf

    No pre cycle labs done. Will get mid cycle labs. However I'm only half way through week three atm. Not on TRT.

    I think I'm being paranoid. I've thought so from the beginning. I can possibly find a lump every now and again if i REALLY search under and around my nipples for it. But for actual gyro you shouldn't have to look right? You can feel it easily and immediately.

    Another point to throw in... I haven't been refrigerating my ARR liquidex. Kept in a cool dark place. Don't know if that is of any consequence.

  7. #7
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    personally if i were u, id run .25mg ED thru week 5 and then get labs making sure to get E2 sensitive for males... only 3 weeks in i wouldnt think ur E2 would spike that fast to cause gyno issues, but thats just my experience and opinion.

    IMO more than likely ur just being a little paranoid about it. the mid cycle labs are VERY important though, esp for a first cycle where u dont know how u respond to the test.

    i always make sure to use pharm grade AI so that im sure of the dosage.

  8. #8
    Thanks. I will be sure to get the labs done.

    They are definitely puffy. Not really a problem unless it was a sign that my AI wasn't working. I thought this was the type of thing an AI was meant to inhibit.

    Also, mid way through week three i didnt think my e2 could get high enough. Esp with an AI. Ill start taking the dex .25 ED. should i continue with the ralox and see if it dies down or leave it out?


  9. #9
    Having slept on it i think im going to put it down to water retention. My abs and chest have really washed out this past week. Same time my nipples went puffy. There is no itching or lumps (maybe a bit of gristle under each nipple that is pretty hard to find. Feel like veins or strands of fibre if anything).

    Going to up dex to .5 EOD and run ralox for a few days to be on the safe side.

    How common is it to get puffy nipples from water retention on a test e cycle? Just curious...

    Thanks for all the advice.

  10. #10
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    Run 40mg of nolva Ed till nip sensitivity is gone then continue 20 through out cycle. This happens to me all the time , AI or not
    Last edited by sniper320; 11-21-2014 at 10:49 PM.

  11. #11
    No sensitivity at all mate. No lumps no pain... Just puffiness. That is what is throwing me. Seeing as it is my first cycle and pretty early into it, it's probably just hormones stabilising as the test kicks in. Plus water bloat. Ill monitor the situation closely. Puffy nipples are very common on a test cycle ive been lead to believe.

    Im taking the ralox right now. That is more effective than nolva for 'nipple related' concerns... Correct?

  12. #12
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    You're still gonna get bloated with an AI, it'll just be minimal but when you retain water you get "fuller" and a "puffy" look, it's easily noticeable in the chest and arms as for me and I highly doubt that you have any gyno symptoms as you're early into the cycle, only have puffed out nips with no itchy/tenderness or lumps and already are paranoid of gyno which is easy to know when it's becoming a problem. Don't overreact and keep your adex .25 or .5 EOD and don't try to change it and fluctuate your levels until your blood work comes back.

  13. #13
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    As others have mentioned, puffiness is normal, regardless if your AI is keeping your Estrogen in range. Some simply react to the higher estrogen as the Testosterone peaks.

    If it really bothers you, take 10-20mg of Nolva alongside your AI. IMO, 40mg is overkill since you're not fighting Gyno/lumps here. Start with 10mg, and see if you puffy nips go away. Bump to 20mg if needed

  14. #14
    Checking in with an update here guys.

    About to start week 6 tomorrow.

    Didnt freak out and kept the AI dose at .5 EOD.

    Nipples are more puffy and there's a small lump (half size of a pea) under each one. Suffice to say im starting the nolva at 20mg per day and bumping adex to .5 ED.

    Going to the doc later this week for bloods (im in Aus so i dont think you can get private tests here).

    I thought this cycle was planned to perfection. Can anyone see anything im missing or does it look like im just really sensitive to gyno?

    Thanks for all the help guys.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by kr22762 View Post
    Checking in with an update here guys.

    About to start week 6 tomorrow.

    Didnt freak out and kept the AI dose at .5 EOD.

    Nipples are more puffy and there's a small lump (half size of a pea) under each one. Suffice to say im starting the nolva at 20mg per day and bumping adex to .5 ED.

    Going to the doc later this week for bloods (im in Aus so i dont think you can get private tests here).

    I thought this cycle was planned to perfection. Can anyone see anything im missing or does it look like im just really sensitive to gyno?

    Thanks for all the help guys.
    To many variables as each person reacts differently to different compounds but imo your sensitive and managing sides through trial and error is the way forward if you are to continue cycling!!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by kr22762
    Checking in with an update here guys. About to start week 6 tomorrow. Didnt freak out and kept the AI dose at .5 EOD. Nipples are more puffy and there's a small lump (half size of a pea) under each one. Suffice to say im starting the nolva at 20mg per day and bumping adex to .5 ED. Going to the doc later this week for bloods (im in Aus so i dont think you can get private tests here). I thought this cycle was planned to perfection. Can anyone see anything im missing or does it look like im just really sensitive to gyno? Thanks for all the help guys.
    I would do the following: nov@40 mgs for 5 days then 20 mgs for the remainder of the cycle and right through pct. Nov is sorta slow to get working so give it a chance to do its thing.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by itsjayman02 View Post
    To many variables as each person reacts differently to different compounds but imo your sensitive and managing sides through trial and error is the way forward if you are to continue cycling!!
    It's right now that im glad im only doing a test e cycle. Throw in a 19 nor and id be pretty screwed right now.

    Am i right in saying this is nothing to worry about? Pretty easily treated? Visually it is not noticable yet. More puffy than usual but nobody would notice but me.

    Thanks for all your help. It's advice like this for first timers who have done everything by the book but are still encountering problems that makes all the difference.

  18. #18
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    You caught this early so you have a good chance of dealing with it. Using either tamox or ralox and plan on at least a couple months of steady use. I think your chances r excellent at eliminating this if you do that. I def would like to see your blood work after you get it also.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by kr22762 View Post
    First cycle.
    11-12% bf

    No pre cycle labs done. Will get mid cycle labs. However I'm only half way through week three atm. Not on TRT.

    I think I'm being paranoid. I've thought so from the beginning. I can possibly find a lump every now and again if i REALLY search under and around my nipples for it. But for actual gyro you shouldn't have to look right? You can feel it easily and immediately.

    Another point to throw in... I haven't been refrigerating my ARR liquidex. Kept in a cool dark place. Don't know if that is of any consequence.
    dex kept in drawer is fine.

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