Does mast directly lower estrogen? If so, by approximately how much?
I have never really seen BW on this & would love to know.
Does mast directly lower estrogen? If so, by approximately how much?
I have never really seen BW on this & would love to know.
Don't rely or look at mast as something that lowers estrogen, look at it as a steroid IMO. use an AI for estro
I dont think Mast lowers e2 at all. I think it impacts the androgen/estrogen ratio in a positive way which can alleviate some symptoms associated with elevated e2 but I really dont think it has an impact on e2 levels at all.
Well, the reason I ask is because I upped my TRT test a tad. My total test came back right above 1,800.
Last time I had BW, my total test was a little lower. Yet, my e2 this time around was a few points lower than last time.
Only change that I made was that I added 70-80mg of mast prop EOD while trying to manage my gyno outbreak. I have been running the mast prop for about 2 months now. I also dropped my Stane dose from 12.5mg Qd to 12.5mg EOD for almost as long as I have been running the mast.
So, I was expecting my e2 to be a bit higher.
Lower Ai dose, added mast & slightly higher test = lower e2 < strange
No other changes at all aside from running the dropping of the cholesterol protocol - which is also working out quite well.
As a DHT mimetic, it reduces estrogenic side effects more in vitro than bloodwork would suggest.
Last edited by Bonaparte; 12-03-2014 at 06:27 PM.
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