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Thread: Spring break juicers...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Spring break juicers...

    Well, it's getting close to the time when all the little guys want to become ripped up studs to troll the beaches in hopes of getting laid. There will soon be an influx of 6 week winny cycles, and "I want to get ripped!" threads flowing onto this and other boards. If you eat at McDonalds for three meals a day, drink until you pass out every night, and don't even know where the gym is located in your town, but think a handful of winny tabs will make you look better than you do know, you are dead wrong!

    It will soon be that time again, and just want to hear everyone else's input these subjects before we are overwhelmed with them. BTW, if you read this thread because you thought I was going to give you the perfect spring break cycle, I'm sorry I wasted your time, which could have been spent in the Educational Forum! lol


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    This is a frustrating one, not only because these cases will soon come to clog the board, but because they are simultaneously one of the core groups that give the rest of "us" users (as opposed to "abusers") a bad name while also doing the most to jeopardize their health. Those of us "on" are taking obscene health precautions, by and large, and would consider a deviation from the normal carb range indulgent behavior; yet this group will be downing tequila shots and coronas with the drugs still in their systems.

    I see NOTHING wrong with having spring break in mind for the end goal of a cycle, but it just so happens that 95% of the spring break prep cycles are, as you mentioned, of the "quick fix" variety.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    not too far from you

    Actually I'm on my "spring break" cycle currently, but non-the-less this was planned before I realized this cycle would end in time for sping break.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Thanks for reminding me Moto, I can't wait for those threads!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    pretty funny as I am about to start my Cancun '04 cycle...wks 1-4dbol (35mg/day), wks 1-11 test enan 500mg/wk, and wks 1-10 EQ 400mg/wk, will be starting clomid therapy in mexico (woohoo cheap mexican clomid!), hopefully I can keep my diet up over the xmas break/new years binge

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    You gotto love them for trying

    Btw isent everybody pissdrunk at springbreak? Like a halfpassed out girl is going to give a **** how you look

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by motoxxxguy
    Well, it's getting close to the time when all the little guys want to become ripped up studs to troll the beaches in hopes of getting laid. There will soon be an influx of 6 week winny cycles, and "I want to get ripped!" threads flowing onto this and other boards. If you eat at McDonalds for three meals a day, drink until you pass out every night, and don't even know where the gym is located in your town, but think a handful of winny tabs will make you look better than you do know, you are dead wrong!

    It will soon be that time again, and just want to hear everyone else's input these subjects before we are overwhelmed with them. BTW, if you read this thread because you thought I was going to give you the perfect spring break cycle, I'm sorry I wasted your time, which could have been spent in the Educational Forum! lol

    ROFLMFAO !!!!!!!!!!

    ****ing hilarious. especially the drink till u pass out bit. so true. soon the board will be flooded.
    Last edited by gundam675; 12-02-2003 at 11:32 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Yeah, everybody gets laid during spring break anyway! That's the funny part!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Far East Coast...
    Yeah but all those little pussys that do one cycle of winny and work out six week prior think there big on the beach... Then they see my ass with my other serious freinds and their tails go in between there legs, and the piss goes down there legs... I love that feeling... Hey i give them props for trying...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    hehe, its funny cuz when i started lifting seriously a year and some odd months ago, its end goal was to look good for spring break (cancun). well, as it goes, i got a gf and went skiing instead of going to cancun! haha, funny how things workout. and now i love "bodybuilding" and actually have a cycle under my belt (kinda, its still underway).

    -- clocky

  11. #11
    Perhaps setting up a forum called "Help! Need to get cut fast for Spring Break!" will draw them into that area, and keep the rest of the board clean.

    Just an idea...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Solrock
    Perhaps setting up a forum called "Help! Need to get cut fast for Spring Break!" will draw them into that area, and keep the rest of the board clean.

    Just an idea...
    Perhaps we should temporarily rename the Educational Threads to something like this, or just make a new forum that links directly to the Educational Threads! The answers they don't want to hear are in there, they might as well read it themselves then have the rest of us repeat what they don't want to hear!


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    central nj
    bumb for new spring break forum!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    It is unfortunate that many of the newbies don't find out how useful the Educational forum is until after they've asked their dozen or so questions. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind helping out the new members, that's part of our respondsibility (as a senior member, vet, mod ...). It's just that this is what the Educational forum is there for, To Teach!

    Sorry, I guess I'm just ranting a little.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Well, there's two ways of getting the senior member, or anabolic member status. The first is flat-out post whoring. There are some bros who have down right made it a new art form. The second is answering the same questions repeatedly, sort of a newbie-induced post whoring. I fall in the latter category. If I could find more subjects to talk about, I would, but until they pop up, I'll stick to what I know and answer all the newbie questions I can find! I'll even answer some hard questions in the meantime, just to show you I do know a little about AAS!


  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Far East Coast...
    Quote Originally Posted by motoxxxguy
    Well, there's two ways of getting the senior member, or anabolic member status. The first is flat-out post whoring. There are some bros who have down right made it a new art form. The second is answering the same questions repeatedly, sort of a newbie-induced post whoring. I fall in the latter category. If I could find more subjects to talk about, I would, but until they pop up, I'll stick to what I know and answer all the newbie questions I can find! I'll even answer some hard questions in the meantime, just to show you I do know a little about AAS!

    I def agree with in the ways to reach status... I dont think im as big of a post whore as some people... But like you said the alternative to being a post whore is to constantly whore newbie questions and quit frankly it gets to be a little repititious... Like some of the questions just sound like the same old Bull Sh.T if u know what I mean, and intead i would rather spend my time in the AR lounge bull Sh)tting about something that interest me more.........

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Those questions are the same old bull****. Probably the same old bull**** questions you were asking when you started. My point was (and after re-reading my post it didn't come out like this) that if the newbies are going to fore go reading the educational threads and post the same questions over and over again, they will at least get answered over and over again. This post was originally a way to get these peeps' attention and point them to the right place to find the answers. Still there will be 39 new winny only cycle threads here in another month or so, so why bother?


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    So true, so true. Most of the avid readers are aware of my spring break cutter and it is quite funny because I got frat bros asking about winny and what not. I tell them I am bulking right now and plan to start cutting up in a month and then I tell them I will be taking test, tren, eq, anavar, winny, proviron, liquid t3, liquid clen/eca and their mouth hits the floor. It is humourous to see the skinny guys trying to get big in the gym for spring break and then the weeks after spring break the gym is empty. Hey its humourous to me and that means no skinny jerk offs taking up the space.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I am stoked......Dumbasses that will get ripped off by every gym rat......."want some winny it is the miracle steroid and I can get it for cheap because I like you, how does 1.50 a tab sound??"

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    winnie is the choice for spring breaking baseball players

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by trimunex
    It is unfortunate that many of the newbies don't find out how useful the Educational forum is until after they've asked their dozen or so questions. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind helping out the new members, that's part of our respondsibility (as a senior member, vet, mod ...). It's just that this is what the Educational forum is there for, To Teach!

    Sorry, I guess I'm just ranting a little.
    Very real. Newbie Q’s we answer. Until we further……

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Far East Coast...
    Yeah i def agree with u guys though, because the demand for winny def goes up around spring break, same goes for summer... Since i live in new york, I was wondering how the demand of winny differers in say like florida, or california.... Because i know NY, when summer comes, every body is cutting down... FLORIda or cali is warm climate all year rond u know, Any southerners Opinions on the demand of winny and summer?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The author of this thread is from Florida! I see it everyday, beginning about hte same time the spring break vacation brochures show up around campus!


  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Yeah, go to school in texas. Winny demands sky rocket in late january early feb. I don't know why people think they will get in shape in 4-6 weeks. Oh well, let them blow their money.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Far East Coast...
    Wow, i would think that people in the south would try to stay more lean year in year out for the beach but i guess not... TO u mother f_ckers 50 degrees is freezing... And ur all in jackets... Ive been in a blizard i northern vermont and experienced -60 degrees with wind chill... I think some of u guys would fall over and die... **** southerners... JK, i wish i had ur guys weather u luck sons a b_tches.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    Quote Originally Posted by motoxxxguy
    Well, there's two ways of getting the senior member, or anabolic member status. The first is flat-out post whoring. There are some bros who have down right made it a new art form. The second is answering the same questions repeatedly, sort of a newbie-induced post whoring. I fall in the latter category. If I could find more subjects to talk about, I would, but until they pop up, I'll stick to what I know and answer all the newbie questions I can find! I'll even answer some hard questions in the meantime, just to show you I do know a little about AAS!

    I like this board and you guys a lot. I feel like I can breathe here. So I been posting my heart out. I dont mean to post whore but Im in my element here its awesome and the info thats on this board, I had no idea. Funny though, I thought my status wouldnt change from newb till i got into the thousands. Now i see its different again.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    new york
    Bigboy123 I am a upstate new yorker near canada and until last year i did the mass up in winter shred for summer deal! then last year i realized i can only walk around without my shirt on for maybe 2 months if that!LOL

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I have been training for spring break since 7th grade. What keeps me in the gym week in week out, is every other time in the year I score some pussy. This summer I was at a party and took a girl with me to the store to get some cigarettes and on the way back we happened to **** in the back of my car. On the way back into the party she was like "i just want you to know, you have an unbelieveable body." Maybe thats like the "good job" feeling you get from a coach.

  29. #29
    I think i fixed the know how there is a steroid questions section then below that in real small type..."educational forum" why dont they get switched. That way most of the new members are **** near certain to at least accidentally click on it.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York
    I'm up in NY as well, and I hear the same sh_t you guys are talking about. January hits - everyone wants to get in shape. It's hilarious, it seems as though people sincerely think that Winny, or some other miracle drug will change their entire appearance. It's a strange cycle... I'm glad I'm not part of it.

    I think it's alright to want to get BACK into shape for spring and summer, but you can't come up with the idea that you will be in amazing shape in 6 weeks.

    Bodybuilding is time consuming... it takes sincere devotion and commitment over long periods of time to get into shape.

    I am all for the "spring break forum" as well... hah

    Anyways... just rambling on and on... oh and by the way, hello to my fellow New Yorkers, glad to hear there are some people nearby.


  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I got you all beat I am in Maine its cold here all year except july and august. I think thats why most of the girls up here seem to stay in a bulking cycle all year

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I'm sorry guys, but this thread has me very very disheartened with AR. I'm trying to get info about cutting and it's not for any spring break. I stay on the banks of loch lomond for Christ sake.Maybe you should all realise we all have to start somewhere.To call seeing someone new working out "hilarious", isn't fair. It's always a daunting enough experience to start training without people standing laughing.
    I know your point that the spring break brings out people who want to train for five minutes and most are looking for winny, but these people are here for advice just like any of us.
    I've been left reluctant to post looking for advice if this is the attitude of some of the more experienced members.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    SW United States


    My sole purpose for spring break was to head down south and stock up for upcoming cycles. The fringe benefits weren't bad either, f you know what I mean.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Motor City
    But if I drink a low carb beer will I be ripped. Nice thread moto sad but true. Maybe I'll get a diet coke with the supersized big mac meal.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Steven7
    I'm sorry guys, but this thread has me very very disheartened with AR. I'm trying to get info about cutting and it's not for any spring break. I stay on the banks of loch lomond for Christ sake.Maybe you should all realise we all have to start somewhere.To call seeing someone new working out "hilarious", isn't fair. It's always a daunting enough experience to start training without people standing laughing.
    I know your point that the spring break brings out people who want to train for five minutes and most are looking for winny, but these people are here for advice just like any of us.
    I've been left reluctant to post looking for advice if this is the attitude of some of the more experienced members.
    Steven, I'm sorry you took this the wrong way. The purpose of this thread was to point out the type of guy who decides around the end of Jan. that he is too fat or too skinny, and all of a sudden needs to be huge. Their immediate answer is "a handful of winny tabs." I've heard it too many times, and it's funny to me. If you are serious about working out, whether you have been for years or you just started today, my hat goes off to you. If you want to workout for 2 months, then go party and forget about it until next year, then don't even bother. The gyms are full of people who take this seriously, some who go seven days a week, and don't need the sudden influx of know-it-alls who inevitably show up for a few weeks every year. Surely you can see the humor in that?

    By the way, everyone has to start somewhere. No one laughed at me when I started, and I **** sure won't laugh at someone else who is just starting.


  36. #36
    Hey everyone i wanted to do a six week winny cycle. How should i taper it. I want to get really ripped for spring break. WINNY WINNY WINNY. Sorry guys just busting your balls.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York
    Well said moto, I completely agree to the fact that it would be fair to say you beat me to it.


  38. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    such a funny but true thread.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    May 2003
    lookin for a new home
    haha it's funny that this has come up because I was thinking of adding winnie to harden up on my next cycle witch I planed on starting in 2 weeks but now just to show up all those lil dumb asses I'm nixing it and gonna show up on spring break DEZEL-sized and ripped to shreds off of some dbol and test.

    Show those posers a thing or two!

  40. #40
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Far East Coast...
    Quote Originally Posted by Steven7
    I'm sorry guys, but this thread has me very very disheartened with AR. I'm trying to get info about cutting and it's not for any spring break. I stay on the banks of loch lomond for Christ sake.Maybe you should all realise we all have to start somewhere.To call seeing someone new working out "hilarious", isn't fair. It's always a daunting enough experience to start training without people standing laughing.
    I know your point that the spring break brings out people who want to train for five minutes and most are looking for winny, but these people are here for advice just like any of us.
    I've been left reluctant to post looking for advice if this is the attitude of some of the more experienced members.
    Hey calm the F down... No one is dicouraging you... By all means i take peoples critisim and turn it into anger, anger into rage, and rage into motivation in goin even harder in the gym... U have to realize no one held my hand when i started lifting and when i was in ur position... And when ever i fell down i got back up and went harder... This thread is talkin **** about the fcuks that think that within 4 weeks they can be jacked like the rest of us... That is such horse crap... I might sauce and that but my work ethic, along with alot of the guys on this board is unbelievable... No one is discouraging u at all but were all flaming basically on the cheap fix guys... ITs like the new years resolutioners...

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