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Thread: Hgh user first time

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    City of the sun

    Hgh user first time

    Hi everyone

    Finally I have my hgh pharm grade ready and I injected my first 1 iu..
    I'm planning to inject 2 iu within a week and use it for a year or more..
    Also I had my blood work done so I'd like to post it..

    The only reason I'm running my hgh is anti aging , nothing more.

    Free t3 4.13 pmol/L normal 3.1-6.8
    Free t4 23.42 pmol/L normal 12-22 (high)
    Tsh 1.74 mU/L normal 0.27-4.2
    Growth hormone serum 0.10 ng/ml normal 0.03-2.5
    Igf-1 for age from 36-40 343 ng/ml normal range is 10-284 ??????????????? , my last igf 1 reading was on April and it was 181 ng/ml..

    Something is telling me that the igf1 reading is f***ed up! I have the level of a guy at 21 years old.. While my growth hormone is on the low side..

    My questions:

    1- Anything regarding my thyroid readings?
    2- I ll be using 100 t4 with my hgh, is that ok? (I'm not on AAS at the moment)
    3- is it possible to have such high igf for a guy while his growth hormone serum is within the average??

    I appreciate the help.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Rida5d View Post
    Hi everyone

    Finally I have my hgh pharm grade ready and I injected my first 1 iu..
    I'm planning to inject 2 iu within a week and use it for a year or more..
    Also I had my blood work done so I'd like to post it..

    The only reason I'm running my hgh is anti aging , nothing more.

    Free t3 4.13 pmol/L normal 3.1-6.8
    Free t4 23.42 pmol/L normal 12-22 (high)
    Tsh 1.74 mU/L normal 0.27-4.2
    Growth hormone serum 0.10 ng/ml normal 0.03-2.5
    Igf-1 for age from 36-40 343 ng/ml normal range is 10-284 ??????????????? , my last igf 1 reading was on April and it was 181 ng/ml..

    Something is telling me that the igf1 reading is f***ed up! I have the level of a guy at 21 years old.. While my growth hormone is on the low side..

    My questions:

    1- Anything regarding my thyroid readings?
    You're a little high on T4 but the T3 is normal. I wouldn't worry about the T4. I'm taking T4 with my HGH and mine has been little above normal for 6 years. Within 6 weeks T4 was back to normal. It did take about 8 week for my TSH to get back to normal.
    2- I ll be using 100 t4 with my hgh, is that ok? (I'm not on AAS at the moment)
    You're slightly high on your T4 right now. At 100mcg/ed T4 you're going to suppress you TSH. You can run that for a while, your body's super forgiving.
    3- is it possible to have such high igf for a guy while his growth hormone serum is within the average??
    The igf-1 is triggered by your growth hormone. igf-1 will also vacillate due to food and lifestyle conditions. If the test says it's high just say "thank you" and be on your merry way.

    I appreciate the help.
    The only high reading I would even worry about is the T4. My personal opinion is that you'll be fine with 100mcg/ed T4 with HGH. You'll notice you belly fat melt away at about 7 weeks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    City of the sun
    Thnx a lot for the reply ..

    Is it a problem to run t4 , in such case, without testosterone ?

    I know I wouldn't run t3 without test , but the t4 , no clue..

  4. #4
    Sure you can run T4 with just HGH. The HGH tells your body to release igf-1. igf-1 builds muscles like testosterone so you're GTG. HGH is the only stuff that makes NEW muscle tissue not make old muscle tissue bigger like steroids.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    City of the sun
    I'm so much thankful sir.. I was lil lost before your reply ..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    how was your gh level tested?
    was it an insulin resistance test? (intentional drug induced hypoglycemia while monitored...)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    City of the sun
    Sorry , I missed ur question .. I'm not sure I understand you.

    What do u mean by how was it tested? Not clear for me..

    Insulin resistance is a test , while hgh is another test.
    Last edited by Rida5d; 12-23-2014 at 01:20 PM. Reason: Missed the question

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