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Thread: Counterfeit Pfizer Pens

  1. #1
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    Counterfeit Pfizer Pens

    I'm still on a slow & so far pointless GH hunt. Best I have come across is Pfizer Pens - which of course look legit. But, considering the source just scream fake shit.

    Are these faked? Can they be faked?

    Shit - hunting for legit GH makes looking for real juice look like a walk in the park

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I haven't seen a fake genotropin pen. I have seen many fake cartridges.

  3. #3
    There not fake. Im running them now. Well until im homeless. Lol. Pm me if you want to talk about them more. Also i discussed with a certain vet on this site before i "had my doctor prescribe them" wink wink.. He felt they were legit to. Also samson i completely took apart/broke a pen when i was done. These would be EXTREMELY difficult and expensive to fake. Theres actual glass cartridges that are built into the pen that cannot be removed from the pen. After taking one apart there ALOT more complex then i thought it would be.
    Last edited by michael30; 12-24-2014 at 05:36 AM.

  4. #4
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    Good to know - somewhat

    Now, if I can just get a winning lottery ticket - I'm set

    These are so god damn expensive - figures they are real. Only thing I found so far that at least seems like true GH

    The generic crap in a vial just doesn't fit the part. Since every pharmaceutical quality GH comes in a pre-filled pen.

  5. #5
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    I'm on the Humatrope GH 36IU kits. After breaking down the plunger that mixes the GH I can't see how these can be faked also. The design has a lot of precision parts

  6. #6
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    The norditropin pens have been faked. So I believe there would be fake genotropin pens as well. The price they can get makes it worth it. The chinese could definitely manufacture them.

  7. #7
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    I am still at the same point - they are way complex looking

    But, the price they go for sure sounds like it would be worthwhile

    And all the sources that sell these I barely trust for UGL shit - let alone a pen at these prices

  8. #8
    Of cource they could be counterfeited. But why? They would be very costly to make and the chinese are already making more money then they can handle off of the generic hgh? Theres a reason every single website carries generic hgh. Its because it sells. Ive spoke to several sites. They say they barely sell any pharm grade hgh. But some said they cant even keep certain generic hgh stocked. But again this is just my opinion. I too thought the pharm grade hgh pens might be fake. Until i bought some.......excuse me, i meant until i was prescribed them!
    Last edited by michael30; 12-25-2014 at 11:54 PM.

  9. #9
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    I believe it, makes sense for sure. Like all people, we love cheap - yet, when it comes to GH it doesn't seem very possible

    I don't trust the generic crap much at all - just because of how complex GH really is.

  10. #10
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    It's crazydeco how those pens flooded the market. Took a while but they finally perfected the clone.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    It's crazydeco how those pens flooded the market. Took a while but they finally perfected the clone.

    What that mean

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    It's crazydeco how those pens flooded the market. Took a while but they finally perfected the clone.

    Ya BG i was just talking to marcus about hgh, and how hgh pens are available every where and in large quantity. Im assuming from your post you feel the pfizer pens are counterfeit? Honestly though do you feel its not possible that these pens could be coming from countries where you can buy Pharm grade hgh from the pharmacy? The reason i ask is i was just speaking to a member from this forum last night who lives in jordan. He said he buys his hgh right from the pharmacy without a prescription. If this is possible in certain countries it could explain over time how the market has gotten flooded. But again this depends on if this is possible.

  13. #13
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    It only makes sense. I would be the sales of fake HGH is way down since the word has been out for quite a while. With all the pens available you would think some manufacture would be investigated by now if they were all real. Someone probably has put the money into fake manufacturing knowing it would not take long to recoup due to the high price. Lets hope for the best but I would not put it past some of the larger cloning guys out there.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    It only makes sense. I would be the sales of fake HGH is way down since the word has been out for quite a while. With all the pens available you would think some manufacture would be investigated by now if they were all real. Someone probably has put the money into fake manufacturing knowing it would not take long to recoup due to the high price. Lets hope for the best but I would not put it past some of the larger cloning guys out there.
    Lovebyts im gonna shoot you a pm. Wanted to ask you something about an old thread of yours about hgh.

  15. #15
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    Yeah, this really blows

    The quest for quality GH at a "normal" price seems to be just taking a shit.

    Maybe a few years in the future it won't be like this

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Yeah, this really blows

    The quest for quality GH at a "normal" price seems to be just taking a shit.

    Maybe a few years in the future it won't be like this
    Maybe but im not sure it isnt going to get worse (if thats possible) before it gets better.

  17. #17
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    So, theoretically - where would a non "Dwayne Johnson" of the world get GH?

    Hold up a Pharmacia - Gimme all your fvcking GH, I don't even need the money.

    We have had another juicer hold up a compounding pharmacy - lol

    We'll see - just no, way I can afford even possibly legit GH in today's world. Fvck, I rather get another car first.

  18. #18
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    Wow, I just took a look, at local pharmacy, HGH is sold at 600€ x 90UI...
    so if its so expensive at pharmacy, there is no way to get it cheaper at UGL...
    But I have one question: why is clomid also so expensive at pharmacy? I mean, its 20€ for 10 50mg pills. UGL could sell 25x 50mg pills for 20€.
    nolva at pharmacy is only 10€ 60x 20mg pills.
    I don't know if pharmacy speculates with non-essential drugs...

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Wow, I just took a look, at local pharmacy, HGH is sold at 600€ x 90UI...
    so if its so expensive at pharmacy, there is no way to get it cheaper at UGL...
    But I have one question: why is clomid also so expensive at pharmacy? I mean, its 20€ for 10 50mg pills. UGL could sell 25x 50mg pills for 20€.
    nolva at pharmacy is only 10€ 60x 20mg pills.
    I don't know if pharmacy speculates with non-essential drugs...
    What, you dont think pharmacies have a markup?? How can one pharmacy charge $90 for a vial of test but also sell the exact same product for $20 if you have the proper coupon? You dont think they are going to sell it at a loss do you?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    What, you dont think pharmacies have a markup?? How can one pharmacy charge $90 for a vial of test but also sell the exact same product for $20 if you have the proper coupon? You dont think they are going to sell it at a loss do you?
    yeah but wait a moment, if you buy that with prescription, the only difference is that you pay 20$ and the rest is payed by insurance. but the Price is still 90$ right?
    On the other hand, maybe its like Porkchop says in another thread, Cheap HGH is still legit HGH but its sinthetic instead of DNA recombinant. so you might feel a big difference between both products, even if both are legit.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    yeah but wait a moment, if you buy that with prescription, the only difference is that you pay 20$ and the rest is payed by insurance. but the Price is still 90$ right?
    On the other hand, maybe its like Porkchop says in another thread, Cheap HGH is still legit HGH but its sinthetic instead of DNA recombinant. so you might feel a big difference between both products, even if both are legit.
    No, I'm talking about cash prices.

  22. #22
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by michael30 View Post
    Ya BG i was just talking to marcus about hgh, and how hgh pens are available every where and in large quantity. Im assuming from your post you feel the pfizer pens are counterfeit? Honestly though do you feel its not possible that these pens could be coming from countries where you can buy Pharm grade hgh from the pharmacy? The reason i ask is i was just speaking to a member from this forum last night who lives in jordan. He said he buys his hgh right from the pharmacy without a prescription. If this is possible in certain countries it could explain over time how the market has gotten flooded. But again this depends on if this is possible.
    no way they are getting legit pens. They cloned the pen and have generic gh or peptides in them.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

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    Great place to start researching !

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    no way they are getting legit pens. They cloned the pen and have generic gh or peptides in them.

    My thoughts exactly - Just because of the scum piles selling them < Where in the fvck, did they really get that many pharmaceutical pens? like really

  24. #24
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    Would not be surprised to find out someone researched and found Pfizer etc. do not make the pens themselves and did a little more research and found out who did, then purchased a hundred thousand or so, and then they simply fill them and apply the label.

    Just another possibility...

    Or conversely simply took some of the empty pens and sent them to various manufacturers for quotes on having a couple dozen LOL made.

    Its not like you need a lot of permits to purchase an autodosing pen.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 12-31-2014 at 03:40 PM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Would not be surprised to find out someone researched and found Pfizer etc. do not make the pens themselves and did a little more research and found out who did, then purchased a hundred thousand or so, and then they simply fill them and apply the label.

    Just another possibility...

    Oh wow

    Very possible

  26. #26
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    Sorry for the edits but variations keep occurring LOL

  27. #27
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    I am never getting real GH - Waaaaaa


    Out of all shit that I deal with & come across - one thing I have barely seen a glimpse of true pharmaceutical gear or GH

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I am never getting real GH - Waaaaaa


    Out of all shit that I deal with & come across - one thing I have barely seen a glimpse of true pharmaceutical gear or GH
    We would all love some of the real stuff samson but that's not going to happen.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky.
    We would all love some of the real stuff samson but that's not going to happen.
    Truth for sure

  30. #30
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    I know of 2 products out there that have been lab tested that are real, they are both off-label, so call it what you want Germatropin (not many have heard of this brand and that is probably a good thing) tested at 3.5mg per vial so slightly over 10 ius and Norvotrop tested 2.9mg so slightly under 10ius per vial....that being said there are still products out there that are good and affordable...juts got to keep looking brother...

  31. #31
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    I don't feel like starting another thread for just one question

    But, what's the shortest period of time you would want to run GH to see "real" results?

    From what I understand, 6 months to a year - right? . . . .

  32. #32
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    Not my personal exp, but if u go less than a 6months dont bother.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaspaco
    Not my personal exp, but if u go less than a 6months dont bother.

    That's what I'm thinking, but I don't know if even 6 months is worth while.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> >
    That's what I'm thinking, but I don't know if even 6 months is worth while.
    If I would be heading HGH direction 12months would be the start!

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