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Thread: Finding out if Tren A bunk?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Finding out if Tren A bunk?


    Back again after a long time away. Been on another forum but felt like starting on a new path with a new site as well^^
    I've been having some bad luck these last two cycles.

    Did one Test E, Tren A cycle that was finished around six months ago (Second cycle). Didn't understand why i didn't get any results, power or sides so i did bloodwork and apparently
    my test was not much of a difference and i had a substance sourcing back to Masteron apparently.....
    This was also from a highly regarded source on another forum.

    Now, i am currently on Test P, Tren A, and Anavar. Started 22nd of Dec with 100mg each EOD, and 50mg Anavar a day (3 morning, 2 night orals).
    I actually don't feel anything at all.
    I do get the metallic taste in my mouth after inject, some warmth and sensitive nipples atm but that's it.
    No size, power, sides (except a little sens nips) or the like.
    I got the stuff from a friend who is on the same thing and gets great result, tho he bought hes batch 5 months ago so the supplier might have changed.

    I am not an expert on this field so any flame, advice and/ or education is highly appreciated. I want to learn and get the best out of it.
    Will get blood test soon but is there any way to see in blood that tren is working, underdosed or bunk? (no color on piss, some says it should be rusty dark).
    Should i change my doses, maybe to ED? Or go with less test and stay same on tren?

    Any advice is much appreciated!
    Overall third cycle, got 10 weeks on this one. I know that you normally start tren a bit into the cycle but i started the same day as test. Gym experience is high and diet is in check.
    Been litsening to the wrong friends unfortunately. Stupid as i am.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    First thing what are your stats?

    You really shouldn't be running tren on your second cycle. Your pushing compounds way to fast.

    I would also advice you to take no notice of sources being pushed on source boards. I would stop using ugl and seek pharm grade. Ugl could contain anything no matter what reviews or someone says about their batch.

    You need to look at your cycling planning and also training and diet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Tren normally at your dose especially taken EOD, you should feel it from the first pin, and after 2 weeks, fat should start melting in front of your eyes, if your diet didn’t change. Rusty piss, night sweat and tren-insomnia are a must.
    No wonder your gear is bunk, which brand is it?? In my last cycle, I took some Kalpa tren E, at 800mg a week I didn’t have any sides. So yes, its very easy to get bunk. If your anavar is from the same brand, its probably even more bunk than the tren.
    But you can buy some labmax tools, and find out if at least there’s the right hormone in it. The last thing I want is buy tren, and get some underdosed Deca instead.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Tren normally at your dose especially taken EOD, you should feel it from the first pin, and after 2 weeks, fat should start melting in front of your eyes, if your diet didn’t change. Rusty piss, night sweat and tren-insomnia are a must.
    No wonder your gear is bunk, which brand is it?? In my last cycle, I took some Kalpa tren E, at 800mg a week I didn’t have any sides. So yes, its very easy to get bunk. If your anavar is from the same brand, its probably even more bunk than the tren.
    But you can buy some labmax tools, and find out if at least there’s the right hormone in it. The last thing I want is buy tren, and get some underdosed Deca instead.
    Cheers bud! Had that feeling.... God damnit, second time now, starting to get expensive :/
    The brand is "Monsterlabs" , not sure if they have more then one maker of these bcus of the different effects.
    Anavar tho is from Alpha-pharma. Will talk to the supplier and see what he says, pisses me off when friends rip you of with something as serious as this.
    So basically, should i stop and get bloods or keep going? Scared if i buy another batch from another supplier that it will fck things up even more

  5. #5
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    Just talked to my friend. He recommends upping the dose to 2ml of tren and the same to test. This .. IF it works... is in that case extremely underdosed i reccon. -.-

  6. #6
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    Yes, your friend is right, if you don’t see any results and any sides you can up the dose. But, if I was you, I would check first if your tren is real tren. You might end up pinning multiple grams of test, that’s not cool.
    If your var is Alpha-pharma, it should be g2g.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Yes, your friend is right, if you don’t see any results and any sides you can up the dose. But, if I was you, I would check first if your tren is real tren. You might end up pinning multiple grams of test, that’s not cool.
    If your var is Alpha-pharma, it should be g2g.
    I went to a well-known pharmacy here and told em what happend. They could give me any brand from Tiger, Meditech or alpha-pharma. I thinking of buying two vials of each (one of the brands)
    to test it out. I do have the money at the moment i freaking love hitting the gym, so for me it's an investment.

    Question is now, since i don't have bloods or any idea on the quality of the ones i have injected already. Tried asking around for a quality testpack to no avail.
    What doses should i run on the new batch? (test p and tren a)
    Like told above, i've had bad luck and havn't been able to try anything out for real except first cycle on test p and anadrol which was loads of fun.
    Still want to do tren a, even if i should wait according to most.

  8. #8
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    Don’t get mad about BW, if you have some sore breasts and you still have libido, the test at least should be g2g, in worse case underdosed.
    Check the rest.

  9. #9
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    BW is the only way to tell.. Sore nips can also be a placebo effect, you see alot of ppl posting about sore nips 2 days after there first injection.. BLOODWORK will not lie

  10. #10
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    This whole thread is full of nothing but bad info - Aside from what Marcus said

    Stop and really think about what it is that you are doing and using

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    BW is bad advice... I never knew that

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by kapper
    BW is bad advice... I never knew that
    Blood work for what bro? The tren?
    Last edited by < <Samson> >; 01-07-2015 at 03:24 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Wow... The advice andreaxxx gave about the test.. Read the post above mine..

  14. #14
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    The land down under.
    Andrea please don't give rediculous information to people your constantly doing it ....

  15. #15
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    as samson said, alot of bad advice in here.
    OP - please stop what you are doing, get some bloodwork.
    stop with the chemicals and take the time to learn, and find real stuff.

    do not up the dose, just stop.

  16. #16
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    I agree with Sam....lots of bad advice except for what Marcus offered. Op you need to do alot more research on your own.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    I agree with Sam....lots of bad advice except for what Marcus offered. Op you need to do alot more research on your own.
    Getting BW just in case, it doesn't cost much and doesn't hurt, will be next week probs.
    Research is hard, i know what most of the compounds do. But when it comes to dosing, when to take what, aromatization, prolactin lvls etc etc it seems like opinions change
    from one week to the other.
    Old school folks and new guys seem to never agree. And someone has always listened to someone.

    So yes, i need more knowledge and plan more. First cycle was friendly advice from one of Swedens number 1 competition bodybuilders. But not many would rec test p and Anadrol as a first
    cycle (also winstrol orals but i took that away). Second cycle i did plan for months, i knew about the tren a but the opinions were different there as well so i went for it.
    Unlucky enough i got shit test and masteron.....

    Now third cycle might or might not be aids on a vial, have no clue. My mate use the same, compared bottles and source last night. Tho he inject between 4-5ml of these compounds
    which for me is freaking mental with risks and cash. Hes opinions match some here but too few. He also rec me to use 0.5 arimidex everyday since day one together with no HCG.
    Even there different opinions...
    The discussions when to use HCG is good fun to read, probably is one of the most discussed topics with steroids :P For me i go for ON cycle.

    Now the discussions seems to be about how much test you actually need on a Tren cycle. Less seems getting more popular with more tren. Also there, different opinions.
    So even if i get all the information people will tell me otherwise.

    As of now, i will get bw. After that see if i can test the tren somehow. Sensitive nips are worse today, i dont fall in the placebo category. These last 3 days have been terrible
    getting on with the miss. So something is doing something.
    I do feel like stop and start over at a later point but it does hurt mentally.....

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fiskevatten
    So something is doing something...

    Well, ummmm - now it all makes sense

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Well, ummmm - now it all makes sense
    At this rate i will have bitch tits, a beautiful singing voice, 6inch nips and a dickvagina hybrid thingy to show of with ^^

  20. #20
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    Slow down bro, before you do get some unwanted shit

  21. #21
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    This whole thread is full of nothing but bad info - Aside from what Marcus said

    Stop and really think about what it is that you are doing and using
    I know, did you notice the good advice got ignored but the silly one ran out of control.

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